HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-13 MinutesI-3 CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 13, 2010 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Barrie Mark Bragg Mary Ann Found Gary Jeffery Brenda Metcalf Eric Bowman Councillor Gord Robinson Marlene Werry - Durr REGRETS: Jennifer Knox Ted Watson Henk Mulders Ross McMaster ABSENT: Donald Rickard STAFF: Faye Langma Dean Jacc~l GU Bill Ma 1 the Orwin Bandstra k, DA ed by Barrie, seconded by Eric Bowman nor May 13, 2010 be adopted, with the amendment to point no.4 that Pam Lancaster (GRCA) is replaced with Mark Peacock. "CARRIED" ARRPOVAL OF MINUTES 10-12 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Mark Bragg `That the minutes of fhe Apri18, 2010 meeting be approved." "CARRIED" DELEGATIONS: Bill Hasiuk, Paul Vaneyk and John Bertrum made a delegation on rural road speeds: Bill Hasiuk stated that recent changes to Provincial legislation have seen speed limits in certain rural areas of Clarington reduced from 80km to 70, 60 and even 50 km an hour in some areas. He does not believe these speed reductions are justified. He pointed out that rural Clarington is an area of business and speed limits mean the loss of time and the possibility of fines have cost implications for farmers. His experience is that the different speed limits cause trucks to be geared down which in turn causes noise and air pollution. He requested the Committee recommend to Council that that all roads outside of hamlets be posted with a speed limit of 70 km per hour. Paul Vaneyk pointed out that although the speed limits are traffic, it actually slows down the economy of the country cannot afford to slow down. He stated his objection aga' posted between Tyrone and Leskard, and indicated that it i with a full load of grain up steep hills at such reduced s -- concern regarding the 3-way stop in Leskard. It is inte however it is actually causing pollution and more noise b a full stop. He requested the Committee recommend to Leskard be replaced with a yield sign both ways inte e o slow down ri-businesses peed limit dill et a truck expressed down traffic; c st now make that -way stop in areas h as noted speed signs on both sides of the r that it impedes the movement of farm machinery in ison indicated that speed limits are posted mostly in areas where ues and unsafe road conditions. ~ . Gary onfirmed with staff that the new- speed limits are legislated by the Provi a thanked Bill, Paul and John for their delegations and indicated that the Com ittee will give further consideration to their requests later in the meeting, they were invited to stay for the presentation and remainder of the .meeting. GUEST: Mark Peacock, (GRCA) Mark Peacock is the Director of Watershed Services with the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. He was invited to provide an update on Source Water Protection Plans. Mark provided a Power Point Presentation, highlighting the following: AACC May 13, 2010 • The Terms of Reference for Source Water Protection Plans (is approved by the Minister of the Environment and the technical rules for the formulation and revisions are apparently extremely prescriptive).. GRCA's Terms of Reference for the Source Water Protection Planning process for the Ganaraska Region has been approved by the Minister. • Assessment Reports (An Assessment Report looks at an entire watershed and the factors influencing the quality and quantity of water), by focusing the discussion on: o Water Budget and Water Quantity Stress Assessment; Surface Water Systems: Vulnerability, Issues and. Threats; Groundwater Systems: Vulnerability, Issues and Threats; and, Landscape le roundwater Analyses. • There are no issues with drinking water identified in O we there is enough water in the system to serve Orono's needs. Questions/Answer Session: Tom asked if GRCA's analysis of the water qualities vid djus summers when the water table is low. Mark indi t t e ysis extreme models with zero re-charge of up to 2 Councillor Robinson Mark indicated t determined (Orono). Gary th BUSIN asked if GR model eno m d ion. ce for the dry considered analysis.. and it was shed area Concer h the a - - tion DS -Dean reported that Brian Hancock from OFA provide with v le int et resources regarding Edge Planning (the creation of buffers) ~ ~ itish bia. The Agricultural Land Reserve in British Colombia is more restricti reenbelt Plan, particularly with regard to urban and farmland interfac explore this information through the Official Plan review process to see if o °t g policies on the interfaces between plans of subdivision and farmland can be ngthened. Brian also indicated that the MDS review is due in 2012 and since the Province is currently undertaking a review of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) with a consultation window that closes on August 31, 2010, the Committee should consider submitting their concerns to the PPS review. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from OMAFRA, regarding a Premier's Award Ceremony on May 28, 210 in Brighton. The Durham recipient is in Clarington (circulated). AACC May 13, zoo Garry reported that no response has been received from OMAFRA and MOE regarding the letters that have been sent out by John O'Toole's office on March 15 & 16, 2010 respectively (concerning conflicting interpretations of the definition of "farming" vs "corporations, and the proposal to charge a levy of 23c per kilogram on fertilizer sold by the bag and the impact it would have on the cost of farming). REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES DAAC DAAC tour -confirmed to be on September 17 in Clarington. Eric circulated the approved Durham Food Charter - a copy of Ch to members of the Committee. Durham Federation of Agriculture Mary Ann Found reported that the General Meeting on April ; McCabe on the Green Energy Act attracted between 50-60 peop DFRA is looking at incorporation to become eligible for An Agricultural Awareness Day is being Station at 6:15pm (supper) for 7:15 develop a strategic plan for agricultural E b uted Don dice and Bill Ha ,Paul Vaneyk, John Bertrum on rural following motions: nded by Mark Bragg Engineering Services Department and Traffic that as the rural roads are reconstructed to review and `That the AACC receive Paul Vaneyk's delegation with thanks" 10-15 Moved by Mark Bragg, seconded by Eric Bowman `That the AACC refer the request for review of the 4 way stop on Middle Road and 8th Concession to Traffic Management Committee and Engineering Services Department" AACC May 13, 2010 10-14 Moved by Brenda Metcalf, seconded by Tom Barrie 10-16 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Brenda Metcalf `That the AACC refer the request for additional enforcement to address fhe issue of speeding on 7th Concession (particularly on Friday evenings) and other arterial roads to Durham Regional Police" FUTURE AGENDA For June meeting: Kathryn Kram and Kathy MacP~ Foundation: research on issues that the agricultural cor case study examples in Durham. Moved to Adjourn: Mary Ann Found Next Meeting: June 10, 2010 7:30 p.m. 3reenbelt policies - AACC May 13, 2010