HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-105-87r ~~~~ !'~ `1 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT I~'a General Purpose and Administration Committee ~~° Monday, April 6, 1987 T #: -Pn-115-87 FILE #: _o.P?_?..~ CT: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE COURTICE URBAN AREA PLAN AND THE COURTICE NEIGHBOURHOOD dEVELOPMENT PLANS FILE: OP 2.2.1 RECOP4NlENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-105-87 be received; and 2. THAT the draft amendments to the Courtice Urban Area Plan and the Courtice West, Courtice South and Courtice North Neighbourhood Development Plans, as prepared by Staff and as attached to Report PD-105-87, be endorsed by Council; and 3. THAT Staff be authorized to proceed with the necessary Public Meeting and to initiate circulation of the proposed amendments; and 4. THAT Council provide Staff with direction as to the manner of Public Notice. BACKGROUND: At its meeting of July 21, 1986, Committee considered Staff Report PD-156-86 which discussed a number of possible amendments to the Courtice Urban Area Plan and the Courtice Neighbourhood Development Plans. The Report recommended that Planning Staff convene a Public Meeting at the Courtice High School in order to obtain input into the proposed ...2 REPORT NO.: PD-105-87 Page 2 amendments. Committee resolved to adopt Staff's recommendation and further resolved that Staff be authorized to proceed with the preparation of a draft document to Con~nittee. Subsequent to Council's consideration of Report PD-156-86, Staff conducted a thorough review of the planning documents governing development in the Courtice Urban Area. In addition to the amendments previously discussed, Staff are also proposing to relax the requirement for the preparation and amendment of Neighbourhood Development Plans as a prerequisite of development. Nlost of the proposed changes can be accomplished through amendrnent to the Neighbourhood Development Plans; however, a number of official plan amendments will be required. The amendments as proposed by Staff are outlined below and are detailed by the attachments to this Report. 1. PREPARATION OF NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLANS Currently, the Courtice Urban Area Plan requires that the details of proposed developments be defined by Neighbourhood Development Plans. Staff are proposing to bring the requirement for the preparation and amendment of such plans into line with that required by the Qowmanville and Newcastle Village Official Plans, thereby introducing a greater degree of flexibility into the development approval process. Development proposals would still be required to maintain the intent of the approved Neighbourhood Development Plan and the Official Plan. Amendments to the texts of the Darlington Township Official Plan, now the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, and the Courtice Neighbourhood Development Plans would be required to implement this * revision. Draft amendment documents as prepared by Staff are attached hereto as Attachments No. 1 through 4 inclusive. ...3 ~~r REPORT NO.: PD-105-87 Page 3 2. COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD a) Neighbourhood la i) Extend the re-aligned Varcoes Road north and east to intersect with Tooley's Road, and designate same as a collector. This amendment would be partially implemented through proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-86068. In Report PD-23-87, Staff noted that only one option, being a vacant lot, is available for the connection with Tooley's Road. The lot is eligible for a residential building permit inasmuch as the front portion is zoned "R1". The delineation of the col 1 ector road i n the Uf fi ci al P 1 an and the Neighbourhood Development Plan is necessary to maintain the option of providing a collector