HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-101-87 TOWN OF NE4~CASTLE ~n ~~~ REPORT File # ~•,~.~,c ,~`~ Res - #~~ ~~ ~°~`~_r~' ~ By-Law # NE~TIf~: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, April 6, 1987 T #: PU-101-87 FILE #: UEV 87-7 CT: REZONING APPLICATION - POLLARD PART LOTS 15/16, CONCESSION 1, DARLINGTON OUR FILE: DEV 87-7 (CLERK'S FILE: 60.35.345) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-101-87 be received; and 2. THAT the application filed by Mr. E. Pollard on behalf of Mr. Stevens and The * Lethbridge Stake be approved in principle and that the attached by-law be forwarded to Council for approval after the Site Plan Agreement between The Lethbridge Stake and the Town of Newcastle has been updated to reflect the changes in ownership and landuse. BACKGROUND: On February 10, 1987 the Planning Department received an application from Mr. Elmer Pollard, representing the two (2) land owners, namely The Lethbridge Stake and Mr. Stevens. The proposal is to have an exchange of land between the two (2) owners. This is to create a parcel for the church which is more usable. There will not be any new lots created as a result of this proposal. The owners wish to exchange two (2) equal-sized triangular shaped parcels of land. ...2 ~~~ REPURT NO.: PD-101-87 Page 2 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Bowmanville Urban Area Official P1 an, the subject lands are located within the "Residential" designation. Both of the plans recognize Places of Worship as being permitted within Residential areas. In 1985 Council rezoned a large triangular parcel of land in accordance with the appropriate policies of the Ufficial Plan. The lands owned by Mr. Stevens are residentially designated but are currently being maintained as agricultural lands. By-law 85-108 created the existing "Agricultural Exception (A-13 )" zone on which the church was constructed. The lands surrounding this zone are "Agricultural (A)" and are being used for agriculture. The lands to be severed from the church are to be melded with the farm to the south and will be returned to agricultural uses. Staff would note for the Committee's information that pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. Staff would note that no objections to the proposal were received at the writing of this Report with respect to the amendment requested. In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies as noted within Staff Report PD-57-87. Staff would note the following departments/agencies, in providing comments, offered no objections to the application as filed: - Newcastle Public Works Department - Newcastle Fire Department - Newcastle Building Department - Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission - Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - Regional Planning Department - Regional Health Department - hiinistry of Agriculture and Food - Ministry of Natural Resources The Newcastle Worl<s Department did not have any objection in principle to the rezoning. Details regarding the revision to the site plan must be worked out. The church currently has an approved Site Plan. This must be ...3 REPORT NO.: PD-101-87 Page 3 revised to show how the additional lands are to be graded and what the church plans are to do with the area. A number of other minor modifications are required before the revised plans can be approved. The two triangular parcels were the subject of applications to the Land Division Committee (LD 547/86 and LD 548/86). As a condition of approval, the applicants were required to have this rezoning approved and have the Site Plan updated. The applications were given conditional approval on January 26, 1987. Staff are currently reviewing the Site Plan. There appears to be no major concerns regarding the proposed amendments. After review of the proposal it was a concensus that this boundary re-alignment was logical and appropri ate for the proper development of the site. The lands which are to be melded with the farm owned by Mr. Stevens are currently unusable due to the very limited depth. * Staff have no objection to the approval and recommends that the attached by-law be forwarded to Council. Respectfully s 'tted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee d / , ~~ ~~~ ~ r r s, M. '. I .P. ~~ wrenc~~~.~I otsef Director of Planning Chief~d ~inistrative Officer ~; TFC*TTE*jip *Attach. March 20, 1987 CC: Nir. E. Pollard CC: Mr. R.L. Stevens Box 19, Group 19 R.R. #3 R.R. #3 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario BOWI~IANVILLE, Untario L1C 3K4 L1C 3K4 • THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~.. BY-LAW NUMBER 87- 'being• a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning • By-law of the•Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. . WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town'of Newcastle deems it advisable .to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of ' the•Town of Newcastle. NOWTkiEREFORE.BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of.:Newcastle enacts as follows: ,:•;, . I. 'Schedule.."3" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further • amended by changing the zone designation from "Agricultural (A)" to .. ,"Agricultural..Exception (A-13 )" and from "Agricultural Exception ~.