HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-15-2020Clarbgton If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Council Minutes Date: June 15, 2020 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present Were: Mayor A. Foster Present by Electronic Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor Means: J. Jones, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor M. Zwart Staff Present: A. Greentree, M. Chambers Staff Present by A. Allison, G. Acorn, R. Albright, S. Brake, F. Langmaid, Electronic Means: R. Maciver, M. Marano, T. Pinn, G. Weir 1. Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2. Moment of Reflection Councillor Hooper led the meeting in a moment of reflection. 3. Land Acknowledgement Statement Councillor Hooper recited the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 4. Declaration of Interest Councillor Jones declared an indirect interest in in Item 13 of the General Government Committee Report regarding Report CSD-005-20, regarding the 2020 Community Event Sponsorship Requests - Intake 2 (Spring) for the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Foundation. Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Item 6 of the General Government Committee Report, regarding Report CSD-005-20, regarding the 2020 Community Sponsorship Requests for Autism Home Base Durham. Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes Councillor Zwart declared a direct interest in Report FND-018-20 regarding COVID-19 Financial Support Update (Unfinished Business 14.1), Section 9 Business Improvement Areas. Councillor Zwart declared a direct interest in Item 7 of the Planning and Development Committee Report, regarding Reopening of Hair Salons. Mayor Foster declared an indirect interest in in Item 13 of the General Government Committee Report regarding Report CSD-005-20 regarding the 2020 Community Event Sponsorship Requests - Intake 2 (Spring) for the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Foundation. 5. Announcements Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 6. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) 6.1 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council dated May 25, 2020 Resolution # C-259-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on May 25, 2020, be approved. Carried 7. Presentations None 8. Delegations Alter the Agenda Resolution # C-260-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Agenda be altered to considered matter of Report PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 —Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan, at this time; and That the matter of Report PSD-041-19, be lifted from the table. Carried Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes 13.1 Report PSD-041-19, Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan Resolution # C-261-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan, be referred to the June 29, 2020 Planning and Development Committee meeting. Carried Alter the Agenda 12.1 - Confidential Report LGL-005-20, Camp 30 Option Agreement Resolution # C-262-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Agenda be altered to consider Confidential Report LGL-005-20 - Camp 30 Option Agreement, at this time; and That Confidential Report LGL-005-20 be referred to the June 29, 2020 Planning and Development Committee meeting. Carried 8.1 Devon Daniell, Kaitlin Corporation, Report PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — OPA Amendment No 121 (Agenda Item 13.1) Devon Daniell, Kaitlin Corporation, was present via electronic mean regarding Report PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — OPA Amendment No 121 (Agenda Item 13.1). Mr. Daniell noted that he submitted correspondence outlining Kaitlin's concerns and the reasons for requesting the Report to be referred. He noted that he is here to discuss the Municipally initiated OPA 121. Mr. Daniell noted there are several restrictions which include not being able to build more 700 units, being within 100 meters of a road, or in close proximity to heritage sites. Mr. Daniell stated that this Municipally initiated Official Plan Amendment is unnecessary and will limit development. He explained that they worked hard to put together a team create the proposed development that respects heritage, includes diverse affordable homes and includes senior housing. Mr. Daniell stated that they would like to 3 Clarftwa June 15, 2020 Council Minutes bring their proposal forward to Council and move forward and he feels Staff is trying to prevent them from doing this. He explained that he is frustrated and upset as they have developed a plan and a report which includes 100 acres and 70% of that land is open space and parkland. Mr. Daniell believes both the Members of Council and the members of the public should be aware of the options available. He concluded by asking for their proposal to be considered and that both options (Kaitlin's and OPA 121) be presented in order to allow the Members of Council to make the right decision for the land. Mr. Daniell answered questions from the Members of Council. 8.2 Stuart McReynolds regarding Report PSD-019-20, Applications by Kaleido Corp (formerly Landmark -Newcastle Ltd) to Amend Zoning By-law 84-63 to Permit a 15 Unit Townhouse Development at the South -East Corner of Mill Street and Robert Street in Newcastle Stuart McReynolds was present via electronic means regarding Report PSD-019-20, Applications by Kaleido Corp (formerly Landmark -Newcastle Ltd) to Amend Zoning By-law 84-63 to Permit a 15 Unit Townhouse Development at the South -East Corner of Mill Street and Robert Street in Newcastle. He noted that he is a local resident that will be impacted by this development. Mr. McReynolds acknowledged and thanked Councillor Zwart for taking the time to meet with some of the residents at the proposed site. He noted that he is concerned with the restrictions of the format of the public meeting being an online format. Mr. McReynolds added that two years ago when this application was brought to Committee there were many residents who spoke to the proposed development. He has spoken to many residents who have expressed concerns and a petition has been started for residents who are in opposition to the development. Mr. McReynolds noted some of the comments in the petition include concerns with increased traffic, density, height, lowering of property values and that the development does not fit in the with the existing neighbourhood. He continued by stating he does not feel this development aligns with Clarington's Official Plan as it does not respect character of the neighbourhood design. Mr. McReynolds noted this type of higher density development is better suited on a local corridor which has access to public transit. He added that the applicant has asked of many variances for this development. Mr. McReynolds explained that he has many safety concerns including increased traffic, the trees restricting site lines and that this is a school zone. He added that he is also concern with the access to the development and the increase population of the nearby school. Mr. McReynolds also noted that accessibility plans should be considered as he feels there are not enough accessible parking spots. He added that the current public land is an eye sore and current owner does not maintain the property. Residents need to complain to have the lawn maintained and he is concerned this will carry through to the development. Mr. McReynolds concluded by encouraging the Members of Council to table the application and give the residents an opportunity to participate and, if the development is to continue it is with something that fits 12 Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes more with the neighbourhood design. He answered questions from the Members of Council. 