HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-08-21 MinutesCLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT : Tom Barrie Eric Bowman Brenda Metcalf Donald Rickard Councillor Gord Robinson Ted Watson STAFF : Faye Langmaid Lisa Backus Mitch Morawetz REGRETS: Henk Mulders Ross McMaster ABSENT: Mark Bragg Orwin Bandstra Gary Jeffery Jennifer Knox Mary Ann Found Chair called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Adoption of Agenda 08-17 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Donald Rickard ”That the Agenda for August 21st, 2008 be adopted” Carried Approval of Minutes 08-18 Moved byTed Watson, seconded by Eric Bowman “That the minutes of the June 12th, 2008 meeting be approved.” Carried Guests: Lisa Backus Lisa provided an overview of the Official Plan process (see attached presentation). The items discussed during the presentation were: School Board calculations—have changed over the years, the Minsitry of Education has a minimum size for schools at about 400 pupils. At this size there are many neighbourhoods that do not have sufficient children to warrant a school and that has created great challenges for planning school locations. Developers have to hold school lands for a minimum amount of time (3-5 yrs) if the school board does not acquire the lands then the developer can rezone them. This often comes as surprise to many of the residents who bought with the assumption that there would be a school. The School Board is one of the agencies that Planning will consult throughout the Official Plan process. MDS only works one way, it should work both ways and provide a buffer for residences to stay away from agricultural uses. The province does not require this and it is difficult to have developers agree to “sterilize” this amount of land without compensating them. The Planning Department has been trying for hard boundaries between subdivisions (roads and other physical barriers rather than lot lines). Pesticides are going to be a major problem for the agricultural community, given the new provincial legislation because of perception problems. Is there anyway that some of the potential issues can be addressed in the Official Plan? Traffic patterns in the agricultural community especially near urban are a major issue and will only continue to get worse. The new build at Darlington with all the workers coming in will cause major issues in certain areas of the Municipality. The Region has gone from 2 levels of Agriculture (general and prime) to one level in their Official Plan policies. They are calling it prime but the description is that of general, as in the uses are broader than what prime previously were. Clarington will have to bring it’s agricultural lands into conformity, this means that there will be a reduction in agricultural lands by about 7,500 acres. It will also affect the definition that Clarington uses for prime ag lands. Much of these changes are in response to the Greenbelt Plan. Faye will bring map to next meeting. Questions for the committee to ponder: a) farming support policies and incentives---things like stewardship grants through CA’s, buy local campaign, farmers’ market, agri-tourism strategy (marketing, etc) Are there others? b) second family dwelling on farm---policy no longer makes sense in today’s farming culture with automated systems, larger farm units, also because house cannot be separated the investment in the cost of the house cannot be realized when farm is sold (retirement lots have already been wiped out) What are people’s thoughts? c) Bunkhouses for seasonal employees as an accessory use, intensive operations that require seasonal workers are often smaller farm units, greenhouses in Clarington are all less than 50 acre parcels Does this make sense? d) Golf Courses- currently allowed in agricultural lands but not on the Moraine, should they be more restricted on the Lake Iroquois shoreline?…They are allowed in Green space and Waterfront Greenway. Add policies that set out AACC Aug 21st, 2008 criteria for how they are to be developed, Audubon Society and other environmental registrations. What are your thoughts? e) Rural brownfields-conversion to solar farms, bio-fuels, etc. Are there other uses? f) Private hunt and fish clubs in countryside are an acceptable use under recreation/tourism. Are there other uses? Paintball? Business Arising from Minutes Orono Fair display Mitch will take care of putting it up and removing it. Reports from Committees DAAC The DAAC Tour will be September 16 this year. The tour will start at Whitefeather Farms. Get your RRSP in. Other Business Viticulture-minutes of meeting with National Research Council and Climatology experts were distributed. Meeting was very interesting. Dr. Tony Shaw is submitting a proposal to Marlene and Faye, research would be useful for more than just viticulture, it would be useful for climate change and specialty crops that may be grown along the lakeshore. Emphasis of this proposal is from an agri-tourism perspective and value-added. Future Agendas October TSH/MTO regarding 407 (Faye will send out map with minutes) November ½ Loads, MTO Enforcement will attend (handout from Highway Traffic Act was distributed at meeting). Motion to Adjourn, Eric Carried AACC Aug 21st, 2008