HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-04-14 MinutesCLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2011 I-16 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Barrie Gary Jeffery Ted Watson Mark Bragg Eric Bowman Brenda Metcalf Mary Ann Found Jennifer Knox. Les Caswell John Cartwright Donald Rickard Councillor Wendy Partner STAFF: Faye Langmaid, Anne Taylor-Scott (for part of meeting) REGRETS: Marlene Werry GUESTS: Mayor Foster, Councillor Woo (arrived at 9:05), Karen Trembley and a number of members of the public. Chair Gary Jeffery welcomed all to the meeting, members of the committee introduced themselves. Gary indicated that Karen Trembley had registered as a delegation; however, no other members of the public would be allowed to present or ask questions. Should others wish to register in future as delegations they can contact Faye and she will add them to the agenda. Adoption of Agenda 011-08 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Ted Watson "That the Agenda for April 14, 2011 as amended, be adopted" CARRIED Approval of Minutes 011-09 Moved by Ted Watson, seconded by Jennifer Knox "That the minutes of the March 10, 2011 meeting be approved." CARRIED Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 14, 2011 Guest: Mayor Foster Mayor Foster thanked the committee for the invitation to attend their meeting. The Mayor provided a presentation on what the past ten years have brought to Clarington and what we anticipate the next 10 years will have in store for the Municipality. (A copy of the Mayor's power point presentation is attached). Question/Answer Session: Q Inquiry about a set back from the bluffs along the waterfront (East Beach to Bennett) for public use. A-This has been provided for in the subdivision plan. Q-Inquiry about New Build at OPG and whether adequate provision has been made for road infrastructure. A-One of the .reasons that the expansion of GO transit and train extension to Bowmanville is realty important. Provisions have been made in Host Municipal Agreement with OPG for the provision of upgrading of local roads. There is an agreement with MTO about improvements for the Holt Road interchange that will occur once New Build gets green light to proceed. Q-Communicate with Province about importance of 407 to 35/115 to get products to market, it could just be a 2 lane road rather than 4 lanes, the north/south connection can be a future addition. A- 16,000 vehicles a day that cut through Clarington, expansion from Simcoe to Harmony as recently announced is no better for Clarington, we continue to push and will see what happens in election this fall. Q-Whitebelt lands, it should be reserved for agricultural production, how do we convince Council to save farmland? A-usually hear the opposite, that we should be allowing urban boundaries to expand; often times from farmers that are looking to retire and sell off land. Q-Council is missing the point, there are farmer to farmer sales in Greenbelt and Whitebelt. The Whitebelt is very viable as farmland to make profits and also to sell as farmland. A- thank you for the comment it gives me and .Council a different perspective from the pressure that we usually face by developers asking for additional lands within the urban areas. Guest: Anne Taylor-Scott OPA #80 Anne provided -the same presentation that she did for the April 4, 2011 Public Meeting at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting (attached). We have heard a number of concerns from members and have put together a fact sheet with the assistance of MNR and the Conservation Authorities to provide some understanding on what, if anything has changed. The Provincially Significant Wetlands (PSW's) are Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 14, 2011 designated by the Province (MNR) and automatically updated on Schedule C of the Official Plan (Natural Heritage Features). The amendment is to add those areas to Schedule A the land use schedule to bring the O.P. into conformity with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). Whether you could build or not would depend on the underlying zoning, the Official Plan amendment does not impact the underlying zoning at this time. The zoning will change at some point in the future. Any type of development or site alteration has to be done in consultation with the conservation authority-that is not changing. Questions/Answers: Q-Does MNR have a set of criteria that they are following? A-Yes, there is a wetland evaluation scoring scheme. It is the Ontario Wetland Evalution system and uses biological, social, hydrological, special features (4 components). It is carried out by MNR using a variety of tools, aerial photography, ground-truthing, verification of wildlife, flora sightings; historical documentation, etc. Based on the scoring a wetland may be local or provincially significant. Q-Would someone that could have previously been able to build on a lot still be allowed to build on that lot. A- it would depend on the underlying zoning, if they have right to build in the zoning then they should still be allowed to do so, but the siting, and mitigation measures will have to be figured out with the conservation authority. Q-Are there specific guidelines for what you can do today on those lands. A-yes, those areas are currently regulated by zoning and the Official Plan. Q-If it is an existing farm will they be able to add a building? A-if they have the right to build in zoning then they will be allowed, but siting and mitigation will be in consultation with conservation authority. Q- Were PSW's figured out in consultation with OMAFRA? A- MNR determines the PSW's, the interrelationship between the Ministries is not something we are privy to. We have consulted with OMAFRA and OFA, they have had the opportunity to review the information sheet we distributed tonight. Q-Sometimes the features have been created by farmers, e.g. grass swales and they are now showing up on aerial photos and being identified as natural features when in fact they were created. A-our mapping comes from the CA's; if a feature has been identified incorrectly, the CA should. be informed through written comments. Q-What happens to areas that are wet that could be made farmable by the draining areas? With modern technology we can change deserts into food factories, is there the ability to change identified wetland areas into farmland? A- if it is currently being farmed it can continue to be farmed. Tile draining of lands that are within regulated areas by the CA's would require permits. