HomeMy WebLinkAbout2416AA By-law to authorize an agreement with the Town of Bowmanville respecting annexation of lands in the Township. THE coRPORATIS>N of THE TOWN OF BOWMANIIILLE $1€-LAW 100. 69-12 A by-tar to authorize the entering into of an agreement with the To~mship of Darlington respecting annexation of lands from the Torn- ahig. WHEREAS. tho Ontario Municipal Board by its Decision dated the Slat day o! October, 196$, has authorisssd sad directed the annexation to the Te~-n of Bowmanvilie of the land more particularly described is Schedule A to this by-tar, such annexation to be effective on and from the 1st day of January, 1969; , AND WHEREAS by the. terms of the said Decision it is provided that all ad3nsts{ants of assets and liabiliti•a ar+ pr+p•rly the aub~sc# of ad~uataNnt betresn the Tern sad the Township of Darlington shall be euide as the said Municipal Corporations may agree, or S.n default of agreement, as the. Board slay order; AND WHEREAS it has bean agreed that all such ad3ust- meata shall be made in aecordaac•-with the terms of a draft agreement hereunto annexed as-d marked SchsduU !! to this By-Lax; NOW THEREFORE the Ceuacil of the Corporation of the Toga of Bormanvi2le hereby EDTACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Agressient dated the 16th day of May, 1969, a cagy of which is hereto annexed as Schedule nB" to this By-Lar, is hereby authorized, and the Mayor and Clerk era hereby authorized to enecette the same on behalf of the Corporation and to affiz the Corporate Saal thereto. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this p?"~ day of June, 1969. SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED TO AHD FORMING PART OF BY-LAW 69-12 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the ToKnehip of Darlington, County of Durham, province of Ontario, and being compoaedart ofrthaforigiaal Tuelve (12), Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14), p Road Allowance betxssn Lots TKelve (12) and Thirteen (13) (Scugeg Street) and part of the original Road AlloKance between Lots Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15) (Martin Road), all in the Hroken Front Conceaalan of the said ToKnship of Darlington, the bonadaries of the said parcel being sere particularly described as foliows: COA4H;NCING at the North-Easterly angle of Township Lot Fifteen (1$) in the Broken Front Concession of the said Township of Darlington; THENCE Southerly along the Easterly iis:it of said Towarhip Lot 15 (being the Westerly limit of the original Road Allowance between lots 14 sad 15 in the Broken Fraat Concession and known as Martin Road) to the point of intersection Kith the North-Weatsrly limit of the Canadian National Railwap right-of-Kay} THEtiCE North-Easterly aloha the North-Westerly licit of the Canadian National RailKay right-of-Kay to the point of iateraactiaa with the Easterly limit of the said ToKnship Lot 12; THENCE Northerly alone the Easterly limit of said Lot 12 (being the szisting Westerly iimit of the Municipsl Corporation of the TOwa of Howmaavilla) to the North Easterly angle thereof; THENCE Westerly along the Northerly limits of said Township Lot 12, the original Road Allowance between Lats i2 sad 13 (Scugo; Street): Township Lots 13 sad 14 sad the original Road Al1~aKanca between Lota 14 and 15 (Martin Road), being the sxisti.ng Southerly limit of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Bowmaaville, to the POINT OF COMIBrNCEMENT. soeeeeeeeoeeoeeooooses scHEDULE "B~ ` ATTACHED TO AND FDRMING PART OF BY-LAW &9x12 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT scads in duplicate thls 16th day of May, A.D., 1969. B E T W E E N: THE CORPORATION OF THE TORN OF BOyIMANVILLE , hereinafter called the "Tova" of the first part: -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWDiSHIP OF DARLINGTON hereinafter called the °Tonnshipp of the second part: iPHEREAS upon the applicstioa of the ToMn the Ontario Municigal Hoard has by its Decision dated the 21st day of October, 1968, directed that the aanoxatioa of thwt portion of the Toxnship of Darlington, aora`particuiarly described in the said I?ecisioa and eat out is Schedule A to this Agraessint, shall beco:a effective on the let day of January, 1969. AlfD WHEREAS it is necessary that the sinnicipalities asks ad~aataent of assets and liabilities »iEh respect to the area being annexed, AND WHBREAS 1t has bwen agreed by and betvvean the parties as hereinafter set out. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITIlESSETH that the parties hers#o sntually cevenaat and agree to sad with each other as follova: 1. The To»n shall pay to the Tormship os or before the 1st dap of .duly, 1969, a: the To~rn's share of the anpaid principal portion of debentures issued for the purposes of the Meaarial Hospital Debenture outstanding at Deceabsr 31st, 1968, the sus of (104,50, the said sus t+f~ng cooputed as follo~rs; $$,050 taaaesaseiit of annexed area) - $,766,998 (asseasaent of Torn'hip ) x 104,500 (unpaid debenture) X104.50 2. All. the fixed ~aseta and equlpsant of the Toxaship, including real property and all school groperties situate rithin the Township, sad all office equipsront, road aachinery, actor vehicles, supplies and aquipsient sad other assets of a like nature, and all read and swveable property, and all cash on hand and on deposit in bank accounts, subsidies receivable, accounts receivable, prepaid expenses and taxes receivable, including arrears of taxes, Hour belonging to the Township or to any School Board. operating within the Township, shall coatiaue to be the property of the Toxnahip or oP such School Board, as the ease say be, in the ease s~anaer as though the annexation order had ~-t bewn wade. ?~ -a- 3. It is Pnrthsr declared and aarsed by sad between the parties hereto that the Order of the Board toSether xith this aEresment is intended to conatituts the basis of settle- pnt of all siattsra ralatin; to aanexation hnt that any antter property the subject of ad,jnstpnt between or aprrg the said parties and not covered by the terms of this a~rees:ent sha31 not by reason of such omission bs deapd to have been waived by any of the municipalities or other parties affected but shall be the anbjsct from time to tip of Pnrther aesotiatiaa sad adjnstpnt oa a fair and et;nitable basis between the said affected parties sad failiaa asreemsnt aceordiasly shall be determined by Order of the Board upon the application of say iatares#ed municipality or other party, sad it Oar agreed that natwithstaadias any Statutory provision to the contrary lapse of time shall not be a bar to any such ae;otiation sad adjnst- pat or application to the Board. IN WITNESS MifiEREOF the parties hays hsrsnato affixed their corperats seals attested by the hands of their ps+oper officers in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE CORPORATION Q-THE TORN OF BOi~TMANVILLE i / z ~ THE CORPORATION OF THS TOfiNSHIP OF DARLINGTON: