HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-23 Special MeetingClarington If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Special Planning and Development Committee Minutes Date: June 23, 2020 Time: 5:00 PM Location: Microsoft Teams Present Were: Councillor J. Neal Present by Electronic Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper, Means: Councillor J. Jones, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor M. Zwart Staff Present: A. Greentree, L. Patenaude Staff Present by A. Allison, F. Langmaid, K. Richardson, L. Backus, G. Bunker Electronic Means: 1. Call to Order Councillor Neal called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement Councillor Traill led the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3. Adopt the Agenda Resolution # PD-088-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Agenda for the Special Planning and Development Committee meeting of June 23, 2020 be adopted as presented, Carried 4. Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. Clarbgton 5 5.1 Public Meetings Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan June 23, 2020 Special Planning and Development Committee Minutes Lisa Backus, Principal Planner, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan. She reviewed the project team and Steering Committee involved in creating the Plan. Ms. Backus provided an overview of the study area and highlighted notable properties in the area. She explained the details of a Secondary Plan which includes a Municipal request to initiate the Plan. Ms. Backus highlighted the Council Priorities of the Plan which includes co-ordination of initiatives, sustainability and climate change, community engagement, affordable housing and urban design. She explained the integrated Environmental Assessment process and reviewed the areas being examined which includes road extensions and sub -watershed studies. Ms. Backus explained the four phases in the secondary plan process. She highlighted the background and technical studies used to create the secondary plan. Ms. Backus reviewed the community engagement and noted that this process has resulted in the plan being created for presentation to Committee today. She reviewed the notice for the statutory meeting process and the public comments received to date. Andrew Davage, Gladki Planning Associates reviewed the policy framework, vision, and objectives which include efficient urban form and mixed use, multi - model movement, placemaking and public realm and a home for all. He continued by explaining how the community is organized and reviewed the community structure components. Mr. Davage provided an overview of the land use, housing variety, road network, active transportation, and quality of place. Ms. Backus concluded by reviewing the next steps in preparing the final recommendation report for Council's approval. Ms. Backus answered questions from the Members of Committee. Ron Worboy, local resident, was present via electronic means regarding the Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan. Mr. Worboy noted that he is the representative of Mr. and Mrs. Muir who own 177 acres in the north section of the Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan area. He requested that the area between Highway 2 to the north side of Sandringham Drive become a high density area. Mr. Worboy also requested that the Sandringham Drive Area become medium density due to the interaction of Hancock Road. He added that, the park should be relocated to the south border of Sandringham Drive to the middle of the collective road as it would add to the quality of life in the area. Mr. Worboy noted that the Muir family is concerned of the quality of life in the Tooley Creek area. He concluded by stating it is important to have high and medium density residential area and added that the woodlot on Sandringham, east of Courtice road would be a major part of the park area. Alex and Laura Paris, local residents, were present via electronic means regarding the Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan. Mr. Paris asked what the 2 Clarbgton June 23, 2020 Special Planning and Development Committee Minutes estimated timeline is for completion of the plan. Ms. Backus advised that they did not include the timelines and noted the report will be going to Council this fall and then will require approval from the Region of Durham. She added that once it approved by the Region it would be approximately a two year time frame before construction would begin. Mr. Paris noted they currently live on Hancock Road and went through the construction of Highway 418 and is concerned with more construction beginning near his property. Ms. Backus advised that Hancock Road would be started later in relation to other areas as servicing is required for this area. Mr. Paris concluded by asking if the residents in this area will have access to the water and sewer connections. Wendy Ferris, local resident, was present via electronic means regarding the Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan. Ms. Ferris noted she resides on Bloor Street between Courtice Road and Hancock Road. She stated her concerns regarding the high volume of vehicles with the proposed connector road, high volume of cars exceeding the speed limit, and the environmental impact due to the watershed. Gerry McKenna and Elizabeth Morrison, local residents, were present via means regarding the Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan. Mr. McKenna noted that he was encouraged by the sustainability and natural heritage principles in this Secondary Plan. He explained that their concerns focus on the natural heritage. Mr. McKenna noticed that in the Environmental Assessment there are some opportunities to strengthen wildlife corridors including both the Tooley and Robinson creek areas. He added that he feels there are opportunities to enhance east/west corridors. Mr. McKenna noted that road extensions will require crossing through creeks and natural heritage areas and asked what infrastructure will be used for these area crossings. He continued by noting the Consultants stated they will focus on environmental building structures. Mr. McKenna asked if it is possible to place a focus on bird friendly structures. He concluded by asking if any surveys have been completed to determine species at risk and if any biological assessments have been completed. Milada Kovac, local resident, was present via electronic means regarding the Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan. She advised Committee that she does not want the extension of Meadowglade Road to dissect through her property. John DeWilde, Hope Fellowship Church, was present via electronic means regarding the Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan. Mr. DeWilde noted both a school and park are shown to surround the Church's property in the plan. He asked if they could be relocated to an alternative location. Ms. Backus noted that they are aware of the concerns of the Church and they do not plan to incumber one property owner. She advised that they will look at options to reconfigure this area. 3 Claringtoil June 23, 2020 Special Planning and Development Committee Minutes Mr. Saunders spoke on behalf of his father who lives on Trulls Road. Mr. Saunders requested a copy of the report and presentation as his father does not have access to a computer. Alter the Agenda Resolution # PD-089-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Agenda be altered to consider Report PSD-021-20 Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan and Communication Item 6.1, at this time. Carried 6.1 Mustafa Ghassan, Delta Urban Inc., Regarding PSD-021-20 Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan Resolution # PD-090-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Correspondence Item 6.1 from Mustafa Ghassan, Delta Urban Inc., be referred to the consideration of Report, PSD-021-20 Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan. Carried 7.1 PSD-021-20 Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan Resolution # PD-091-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Traill That Report PSD-021-20 be received; That the proposed Secondary Plan and Official Plan Amendment (COPA 2020 0002) continue to be reviewed and processed and that a subsequent recommendation report be prepared and staff report back to Council with a Recommendation Report; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-021-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's direction regarding this Public Meeting report. Carried 12 Claringtoil 5.2 Recess Resolution # PD-092-20 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Committee recess until 7:00 PM. Carried June 23, 2020 Special Planning and Development Committee Minutes The meeting reconvened at 7:00 PM with Councillor Neal in the chair. Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan Greg Bunker, Planner, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan. He reviewed the project team and Steering Committee involved in creating the Plan. Mr. Bunker provided an overview of the study area and reviewed the existing Secondary Plan. He highlighted the Council Priorities of the Plan which includes sustainability and climate change, urban design, community engagement, affordable housing, urban design and coordination of initiatives. Mr. Bunker explained the integrated Environmental Assessment process and reviewed the areas being examined which include road extensions and sub -watershed studies. He provided an update area context for the southwest plan area. Mr. Bunker explained the four phases in the secondary plan process. He highlighted the background and technical studies used to create the Secondary Plan. Mr. Bunker reviewed the community engagement and noted that this process has resulted in the plan being created for presentation to Committee today. He reviewed the notice for the statutory meeting process and the public comments received to date. Mr. Bunker provided an overview to the draft Secondary Plan Documents. Haya Rizvi, Urban Strategies Inc. reviewed the policy framework and vision and objectives which included eight principles. She continued by highlighting the community structure which includes low and medium density, environmental protection area, arterials, collectors, public open spaces, Bloor Street corridor and preferred school site. Ms. Rizvi provided details on the six Secondary Plan Policies. Mr. Bunker concluded by reviewing the implementation process, employment land conversion and the timeline for preparing the final recommendation report for Council's approval. Mr. Bunker answered questions from the Members of Committee. Stephen Toman, local resident, was present via electronic means regarding the Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan. He noted that he lives on Fenning Drive and there is an issue with the electrical system in the area which does not allow for him to have a fence along the side of his property. Mr. Toman stated that if Fenning Drive becomes a collector