system linking Nash Road and Tooley's Road. The proposed amendments to the Land Use and Transportation Schedules of the Courtice Urban Area Plan are shown by Schedules "X-1" and "X-2" of Attachment 1. The proposed amendments to the Land Use Schedule of the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan is shown by Schedule "X-1" of Attachment 2. ii) Redesignate a wood lot in the northeast sector of the Neighbourhood from "Minor Open Space" to "Residential". The redesi gnati on of the western portion of the woodl of i s the subject of a current application to amend the Neighbourhood Development Plan to permit the development of Subdivision Plan 18T-86068. The Public Meeting on the Neighbourhood Plan Amendment was held on January 19, 1987; no one appeared in objection. Staff note that the entire site is designated "Residential" by the Courtice Urban Area Plan and that, at the time of the preparation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan, was identified by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority as being environmentally sensitive. An Environmental Study submitted by the applicant's consultant states that the wood lot is a se asonal ...4 t REPORT NU.: PD-105-87 a) Neighbourhood 1a (Cont'd) Page 4 swamp with no individual elements of particular significance or rarity being found. Although the Environmental Study only covers the area subject of the Plan of Subdivision, Staff see no merit in preserving the remainder of the Minor Upen Space design at ion i n that the woodlot is not part of a larger wildlife movement corridor. Staff also note the proposed Varcoes Road extension will substantially reduce the environmental significance of the woodlot . The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has recommended in correspondence to the Town that the Minor Open Space designation be retained and the subject woodlot protected. Mrs. Jane Rowe, on behalf of the Courtice and Area Community Association, has submitted a letter objecting to the proposed designation. In view of the residential designation in the Official Plan, Staff are of the opinion that public ownership is the only means of protectiang or preserving this woodlot. Given the proximity of urban development and the potential intrusion and degradation resulting therefrorn and, given higher priorities by the Town and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for property acquisitions, Staff do not recommend acquisition of this area. We do however, support preservation of healthy specimens of trees wherever possible and feel that control of subdivision design and construction activities will facilitate meeting this objective. We would also note at this time that some unauthorized removal of trees has occurred by persons unknown to the Owner or Staff suggesti ng that resi denti al development i s already i mpacti ng thi s area. ...5 ~) ~ ~%_' REPORT NU.: PD-105-87 Page 5 a) Neighbourhood la (Cont'd) The proposed amendment to reflect the deletion of the Minor Open Space is shown by Schedule "X-1" of Attachment No. 2. The amendment also indicates a revised road pattern for the northern section of the Neighbourhood. Staff are proposing the retention of a "Minor Open Space" corridor to connect a pedestrian connection between Centrefield Drive and Tooley's Road. A revision to the population figure on Schedule 2 of the Neighbourhood Plan, as shown by Schedule "X-2" of Attachment No. 2, is also proposed to reflect the deletion of the Minor Open Space. iii) Provide landuse designations and a road pattern for the area west of Varcoes Road and north of Nash Road and revise the Population Schedule accordingly, as indicated by Schedule "X-1" and Schedule "X-2" of Attachment No. 2 respectively. b) Neighbourhood lb i) Designate a Neighbourhood Park site, as indicated by Schedule "X-1" to Attachment No. 2. 