HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-10 Minutes CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, May 10, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Barrie Gary Jeffery Ted Watson Mark Bragg Brenda Metcalf Henk Mulders Mary Ann Found Marlene Werry Councillor Gord Robinson Orwin Bandstra Donald Rickard STAFF: Faye Langmaid Susan Hajnik REGRESTS: Eric Bowman Jennifer Knox ABSENT: Ross McMaster Chair called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Adoption of Agenda 07-10 Moved by Ted Watson, seconded by Brenda Metcalf "That the Agenda for May 10, 2007 be adopted" CARRIED Approval of Minutes 07-11 Moved by Brenda Metcalf, seconded by Donald Rickard "That the minutes of the April 12, 2007 meeting be approved." " CARRIED 01, 4 9 � µ f, Introduction of Guests: Mayor Abernethy attended the meeting as an observer. Fred Horvath, Director of Operations provided an update on illegal dumping. Operations department is concerned with the illegal dumping in Clarington. There are approximately 50 dumpings reported each year, which translates into approximately $30,000 to $45,000 a year in staff/resource costs to clean up. The person(s) responsible don't seem to care what or where they dump. As an example, a load of shingles was illegally dumped in the OPG soccer fields. Operations department will get to dump sites as soon as possible once they are notified that the illegal dumping has taken place. As part of the clean up process, trash is sorted through looking for any material that may aid in identifying the culprit. Once a lead is determined, it is forwarded to By-law to take appropriate action. It should be noted that we have been successful in the courts on two cases where dumping was reported.. Although every effort is made to track down people who dump illegally, it can be daunting. They deny the dumping, or they simply can't be found. People need to be encouraged to report any illegal dumping they witness. Licence plate numbers, and or descriptions of the party involved will assist in the process of pursing charges. Clarington through the residential waste program has several programs for residents to dispose of their garbage. Yes people/motorist still dump illegally, usually at night. Clarington Transfer station at McKnight Road and the Oshawa — Ritson Road depot are both viable options to just leaving your trash at the side of the road. You can call the Region and arrange for bulk items to be picked up. Clarington is a growing and our concession roads and highways are very busy. We have a lot of traffic that simply drives through the area either on a daily basis, or on the way to the cottage,. we need to send the message that Clarington will not tolerate illegal dumping, and that if caught you will be prosecuted. Business Arising AACC Brochure The brochure needs one of the graphics removed and replaced with one about the Farm Market. There is also a blank space on the front that needs something inserted there. Emergency Response Contacts Faye is compiling the names and numbers and will forward to Emergency Services Department. Correspondence Committee was provided with a hand-out on Farm Fire Safety. OTHER COMMITTEES 407 COMMITTEE The 407 Advisory Committee requested in put from the Agricultural Advisory Committee on what is required for overpasses/underpasses on the proposed route(s) of the 407 Highway. Below is the response Committee will provide. Ag Advisory Comments 407 Inter-parcel connections The preference for the farming community is to have overpasses rather than underpasses. The overpass should be at least 40' wide, this is to allow machine to be moved from field to field without removing the headers, etc. The roads ways that currently extent north/south should continue to have north/south linkages and not be cul-de-sacs at the 407 (the 401 did this to a number of roads which has drastically affected the inter-parcel travel for farmers and cost significant time loss to them). The roadways that currently link east/west should also continue to be maintained. The further north the highway is pushed the better it is for agriculture. The better farms and soils are to the south. Existing accesses to fields should be maintained. An example is Cole Road the access the field may potentially be landlocked if an overpass is not maintained to the north. There are certain places where the farmers access the fields and that should continue. Will there be parallel service roads to the highway that farmers can use? OTHER BUSINESS Ontario Farm Animal (OFA) has released a new book titled "The `Real'Dirt on Farming". This is a resource book and includes current information about Canadian agriculture, its traditions, changing trends and ideas for the future. There are synopsis on every commodity in Ontario. The Mayor and all Council members have been given a copy. FUTURE AGENDA June agenda will include Len Creamer and others on Trespass law. July and August meeting will be at the call of the chair. Motion to adjourn - CARRIED.