HomeMy WebLinkAbout2383A By-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required for the year 1968, to set the tax rates to raise such amounts, and to authorize such amounts, and to authorize certain methods oand terms of collection, puruant to s. 297 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 and to the Assessment Act R.S.O. 1960, as amended. PAGE No. 2 t 11. The provisions of by-laws of this Municipality passed previous to this dates area insofar as they appear to conflict with the provisions of this By-laws repealed. 12. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of its passing. RE~9D A i+IRST SND ^aE'DOT.~lu iII~:E 61dD FINALLY PASSED TI3IS ~ ~ DAY or ~,~_ c 198 . _-_ Reeve . .. .. . Clerk TO~rJNSHIP OF DARLINGTON 68~--7~UD-t= T XPEN~.---- DIT~UR_ ~~Ri.L Council Fees :aDl~i- ~ es & Fringe Benefits Printing, Postage & Stationary Car Allowance Telephone Audit Legal Costs 1gb8 Bu et 4,300.00 26,boo.oo 5,000.00 300.00 900.00 1,650.00 12000.00 ___---~ y6~450.00 ~~ 4,000.00 700.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 OTHER Diunicipal Buildings iaintenance °f Conventions i~2embexships & Insurance Election pshawa Retard ;Miscellaneous (including School) RSONS & PROPERTY PROTECTIOT3 TO Pr., Ambulance By-Law & Building Inspection Livestock Damage Warble Fly Dog Control pUB''I""~-----~-~--' s & Roads Highway Revenue Capital out of Sanitation & Wasge Removal Cemetery Restoration Centennial Project- Overpass St. ~~iarY's Cement SOCIl~L l~1ELFARE Relief Assistance Welfare Administration EDUEDU C public Schools Separate Schools High Schools 1,000.00 1967 Act==1 4,300.00 32,953.06 ~+, 550.47 1,277.00 954.99 1,60 5.00 1,782.30 43,122.82 10,200.00 3,000.00 7,550.00. 2, 500.00 900.00 3,600.00 17,550.00 458,245.21 20,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 23,934.5(? 509,179.77 4,167.71 646.74 3,082.58 1,017.01 g,g14.d+ 2,1+11.16 6,744.50 1,798• ~ 874.66 3564.80 15,._._.------- 6 442,835.58 1,260.00 1,604.41 ll,oso.35 17,065.44 34,000.00 2, 500.00 36,500.00 2 9,46 ~~"" 5,454.60 3 3'~~.; 33 59'x,._... '-- 5.-~ 3~ 482,790.34 26,701.39 2,500.00 ~~ 29,201.39 208,224.59 3,955.53 272,9_,_, 485,116.96 TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON PAGE NO EXpEiQDIT E COAST ITY SERVICES Planning Board Industrial Committee Committee of Ad3ustment Central Ontaxio Joint P].2six1issg Board GR,,, ~~VTS L.O.R.D.A. C.L.O.C.A. Salvation Army A ricultural Society Durham Central g ricultural Society Southern Ontaxio Ag Society Cartwrinht Agricultural Hampton Park DEBT Hospital Tile Drainage JOIDIT OR SPECIAL EXPETdDITUR~S County Rate Fire Rate Street Lights tiISCELLANE0U5 Interest & Bank Charges Discount for Taxes Taxes '~dritten-off Deferred Chaxges 1968 Bud t 4,500.00 12 5.00 800.00 9,400.00 14, 723,03 5,644.00 150.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 200.00 6,867.03 A9 to 4,924.92 62.50 664.30 6,506.12 12, 721.00 2, 535.76 150.