3. COURTICE SOUTH NEIGHBOURHOOD a) Neighbourhood 1a i) Adjust the transportation network in the Neighbourhood Development Plan, as shown by Schedule "X" of Attachment No. 3, to provide an east-west collector road system to serve the Courtice South area and to better facilitate connections between the future GO Station in East Oshawa and the Community Central Area. ...6 I. ~~f ~ REPORT NO.: PD-105-87 Page 6 b) Neighbourhood 1b i) Redesignate the site on the southeast corner of Highway No. 2 and Prestonvale Road from "Special Purpose Commercial" to "Residential" on Schedule 1 of the Urban Area Plan, as shown by Schedule "X-1" of Attachment No. 1 hereto, and to "Convenience Commercial" in the Neighbourhood Development Plan, as shown by Schedule "X" of Attachment No. 3. The site is currently zoned "Neighbourhood Commercial (C2)" by By-law 84-63. The Courtice Urban Area Plan permits Convenience Commercial uses in areas designated Residential. 3. COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD a) Neighbourhood 3b i) Delete the collector road system in the Urban Area Plan, as shown by Schedules "X-1" and "X-2" to Attachment No. 1, and in the Neighbourhood Plan, as shown by Schedule "X" to Attachment No. 4. Due to the site characteristics of the Neighbourhood, the deletion of the collector system provides Staff with greater flexibility in dealing with individual development applications. COMMENT: Regional Planning Staff have reviewed the proposed amendments and have indicated all of the proposed amendments would appear to be in conformity with the provisions of the Durham Regional Official Plan. It is therefore respectfully requested that the draft amendments to the Courtice Urban Area Plan and the Courtice Neighbourhood Development Plans as prepared by Staff and as attached to this Report, be endorsed by Committee ...7 i. J) a ~; ~~ ~ ~. REPORT NO.: PD-105-87 Page 7 and Council, and further that Staff be authorized to proceed with the necessary Public Nieeting and to initiate circulation of the proposed amendments. With respect to the matter of Public Notice, Staff would suggest personal service for persons within areas directly affected by the proposed schedule amendments coupled with publication in local newspapers. Committee's direction in this matter is respectfully requested. Respectful ly~u,~mi tted, i~ . tawaras, i~i.~.1.r'. Director of Planning JAS*TTE*jip *Attach. March 25, 1987 Recommended for presentation to the Committee ~~~,~. `t ~awrence otse Chie~dmi£nitrative ,Officer `~' , ~~. _, a ~r ATTACHMENT N0. 1 TU REPORT NO.: PD-105-87 AMENDMENT N0. TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER PLANNING AREA OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON PURPOSE: The purpose of Amendment No. to the Official Plan of the former Planning Area of the Township of Darlington is: i) to make various adjustments to the transportation network serving the Courtice Urban Area; ii) to designate a Neighbourhood Park within Courtice Neighbourhood 16; iii) to delete the requirement for the preparation and amendment of Neighbourhood Development Plans; BASIS: The proposed amendment is based upon the need to adjust the transportation network to accommodate changes in traffic patterns resulting from the deletion of the Adelaide Avenue extension; to correct a deficiency in recreational facilities within the Courtice West Neighbourhood 1B; to make the requirement for the preparation and amendment of Neighbourhood Development Plans consistent with the policies for the Bowmanville and Newcastle Village Urban Areas. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Official Plan of the former Planning Area of the owns ip of Darlington i s hereby amended as follows: 1. Schedules 6-1 and 6-4 are hereby deleted and replaced with new Schedules 6-1 and 6-4 attached hereto as Schedules "X-1" and "X-2" respectively. 