HomeMy WebLinkAbout2376A by-law to amend by-law 2362. SCHEDULE B .~ ALL ASdD SIb;GULAR that certain parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being. in the Yoernsnip of Uarlfngton, in the Ccuny of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, and being ccrnposed of part of Lot Thirtaen (13) in the Broken Front Concession in the said Township of Darlington, containing by admeasurer,.ent 6.80 acres, ho the same more ox less, more part~.cularly,described as folle:vs; CO;:SticldClliG at a cut stone monument marking the North-V=esterly angle of said Lot 13; i' iTIE'vCE South 18 degrees 04 minutes East along the Easterly limit of 1`laverly Road a distance of one hundred and ninety-seven and ninety-four one-hundredths feet (197,94'} to a hig}uray monument marking the most Northerly angle of the lands acquired by the Department of Highways of Ontario by Deposited Plan i4ur•~ber 10437;~ THESdCL' South 2b degrees 27 minutes East along the Easterly limit of the said land) a distance of tiro huncSrad and sixty-eight and forty-six ens-hundredths feet (2b€3.46') to a Ftighvay monument ; TH1idCE South 67 degrees 13 minutes East a distance of seventy-five and seventy- three one_hundredths feet (75.73') to a 1'dght•:ay monur:~ent; fHl3?CE ilertY; 72 degrees Op minutes 30 seconds East a distance of seventy foot (70') to a hightivay monument; TI-IL~:CF. Plerth 70 degrees 5i minutes 20 seconds East a distance of four hundred and thirty-three-and sixty-two one-hundredths feet {433.62') to an iron bar; THEC+CE Nortl. 18 degrees 04 minutes t'last a distance of #ive hundred feet (500') more or less town iron bar planted in the Northerly limit of said Lot 13, said iron bar distant Easterly therein sir, hundred feet (600') frern the point of car~~m~snccmcnt; Ttl;:<dCE South 72 degrees 24 minutes 45 seconds G'dest along the Northerly limit of said Lot 13 a distance of six hundred feet (600') to the POINT OF CO;~SP.iENCr'.Su7T. March 15, 1967. 6_i,_'~~~ ,~o~; . ?~. D Brocan, Ontario Land Surveyor.