• (A-13)" to "Agricultural (A)" as shown on the attached Schedule "X" • hereto.. • 2. ;This By=law shall come into effect on the date of passing • hereo•f,,subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. . BY-LAW read a first time this day of 1987 •BY-LAW read a second time this day of 1987 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1987. ,. i'~,~r `~ .~-~ ~~~ A-13 ~= (H) R i (H)R2 I(H)R4l R1 ~ ~. , ., -, f . : i l . z o o ~ w U z 0 f~1 1~ 0250 5010 IOOOm , ~~ 500m~ ~~ ,.~,~ km~~~, w,,~„ TORN OF NE4lCASTLE ~. °~ REPORT File# ~~ ""~8 Res. # ~~-<~1-~~ By-Law # Ifs: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, April 6, 1987 T #: PU-100-87 FILE #: DEV 87-24 CT: REZONING APPLICATION - ZEGERS PART LOT 30, CONCESSION 5, FORMER TWP. OF CLARKE OUR FILE: DEV 87-24 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-100-87 be received; and 2. THAT the application submitted by Mr. Martin Zegers to rezone a 0.28 hectare parcel of land located in Part Lot 30, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke to permit the construction of an accessory building i n an "Environmental Protection (EP)" zone be received and referred to Staff for processing and a subsequent report and public meeting. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On Nlarch 18, 1987 the Planning Department received an application submitted by Mr. Martin Zegers to rezone a 0.28 hectare (0.69 acre) parcel of land in Part Lot 30, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke (see attached map). The purpose of the rezoning would be to permit the construction of an accessory building in an "Environmental Protection (EP)" zone. ...2 ~o~-~ REPURT NO.: PD-100-87 Page 2 The application has been circulated to various agencies for comment and * attached is a copy of the circulation letter and key plan for Council's information. It is recommended that the application be received for information and referred back to Staff for a subsequent report. At such time as the necessary circulation has been completed, Staff shall schedule this application for a public meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee .~~-~- r Lawrence E ~ otse Chief Ad n ' ~trati ve Officer TFC*TTE*jip *Attach. March 2U, 1987 CC: i~ir. hl. Zegers P.U. Box 78 R.R. #2 ORUNU, Ontario LOB 1N10 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~. '~~`•~~~ Plannin g and Development Department Municipal Building Hampton, Ontario •' Date: March 23, 1987 Janice Auger Szwarz, Long Range PlannerN Newcastle Public Works DepartmentN • Newcastle Building DepartmentN Newcastle Fire Department® kegiona1 Planning DepartmentN ~ • Regional Works DepartmentN •• Regional Health UnitN • Central Lake Ontario Conservation AuthorityN ' Ministry of Agriculture and FoodN Nli.ni stry of Natural Resources® Ministry of EnvironmentN • , Dear Sir: RE: REZONING APPLICATION - MARTIN ZEGERS • PART LOT 30, CONCESSION 5, FORMER TWP. OF CLARKE FILE• DEV 87-24 • The Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Committee is considering an application for an amendmeht to Zoning By-law # 84-63, as amended, and, pursuant to. '. its procedure for processing applications, wishes to obtain your comments before. submitting its recommendations to the Town of Newcastle General Purpose and Administration Committee. • The application is summarized as follows: • 1. Owner's Name: Mr. Martin Zegers 2. Owner's Address: P.O. Box 78, R.R. #2, ORONO, Ontario LOB 1M0 3. Applicant's Name: Same as above ' 4. Applicant's Address: Same as above 5. Location of site, showing lot and concession number and, if • applicable, location of block in relation to cross streets: Part Lrot 30, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke (E/S of Uchonski Road) . 6. Present Use: single detached dwelling 7. Present Official Plan Designation: "General Agricultural" ~ 8. Present Zoning: "Environmental Protection (EP)" . 9. Proposed Use and Description of Applicant's Project: continue existing and. . add an accessory building , lO. Ufficial Plan Designation Requested by Applicant: N/A 11. Zoning Requested by Applicant: appropriate to add app accessory building 12. Area of Site: 0.28 ha 13. Anticipated Population: 1 family 14. Water Supply: private 15. Sewage Disposal: private A copy of the site plan as prepared by the applicant is hereto attached. Should •. you require further information regarding this application, please contact the undersigned. Your written reply would be appreciated within three (3) weeks of the date of this ' ~.. letter. If your Department is unable to reply within the three (3) week period, would you please inform us of the reasons for delay, otherwise we will assume that there are no objections to the approval of the subject application. ' Yours truly, T.F. Chadder Current Operations Planner *jip -~ 0 w U 2 O U EA OF PROPOSE® REZO~Jih~~:: ~T 34 LOT 29 _ ~ LOT 2 g, ,i.,.~~~.~.~~,~T.,;u w R N Lr,., R A C t~~. ...,~iT UNT %~D .ww,r. g REGIONAL ROAD 4~ (TAUNTON RD, i RI-2~ RI- 13 ~ , s , ~ • ~~ i ;~ R1.2 ~ ~ ~ RI.2 . . ~~ o I .~ ~~~ . I o j ~ ~~~ JI ~ /• Q s`T '. A ~~ E ~ : ~ '~ ~ i R1-2 ~ . ~ C3-3 ~~ j I ~. KEY P~diAP o so -o0 20o aoom ,~,~ .