2. Section 5.2 is hereby amended by deleting the second sentence and inserting thereto the following sentence: "Detailed community studies may be undertaken and development plans may be prepared in order to guide future development." 3. The word "shall" shall be deleted and replaced with the word "may" in the following sections: a) Section 6.1.2i)b), third sentence b) Section 6.1.2i)c), first sentence c) Section 6.1.2iii)a), first line ...2 v ~~ ~'~~. ,~ ANIENDNIENT N0. TU THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER PLANNING ~R A OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON ACTUAL AMENDNIENT (Cont'd): d) Section 6.1.2iii)b), first sentence e) Section 6.1.2iii)d), first line f) Section 6.2.1i), fourth line g) Section 6.9.'L, first line 4. Section 6.1.2ii)c), is hereby amended by deleting the phrase "and the restricted area (zoning) by-laws" and inserting the following phrase: ".... and/or the zoning by-law." 5. Section 6.1.2iii) is hereby amended by inserting thereto the following new subsection (c) and renumbering the following subsections accordingly: "c) In determining whether the preparation of a neighbourhood development plan within a given neighbourhood or an amendment to an existing neighbourhood development plan is required, Council shall consider among other things: the pattern of land ownership; the density of development proposed; environmental sensitivity; the land use and. transportation patterns in surrounding nei ghbourhoods; the avai 1 abi li ty and adequacy of existing services; and the intent of this Official Plan." 6. Section 6.1.2iii)c) is hereby amended by inserting the words "Where required," at the beginning of the first sentence. 7. Section 6.1.2v) is hereby amended by deleting the words "the Neighbourhood Development Plans" and inserting thereto the words "any development proposal". 8. Section 6.1.3iii) is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: "iii) Development proposals for medium or high density residential shall be subject to Site Plan Control." 9. Section 6.1.3vii) is hereby amended by deleting the word "i nfi 11 i ng" from the third line and inserting thereto the words "new residential or commercial development". ...3 ~~ ~ ~/~~~ AMENDMENT NO. TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER PLANNING AREA OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON ACTUAL AMENDMENT (Cont'd): 10. Section 6.3.2i)a) is hereby amended by deleting the second sentence in its entirety and inserting thereto the following sentence: "The precise boundaries of the components of the Open Space Areas may be delineated in the Neighbourhood Developme nt Plans and/or the Zoning By-law." 11. Section 6.3.2ii)a) is hereby amended by deleting the phrase "shall be delineated in the Neighbourhood Development Plans and the restricted area (zoning) by-law" from the third sentence and inserting thereto the following phrase: "may be delineated in the Neighbourhood Developments and/or the zoning by-law". 12. Section 6.3.2iii)b) is hereby amended by deleting the third sentence in its entirety and inserting thereto the following sentence: "The precise location may be determined in the Neighbourhood Development Plans and/or the zoning by-law and shall be detailed in subdivision and other development applications." 13. Section 6.3.2iv)a) is hereby amended by adding the following phrase to the end of the second sentence: "and/or in the zoning by-law". 14. Section 6.4.2iv)b) is hereby amended by deleting the phrase "determined during the preparation of Neighbourhood Development Plans and identified in the respective restricted area (zoning)" from the second sentence and inserting thereto the following phrase: "identified in the Neighbourhood Development Plans and/or in the zoning". 