HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-20 Minutes I-1 CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting No. 1 January 20, 2009 MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Allore Andrew Kozak James Rook Duane Cook Karin Murphy Councillor Novak Karina Isert David Reesor Jennifer Knox Victor Suppan MEMBERS ABSENT: Leslie Wilson PLANNING STAFF: Isabel Little Sharon Norris ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOTION 09.01 Moved by Vic Suppan, seconded by James Rook THAT the November 18, 2008 minutes be accepted. "CARRIED" BUSINESS ARISING 407 Subcommittee Meeting The subcommittee will meet with Richard Unterman and Aecom (TSH) on February 20th to review the charts provided in November. There are 20 properties identified on the charts that were not identified in the route that was reviewed by the Heritage Committee in October 2007. These properties will be photographed and reviewed by the whole CHC at their regular meeting on February 17th 25 Kina Street West The designation By-law for 25 King Street West has been repealed. Burt Duclos of the Ministry of Culture has offered to give a presentation to the Committee about how to apply the criteria under Regulation 9/06 in regards to the designation of vacant land. He will be invited to the March meeting. Training School Planning has received a demolition sign-off sheet for this property. A demolition permit application has not been filed to date. Isabel Little, Martha Rutherford-Conrad of the museum, Theresa Mason, Clarington By-law Enforcement, and an architect from the Ontario Heritage Trust will conduct a site visit on January 22nd at 10:30 a.m. Karina Isert spoke to Kelvin Whalen from the Kaitlin Group who indicated he was not aware that there might be heritage value in the site. There are 18 buildings on the property. The first was built in 1925 and others were added over the years. Council visited the site 10-15 years ago with municipal communications staff. Staff will contact Jennifer Cooke to determine if there any photos from that time. The Islamic School website contains interior photos (www.darululoom.ca). The Committee discussed the cultural heritage significance of the property and the potential for demolition of the buildings on site. All agreed that the property has local, if not national significance. Upon conclusion of the discussion the following motion was passed: MOTION 09.01 Moved by Andrew Kozak, seconded by James Rook To request Clarington Council to initiate the designation process, under Part 4 of the Ontario Heritage Act for the collection of buildings and property at 2020 Lambs Road, also known as Camp 30, Training School, Prisoner of War Camp, site of Battle of Bowmanville and Great Lakes College. "CARRIED" Should the demolition of the buildings be inevitable, the Committee would like to see the property itself designated. Listing on Municipal Register The Committee discussed the Ontario Heritage Act provision that permits a municipality to establish a register of non-designated properties that Council believes to be of cultural heritage value or interest. If a property is on the register then the owner of the property can not demolish or remove a building unless Council is given 60 days notice. Having the heritage list endorsed by Council will provide time for buildings to be reviewed and discussions to be held with property owners. The current heritage resource list includes three different categories, primary, secondary and heritage merit buildings. It was suggested that the list be broken dawn by area ward for ease of review by Council. A draft list will be compiled for review by the CHC prior to going to Council. MOTION 09.02 Moved by Andrew Kozak, seconded by James Rook To recommend Council adopt the list of heritage resources; primary, secondary and merit, as developed by the Clarington Heritage Committee over the past 25 years to be included in the registry kept by the Municipal Clerk, as allowed under the Ontario Heritage Act. "CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE Heritage Community Recognition Program A certificate was received for Mr. Caldwell and will be presented at a Council meeting CHO newsletters distributed Ontario Heritage Week Announcement -February 16 - 22"d 2 Preserving Ontario Heritage Schools -February 28t" at Kensington Market Lofts FINANCIAL REPORT A cheque was received from the museum for Darlington book sales in the amount of $120.00 October 25t" Opening Balance $5888.96 October 31St Interest $.25 November 25t" Closing Balance $5889.21 November 28t" Interest $.24 December 24t" Closing Balance $5889.45 MOTION 09.03 Moved by Karina Isert, seconded by Karin Murphy THAT the financial report be accepted. "CARRIED" SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS 407 Committee: The next Public Information Centre is scheduled for January 27t" in Bowmanville at the Garnet B. Rickard Complex from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Orono CIP Deterioration of signage by Petrus Boots appears to be due to an incompatible final paint finish being applied, there will be follow-up with Petrus to determine a course of action. While there have been some issues with loitering near the pay phone in front of the flower shop overall the BIA and CIP want to retain the pay phone as a service on the main street. Discussion regarding whether the sign on the 35/115 could be used for special event announcements, will be reviewed at future meeting. Annual report on grants and their status was presented by Lori Gordon of the Finance Department. PROJECT REPORTS Brochure: In progress Website: In progress Inventory: Due to rural road conditions the next stage of inventory will include Hampton, Tyrone and Enniskillen. NEW BUSINESS Vic Suppan will write an article for Clarington.Net on the CHC and submit it by Friday Jan. 23rd for inclusion in the March issue. 3 The Committee Executive will be reviewed at the next meeting. Staff will lead the process through to re-election of a Chair after which the Chair will complete the remainder of the exercise of re-election. Meeting Adjourned Next Meeting February 17, 2009 Meeting Room 1 C, 7:00 pm 4