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 14, 2011 Q- Areas that have been identified, do they get a tax break. A-there is a program for a conservation land tax incentive, property owners in Maple Grove and Harmony wetlands will be receiving an information mailing from MNR about the program and can apply to MPAC. Q- Is there additional set-backs for pesticides from regulated areas. A- Set-back would be what is called for on the manufacturer's label and in accordance with MOE best management practices. Q-Setbacks by pesticide manufacturer are determined by PMRA (Pest Management Regulatory Agency), they could be increased by CA? A-not sure; CA has expertise or authority to determine setback for pesticide. Q- What can the owner of property do to get rid of designation? A- matter to be reviewed by MNR and CA's. Q- What is the timeframe before this goes back to Council? A-we are open to comments from public and committee, will be working on taking back to Council in future for decision. If you want to be listed as interested party, contact Anne and she will add you to the listing, that way you will be notified of when it will go back to Council. Delegation: Karen Trembley, on OPA #80 (see attachment). No questions of delegation. Gary thanked Karen for her delegation and indicated that Committee would address it later in the meeting. Council Referrals - Building Permits -Council at recent meeting was dealing with fees for building permit. Henk . Mulders appeared on behalf of agricultural community and particularly greenhouse operators. Council capped building permits for farm buildings at $5,000. The price to obtain permit is $2.64/sq.metre up to $5,000 that would be a building of approximately 1900 sq. metres or 20,000 sq. feet. The only barn that would have exceeded that dollar value .was Thornlea. Bloomfield Farm and Watson Farms buildings are commercial not farm buildings. Algoma was an industrial building. Silos are not farm buildings and have a different definition/rate. Definition of farm buildings in relation to building permits is attached. Fence Viewers/By-law -Faye distributed the recently passed Fence By-law. There is now a definition of agricultural fence (does not include barbed wire as part of the standard) and residential fence to address concerns identified by Committee. The standard is the baseline that the 50% cost share will be determined on, you can exceed the standard but that would be at your cost unless you obtain the agreement of your neighbor. If members have questions please let Faye know what they are and she will have Len Creamer respond to them. Liaison Reports DAAC -next meeting is a tour of Durham College facility in Whitby Hgncuiturai Advisory Committee of Clarington April 14, 2011 Eric will provide additional information on the Right to Farm and how it affects off-farm and on-farm transportation during half load season. Interpretation by the enforcer may be an issue. DRFA -Meeting next Tuesday, the speaker is Marlene Werry, she will be speaking on the Durham Region Official Plan and the indoor. farmer's market initiative. Farm Connections was a huge success. 800 attended the open house, 1200 students attended the daytime sessions, they had to turn over 600 students away because of lack of time slots for them to attend. June 3~d is Cattlemen's BBQ with DRFA at Knox farm $10.00 for tickets. CBOT -New Minister's Award for Environmental Excellence from MOE. Applications due by May 6th. This applies to companies, organizations and individuals. Looking for agriculture sector nominations. Oshawa and Bowmanville Harbour is there something that can be done to assist with agricultural shipments from these facilities? April 27th is the CBOT Annual General Meeting, Donald will be allowing his name to stand for re-election as Agricultural Advisory of CBOT. Clarington Farmer's Market -Dates are May 22"d to October 9th; meeting with vendors went very well. Looking for additional vendors. Other Business Delegation by Karen Trembley -Suggestion of asub-committee to meet with staff and more fully understand the issue. Sub-committee is Gary, Ted, Eric, Les and John. They will meet with Anne, review maps in detail and bring back suggestions to meeting next month. Orono BIA would like to see a farmer's market in Orono. Committee suggested the Orono BIA discuss with Marlene Werry. It will depend if they can find a day, vendors and location that works. Orono Fair Board has discussed having a general market as part of the fair, not sure if they are committed to hosting an ongoing market. Mobile signs for seasonal operations. Faye had e-mailed Ted suggesting that some seasonal operation may wish to seek an amendment to Sign By-law to better fit their needs, Watson's, Bloomfield and driving ranges are examples. Staff will set up a meeting to explore the idea. Brochures- there are two versions that were sent to committee to comment on which you prefer. 407 map with MTO ownership was distributed. Future Agendas Sheila Hall from CBOT Road Widths-representative from Engineering Planning Staff to provide an update on Official Plan Review Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 14, 2011 Eric Bowman moved to adjourn. CARRIED Next Meeting May 12t", 2011 Ron Albright, Engineering Services on Road Construction Issues. PSW discussion continuation with reps from agencies involved. Hgricu~tura~ Advisory Committee of Clarington April 14, 2011