15. Section 6.5.2i)b) is hereby amended by deleting the word "shall" from the third sentence and inserting thereto the word "may", and adding the following phrase to the end of the third sentence: "and/or the zoning by-law". 16. Section 6.5.2ii)b) is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following inserted thereto: "There are no Local Central Areas presently designated within the Courtice Major Urban Area. Local Central Areas may be permitted by amendment to this Official Plan. The precise boundaries of such Local Central Areas sh al 1 be determi n ed i n the respective Neighbourhood Development Plan and/or the Zoning By-law." ...4 AMENDMENT N0. TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER PLANNING ~A OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON ACTUAL AMENDMENT (Cont'd): 17. Section 6.5.2iii)b) is hereby amended by adding the following phrase to the end of the first sentence: "and/or the zo Wing by-law." 18. Section 6.7.2iii) is hereby amended by deleting the words "shall be defined in the" from the second sentence and inserting thereto the following words: "may be further defined by." Schedules "X-1" and "X-2" attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IMPLENIENTATIUN: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Former Planning Area of the Township of Darlington, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regards to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Official Plan of the Former Tanning Area of the Township of Darlington, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regards to this Amendment. ~ a ~ ~ W ~~ ~ ~- qp+~4$ Xp Y ~ ~ iotr `~` NJ .~ 'u = a.~ $~ ~ Q ~~~ ~~ q ~~ N ., .p *q .*~ Y .~ .~ ~~ ~ . '~~ 1`. ~~:$~:-s E ~~ 9 $ . . k . ~ 8 R ~~ Ey'~ . 7 ..~. .. z ~WW ~~ W~~ ~~ r Y. DLL U.. ~~ ~ ',~i ~ r~~~~f"~ :1 ~ d` J ~ Z y i O Cl. 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It r4 l l ~ _ _ , ^ ~ _ C.. a~.T r {~/ ++~~'•~."~` ,.t~TI`nw+.'n ~1'MwAfJ'w-:r_(~~ •rSTi~'~'~ ~5... ~~Y Y ~M ..i~ _.:...• J rrriii--- r `\ \! ~ { + ! a _ ._. ~. .. ~ ~~~' j • j ! . ~ k =' - _t ..ter' - t: y~ i ~~'~'' . ' ' .:._ _ r~._ _. 1 ~. E ~ - E ~ - ~~ _, r _.~- ,'1. ~~ dJ 3 ' .+.,_i ~~, ,..i ,~1 1`- {~.,~~ ~.' j- - ''gin ^•~ ` /~ }, : ~1rr~ .b'h rh ~`I-/!y 1Z~a .l ~~.~ i,' /Y Nor .~1A4 .~~~~ •~ G rl ' _~' - - ~ .. m~ ii .~ ,. . . ATTACHMENT N0. 2 TO REPORT NO .: PD-105-87 AMENDMENT N0. 3 TO THE COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to establish land use designations and road patterns for the northern portion of Neighbourhood 1a and the area west of Varcoes Road north of Nash Road; to designate a Neighbourhood Park in Neighbourhood 1b; and to make minor amendments to the text to reflect the above changes and proposed and approved Official Plan Amendments. BASIS: This Amendment is based upon the review of a development proposal for the northern portion of Neighbourhood 1a; the expansion of the Urban Area to the west of Varcoes Road; an identified need for additional park space in Neighbourhood 1b; and a proposed Official Plan Amendment to revise the requirement for the preparation and amendment of Neighbourhood Development Plans. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan is ere y amended as follows 1. Section 1.2 is amended by replacing the words "requires Council to" in the sixth line with the words "states that Council may". 2. Section 1.3 is amended by replacing the number "165" in the second line of the third paragraph with the number "205". 3. Section 2.3.2 is amended "3.5" in the fourth line respectively. by replacing the numbers "5.0" and with the numbers "8,•5" and "5.0" 4. Section 2.4.2 is amended by deleting the last three sentences of the Section in their entirety. 5. Section 2.6.1(i) is amended by deletiang the following words from the first sentence "and at some time i n the future by a proposed extension of Adelaide Avenue, also a Type B Arterial, along the northern limit the neighbourhood". 