street that there will be privacy issues if he is 5 Clarbgton June 23, 2020 Special Planning and Development Committee Minutes not permitted to put a up a fence. He asked if anything could be included with respect to privacy in the Secondary Plan. Mr. Toman continued by asking if there will be any expansion of recreation facilities in the area with the proposed population expansion. He added that currently there are limited amenities at the South Courtice Arena and believes increasing recreation services and amenities would be beneficial to the area residents. Mr. Toman explained that he was advised there would be two more parks added to the area and is concerned with the configuration and location. He added that a variety of activities should be added including tennis courts, squash courts and a cricket facility. Mr. Bunker advised Mr. Toman that he would speak to the Parks Manger with respect to his concerns. Jim Boate, local resident, was present via electronic means regarding the Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan. He noted that he has concerns with Schedule C - Road Classification. Mr. Boate noted that there is only one Arterial A road in Courtice. He requested that a multi -use path be added to the south side of Bloor Street and that it extend to Prestonvale Road. Mr. Boate noted that Prestonvale Road is an Arterial C Road and asked that Baseline Road become bike friendly until it is refurbished. He requested that both Fenning Drive and Townline Road extensions become bike friendly. Mr. Boate reviewed the current bike lanes in the area and stated that these changes would make a good commuter route to the proposed future GO station as a means to travel south of the 401 by bike. Diane Kennedy, local resident, was present via electronic means regarding the Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan. Ms. Kennedy noted she is supportive of additional bike lanes as stated by Mr. Boate. Ms. Kennedy added there are many cyclists in the area and bike lanes would be beneficial for the safety of the cyclist. Fabio Furlan, local resident, was present via electronic means regarding the Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan. He noted that he was happy to see the there was no longer any industrial development planned for this area. Mr. Furlan asked what the proposed density would be on Townline Road going south. Ron Girosky, St. Wolodymyr and St. Olha Ukrainian Cemetery was present via electronic means regarding the Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan. He asked if the plans for a park are proposed on the lands to the west of the cemetery. Ms. Smith added that low and medium density housing is planned to be adjacent to the cemetery property between the cemetery and where the proposed park will be located. Leonardo Pilotto, local resident, was present via electronic means regarding the Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan. He noted he was concerned with the connection to the 401 and with bike lanes closer to the lake. Mr. Pilotto added that he is also concerned with the size of the driveways and in particular the aprons. He requested that consideration be given to ensuring that the apron area can accommodate a full vehicle such that the cars are not parking over the Claringtoil June 23, 2020 Special Planning and Development Committee Minutes sidewalks. He added that the message is being sent to the residents, but admits it is difficult to enforce. 6. Communications — Direction 6.1 Mustafa Ghassan, Delta Urban Inc., Regarding PSD-021-20 Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan Correspondence Item 6.1 was considered earlier in the meeting. 6.2 Mustafa Ghassan, Delta Urban Inc., Regarding PSD-022-20 Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan Resolution # PD-093-20 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Jones That Correspondence Item 6.2 from Mustafa Ghassan, Delta Urban Inc., be referred to the consideration of Report, PSD-022-20 Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan. Carried 6.3 Libby Racansky regarding Report, PSD-021-20 Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan and Report PSD-022-20 Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan Resolution # PD-094-20 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Correspondence Item 6.3 from Libby Racansky, be referred to the consideration of Report, PSD-021-20 Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan and Report PSD-022-20 Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan. Carried 7. Planning Services Department Reports 7.1 Report PSD-021-20 - Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan Report PSD-021-20 — Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan was considered earlier in the meeting. 7.2 Report PSD-022-20 - Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan Resolution # PD-095-20 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report PSD-022-20 be received; 7 Clarbgton June 23, 2020 Special Planning and Development Committee Minutes That the proposed Draft Bayview (Southwest Courtice) Secondary Plan Amendment (COPA 2020-0003) and Urban Design and Sustainability Guidelines; continue to be reviewed/processed and staff report back to Council with a Recommendation Report; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-022-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 8. Adjournment Resolution # PD-096-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Jones That the meeting adjourn at 7:58 PM. Carried hair 0