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 200.00 3 t- 7---- ~=- 12,630.00 2,~ 14,985.13 144,232.12 X3,158.80 boo.oo 157,990.92 4,000.00 3, 500.00 X,ooo.oo 3,1._.-- 9 5- 5 11,695.75 12,460.00 2,651.05 15,111.05 129,931• 10,624.00 510.00 141,065.'+8 3, 74+.86 3,476.86 1, 70 5.26 8,826 g,ooo.oo REST 10 , 000.00 _.__,__,_-___. Capital """`- Working TOWNSHIP OF DARLIIITGTON 1968 BUDGET REVENUES 1968 Budget 1967 Actual REVEi~UE FROM TAXATION 939,966.41 809,279.49 GRAN?TS & SUBSIDIES Direct Relief Highway Improvement Centennial Project Payment in lieu of Taxes Unconditional Grant 23,070.00 336,514.26 11,000.00 870.00 50, 92 5.00 17,236.99 207,878.62 868.75 50,925.00 OTIiER P~iUNICIPALITIES Relief LICENSES & PER~'IITS Building Permits Plumbing Permits Dog Licenses Other Licenses IDITEREST & PETdALTIES Interest & Pena ties on Taxes Other Interest i-i IS CELLATEOUS Deferred Revenue Fines Sundry Surplus Road Revenue Tax Charge Back St, i~iarys Cement 422 , 3`]9.26 4,200.00 1,000.00 3,700.00 230.00 9,130.00 14,000.00 4,000.00 18,000.00 1, 500.00 1,009.00 16,127.63 450.00 23,934.56 276,909.36 715.42 4,075,25 977.00 3,350.50 190.00 8, 592.75 13,021.79 3,367.28 16,389.07 6,704.00 741.02 96 5.11 12,097.13 97,654.44 441,61 17,065.44 43,021.19 135,668.75 ~. r' TO~JNSHIP OF DARLINGTON SiT~1_~iARY OF 1968 3UDGET EXPENDITUR%S General Government Administrative Other Protection to Persons & Property Public ',:?orks Social ,Jelfare Education Community Services Grants Debt Charges Joint or S,~ecial Expenditures Pliscellaneous Reserves R~,V,_ ENUES Revenue from Taxation Grants & Subsidies Licenses & Permits Interest & Penalties j..iiscellaneous 4,300.00 46,450.00 10,200.00 17,550.00 509,179.77 36,500.00 .594, 30 5.3_9 14,$28.OOJ 6,867.03 12,630,00 157,990.92 11,695.75 10,000.00 1,4,2,496.86 939,966.41 422,379.26 9,130.00 18,000.00 43,021.19 1,432,496.86 •.~ ,,.~ TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTOiV SUI~ii~iARY OF MILL RATES PURPOSE Area Osh. S.S, Bow. S.S, High School County Roads Twp, General Fire St, Lights ASSESSIENT -----------. i~YIL____L_RATE Ai~10UNT TOTAL Res & Farm 7,332,525.00 30,9 ~s'-~ 226,575,02 Ind & Comm 810,042,00 34,3 27,784.44 254,359.46 Res & Farm 75,975.00 30,9 ? ~ Y Ind & Comm 2x347.62 4,725.00 34.3 162.06 2, 509,68 Res & Farm 94,750,00 30,9 "?~ `I Ind & Comm 2x927'77 500.00 34.3 17.15 2,944.92 Res & Farm 7,521,350.00 39,73~•L 298,597.59 Ind & Comm 815,767.00 44,0 35,893.74 334,491.33 Total Assess.8,3~7,1~7.Q0 17.3 (!,~. 144,232,12 144,232,12 Total Assess.8,337,117.00 17,0 ~~ 141,730,98 141,73o,gg Res & Farm 7,521,350,00 4,7 5.~ 36__102,48 Ind & Comm 815,767.00 12.2 9,952.35 46 0 ,_,, 55.15 Buildings 6,579,400.00 2,0 13,158.80 13,158.80 (Hampton) 241,985,00 2,0 483.97 483.97 TO TriL ~L~.4 `~ I •~ 3 ~. I ,c! r' ~ 1 ~~~~~~ ~~" ~ ~- ~ \ ~, 939,966.41