6. Schedule 1 entitled "Land Use Structure Plan" is hereby replaced with a new Schedule 1, being Schedule "X-1" attached hereto. 7. Schedule 2 entitled "Population" is hereby replaced with a new Schedule 2, being Schedule "X-2" attached hereto. ...2 s/,i, ATTACHMENT N0. 2 TO REPORT NO.: PD-105-87 AMENDMENT N0. 3 TO THE CUURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN ACTUAL AMENDMENT (Cont'd) 8. Appendix A entitled "Student Generation" is hereby replaced with a new Appendix A, being Schedule "X-3" attached hereto. Schedules "X-1", "X-2", and "X-3" attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Courtice West eighbourhood Development Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 4~ ~. SCHEDULE "X-1" TO THE COURTICE N0. PLAN _W Z J Z 3 0 ~- `, ~ '. oa 1598 person s SCHEDULE "X-2" TO ANiENDMENT N0. 3 TU THE COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN coU~T~cE ~ES~ t~~~o~~aU~HOOo t~oPUL~~~o~ SCHEDULE 2 4 0 20`0 _ _~ Oft. O 60 120 240 m 3 ~~,~ A P P E N D I X A STUDENT GENERATION COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD Estimated Total Population 5985 persons Estimated Average Occupancy Ratio Estimated Unit Yield 2.9 p.p.u. 2064 units Pupil Generation Factors Elementary - 0.5 students/unit 0.5 x 2064 = 1032 students Secondary - 0.2 students/unit 0.2 x 1483 = Separate - 0.5 students (unit x .25) 0.5 x (1483 x .25) _ 413 students 258 students SCHEDULE "X-3" TO AMENDNiENT N0. 3 TO THE CUURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN U~ ~` ATTACHMENT N0. 3 TO REPORT NO.: PD-105-87 AMENDMENT N0. 2 TO THE CUURTICE SOUTH NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to redesignate a Special Purpose Commercial site at Highway 2 and Prestonvale Road to Convenience Commercial; to make minor adjustments to the road pattern to provide a continuous east-west collector system; and to make minor amendments to the text to reflect a proposed Ufficial Plan Amendment. BASIS: This Amendment is based upon a review of land use designations; the need to provide a continuous collector system to serve the Courtice South Neighbourhood and to provide a more direct connection to Townline Road South and the proposed new GO Station in East Oshawa; and a proposed Official Plan Amendment to revise the requirement for the preparation and amendment of Neighbourhood Development Plans. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan is ere y amended as follows: 1. Section 1.2 is amended by replacing the words "requires Council to" in the sixth line with the words "states that Council may". 2. Schedule 1 entitled "Land Use Structure Plan" is hereby replaced with a new Schedule 1, being Schedule "X" attached hereto. Schedule "X" attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATTON: The provisions set forth in the Courtice South ~ghbourhood Development Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Courtice South eighbourhood Development Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. ~~ °, ~~~ ~~` r , SCHEDULE "X" TO AMENDMENT N0. 2 TU THE COURTICE SOUTH NEIGHg0URH00D DEVELOPMENT PLAN :, ~. adoa s,~~nal ' L. :.~. l> ..ti r :,i~i• ...~...~....~ C .... ... ..... .......... . D X111 111 111 :' O fi' .fi ~ r^ .,,~~ '• rIF (~ ,•• . ~~` f 1)~ lLi) t ~,,1~ ,ti.}~•ltt t1} ~r, l :~ _ ~~ .•' ':i` ~,,, .. _,~ ii.'.'.*Tf.•+~lM. ~}'~. •b `J r i ~~ii • ~~ir , i~ `its ~4 r~~ '~i: •:fi .r;. fi . fV C~ J. i "~~"Ct r •.:` ~ \. I'd ,, 't :~ 1 :' :~; `v :' i~ :'.l. r , 1 •N .,~' ~:ti% .J l 1 1 1 • ~'I 1 1 1 Ih :~ `~1 '• • `~7 ~~ •~ • • ._ ::~, `. • . `J. • :. ~~~~• J ::, ,• Z ,. ``'1 O 1 f ,,~ • [•• ,,1 11••• O 11,•• 1 • 11 • • fV • o_ Q. -' - • ~•: ~: L `4: ~' • • i~ • _ ,~~: ~• ' ~- • • • ~•,i~ • -~ t} •,,•l,~ _f ~.~ ~~~ .~ = - - - .