HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-14 Minutes CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Barrie Gary Jeffery Ted Watson Mark Bragg Brenda Metcalf Henk Mulders Mary Ann Found Marlene Werry Orwin Bandstra Donald Rickard Eric Bowman Jennifer Knox STAFF: Faye Langmaid Susan Hajnik REGRETS: Ross McMaster Councillor Gord Robinson Chair called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Adoption of Agenda 07-12 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Donald Rickard "That the Agenda for June 17, 2007 be adopted CARRIED Approval of Minutes 07-13 Moved by Gary Jeffery, seconded by Ted Watson "That the minutes of they May 10, 2007 meeting be approved." J' CARRIED ' 0 J" j I Introduction of Guests: Mitch Phinney, Conservation Officier, MNR. Committee was provided with a print out of the Trespass to Property Act. This will provide an overview of who is responsible for enforcement be it an enforcement officer or the police. The international symbol for "no trespassing is a red dot. These red dots should be 10 cm in circumference. Signs can be ripped down, red dots can be painted on posts/trees. A yellow dot means that some things are permitted. It is up to the individual to permitted, but you should seek permission before entering the property. If your property is fenced you do not require the red dot. Garden fields and areas under construction do not require red dots/signs. In the case of property that is leased and/or tenanted you need to know what the land owners wishes are. People hurt while trespassing can/do sue. Trespassers can only be charged under the Conservation Act if they are hunting, poaching fishing or have traps. Issues of trespass by motorbikes, dog walkers and such are for the police to handle. If this is the case you should get a good description of the trespasser and a licence plate if possible. The more detail the better. If you see someone illegally hunting or fishing call MNR 24 hour hot line 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847- 7667). Fines under the conservation act start at $125 and could go as high as $2,500. Business Arising AACC Brochure Waiting for a graphic about the Farm Market. There is also a blank space on the front that needs something inserted there. Correspondence Hand out from the province on Clean Water Act— Myths and Facts. OTHER COMMITTEES 407 COMMITTEE There will be a public meeting held to announce the preferred route for the Highway 407 on June 26, 2007 at the Rickard Centre from 4 pm to 8 pm. This information will be posted on the 407 website. http://www.407eastea.com/ i i DAAC DAAC recently had a Waste Management speaker. Blue box use has increased. Waste is down from 44% to 28%. The DAAC tour this year will be held on September 28. OTHER BUSINESS E-update. Committee is not in favour of the new format of the up-date in the body of the e-mail. They would prefer to have an attachment that they can open. Request that a list of meetings on the Energy From Waste be at the bottom of the update to keep people informed. FUTURE AGENDA Possible topics for future meetings: oo Lake Scugog — monitoring the water content NEXT MEETING: August 30, 2007 Motion to adjourn from Eric Bowman - CARRIED.