~. ~«~ii.i' 'i s : r`' e:. ,:. ,< c ~~ r> > ~~ ~, ^o .'~~ - a` z~: ~~: c: ~: ~. ..; ~\,` ~,,1t .-.,. . 1 y;::, J a: i,.y~ ~:1Y '1~ , ':::~_ ,, ::a:. ~~~:~ ---~-,~ bo~ a 1~~ ` 1 ~, 1 l ;I :i3i;i; ,':;: b';: 11 n~: ':S~i N ~S. 1 i:w 1 0~~ J. 8?. 3.~ ~~ d' ~'I -- -- ~_ I r ®~i ~:~':®: _~ . .~~',,•~ ,I~ 1 ~i, w .,~ '~ ,,I,*„ .,.111,.E 0 .,,; •:x• .~ .~, ~ •, •~ ~. ,~ r, ,. c~ C ;: ~ •r~ a t1 '` . ~~fi'. ~~ ; :, i~ ` 1 ~) '•:z ~f H ~ S. ~~:` ~•: 2i'• •. i fi• ~`~ ~~3 f ~•: ~~~ ~ t~ r~' ~f~ i }"i .J ,.,~ ,. ~~„ `,~• ,, r, ~ > o ,. r ~•~~ li r 1 `~.~ Jn ~ k ~ ~_, :,~, f). N f~ ~~~ 'r ~, N. '. f r~ ..~ , ~~~~ ~~~ .'fi }~~+ N ~~J ~,,'~ ~i ~ ti fi• Y i~ ;Y: .~, +~ ~l :i:'j: ,,. . ~~~ :1 '~~'i •'. ~.. r~: '' •f •'•~''Ff~ .f ':~' n 1e T~ l ~~ l i~,• •J .~•~ ~) x. Jr J' ~ fi' 'V l t~.i ~f1 Y ^~, i ~ ~ ~C 1 .) I .~ r• ,. ..... .... ... ... ... ... s;~~y, •i ~ ; a l z•: ~'. . 4: i '. ~1 ~ ,~ {:~ ~::i~ +,~': ~}:,•, ,~ r .o•• ~,. ~'~. '''~~. :fit' .r r+`~~ (~~1 ATTACHMENT N0. 4 TO REPORT NO.: PD-105-87 AMENDMENT N0. 4 TO THE COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to delete the collector road system from the approved Land Use Structure Plan for Neighbourhood 36 and to make minor amendments to the text to reflect a proposed Official Plan Amendment. BASIS: This Amendment is based upon a proposed Official Plan Amendment to delete all collector roads from Neighbourhood 36 to provide the Town with greater flexibility in dealing with development proposals, and a proposed Official Plan Amendment to revise the requirement for the preparation and amendment of Neighbourhood Development Plans. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Courtice Nouth Neighbourhood Development Plan is here y amended as follows: 1. Section 1.2 is amended by replacing the words "requires Council to" in the eighth line with the words "states that Council may". 2. Schedule 16 entitled "Land Use Structure Plan - Neighbourhood 36" is hereby replaced with anew Schedule 16, being Schedule "X" attached hereto. Schedule "X" attached hereto sha11 form part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Courtice North eighbourhood Development Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Courtice North eig bourhood Development Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. I _ ~.,~, ,~~~ -~~~ I t' •"_':'i"'^^,ili}tiiii o':~`;". ' , Ir~~•+ ~; n f~ C ~ !' i~~~i :>?."" tikiti :'::iiiiii'';itt;;; r.; •, LIZ},. ,J s`.:' +, • r. °,n ,,, ..}:: , :air ~' . 1', •t.. ..`' t ii• 5 ~'i ~ ~ ~• ., c > ,+ I. r r ;r ::.. .•r •' `• t r. '~ti ~: :~, 2 ,~, ~i~~ "'rt .` :t ~i n R• t..... ~ , ..,:.. .r , ~it~ra r ...~L~,, r'iji~:',i.... . s r t'il, ua•• w nt' '•~t .t ••t f2`v ri .C .; 4.1: SF. , fi• ~, G~ r ~ ~ i:: 3 ` f, i•+;'if}:ii::!cii•ij ti?ll'r)i •A I i ilii~:::t,,.~ii4:.t. .•rrt.,' ;', (.i. •~fJ +'.:9.::..::•::•:.::.: ~ J ..:...1.. ., 0 0'~, o :', 1., r• 1 *' ~'~'~~:'~:;' I, •i•i ' t ~~i.. f •t. • u t• •~ +C f) v. .t s.• ,~ 'r •r ;;; •t ~ :ir :. 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ARTERIAL ROAD-TYPE 'A ..... . .......--~ t I ¢ ~° W -HIGH DENSITY ............. >'•~ ARTERIAL ROAD-TYPE B............ -~~-~ o w a RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL POLICY AREA. ~==%=~~~ ~' ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~' ,.~-'~ o MINOR COLLECTOR ROAD ............... _ I- o ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ........... ....... LOCAL ROAD........................... x ~ o SECONDARY SCHOOL ...................® PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PATHWAY.........•""•'~ o ~ J U O COMMUNITY PARK .....................•. ~ DEFERRED.. ................,...........® NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK ... . .......... ® L • N DENOTES DENSITY DESIGNATION-------- a = _ MINOR OPEN SPACE ...... ... ... ......•"~G^'~~ ~NTS PER NETHECTARBER OF (5 mow cry I- z