8.3 Peter Van Loan, Aird and Berlis, Report PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — OPA Amendment No 121 (Agenda Item 13.1) Peter Van Loan, Aird and Berlis, was present via electronic means regarding Report PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — OPA Amendment No 121 (Agenda Item 13.1). Mr. Van Loan asked for the Official Plan Amendment 121 to be deferred until the property owners' proposal can be considered by the Members of Council. He explained that there is a generous donation of parkland which exceeds the amount required under the Planning Act. Mr. Van Loan explained that a planning application was submitted on May 21, 2020 which reflects the donation of the parkland. He explained that the Municipality and property owner need to work together and asked for the Municipality to fully consider the owners' plans. Mr. Van Loan stated that the Members of Council have the duty to act fairly and in order to do that all of the relevant information needs to be reviewed. He asked for the Members of Council to direct Staff to defer the proposed Official Plan Amendment until the property owners' plan can be reviewed. Mr. Van Loan noted that he is very supportive of heritage preservation and restoration. He explained that all of the facts are needed to make an informed decision and that Official Plan Amendment 121 is based on the DTHA Design Study. Mr. Van Loan explained that his clients have made a serious commitment and they are looking to provide a development which includes high quality senior housing. He added they have transferred parkland and cash contributions in the agreement. Mr. Van Loan stated that the conditions of the agreement have been fulfilled and if OPA 121 is adopted the conditions will not longer be satisfied. He concluded by asking for the property owners' application to be circulated so an informed decision can be made. Mr. Van Loan answered questions from the Members of Council. Recess Resolution # C-263-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Council recess for 5 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 8:18 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Members of Council continued to ask questions of Mr. Van Loan. 5 Clarftmn June 15, 2020 Council Minutes 8.4 Neil Moore regarding Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning to Permit a Block of 17 Townhouse Units at 1668 Nash Road in Courtice (Item 3 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) Neil Moore was present via electronic means regarding Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning to Permit a Block of 17 Townhouse Units at 1668 Nash Road in Courtice (Item 3 of the Planning and Development Committee Report). He noted that he is a local resident, and both Courtice North and Courtice Secondary School's are in his neighbourhood. Mr. Moore is concerned that the maps in the Report do not show the elevation change on Nash Road and this could be dangerous when turning onto Nash Road from Richfield Square. He added that safety measures have already been put in place, including signs to reduce the speeds and a traffic lights. Mr. Moore is concerned that the corner of the development is near a bus stop and this will become a danger due to construction in the area. Mr. Moore noted that he is concerned with construction dust and debris. He asked for the trees to be maintained and for access to Richfield Square to restricted. Mr. Moore added that if the trees need to be taken down that they are replaced with new trees. He continued by noting he is concerned with additional traffic, lack of accessible parking spaces, noise pollution, and that the development will result in increased on street parking. Mr. Moore concluded by asking for quarterly traffic studies to be submitted, construction vehicles prohibited from parking or using Richfield Square, street cleaned on a regular basis, and all roads that are cut to be fully re -paved. He answered questions from the Members of Council. 9. Communications — Receive for Information 9.3 Steve Clark, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding a Message with Respect to the Planning Act Resolution # C-264-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Correspondence Items 9.1 to 9.3 be received for information with the exception of Items 9.1 and 9.2. Carried 9.1 Guy W. Giorno, Integrity Commissioner, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, regarding Council Members and Alleged By-law Infractions Resolution # C-265-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Correspondence Item 9.1 be referred back to Staff to enquire if Members of Council are permitted to follow up with Municipal Law Enforcement staff on whether a matter has been rectified, and if not why; and Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes That a policy detailing Council's role in enforcement be developed. Carried 9.2 Confidential Memo from Robert Maciver, Municipal Solicitor, regarding Potential Acquisition of Land Resolution # C-266-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Correspondence Item 9.2, be referred to the end of the Agenda to be considered during Closed Session. Carried 10. Communications — Direction 10.1 Memo from Trevor Pinn, Director of Finance/Treasurer regarding Proposed Amendments to Property Tax Relief Program 10.2 Memo from Trevor Pinn, Director of Finance/Treasurer regarding Report FND-018-20 — Draft CIP By-law 10.3 Devon Daniell, Kaitlin Corporation regarding Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan 10.4 Bernice Norton, President, ACO Clarington, regarding Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan 10.5 Marilyn Morawetz, Jury Lands Foundation, regarding Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan 10.6 Linda Rohr regarding Report PSD-019-20, Applications by Kaleido Corp (formerly Landmark -Newcastle Ltd) to Amend Zoning By-law 84-63 to Permit a 15 Unit Townhouse Development at the South -East Corner of Mill Street and Robert Street in Newcastle 10.7 Memo from Faye Langmaid, Acting Director of Planning regarding Temporary Patios in response to COVID-19 Re -Openings 10.9 Peter Van Loan, Aird and Berlis, Report PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — OPA Amendment No 121 7 Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes 10.11 Bob Schickedanz, Far Sight Homes, regarding Report PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 Amendment 121 to COPA Resolution # C-267-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Neal That Correspondence Item 10.1 to 10.9 and 10.11 be approved, on consent with the exception of Item 10.8 as follows: That Correspondence Item 10.1, Memo from Trevor Pinn, Director of Finance/Treasurer regarding Proposed Amendments to Property Tax Relief Program, be referred to the consideration of Unfinished Business Item 14.1 - Report FND-018-20. That Correspondence Item 10.2, Memo from Trevor Pinn, Director of Finance/Treasurer regarding Draft CIP By-law, be referred to the consideration of Unfinished Business Item 14.1 - Report FND-018-20. That Correspondence Item 10.3, from Devon Daniell, Kaitlin Corporation, regarding Report PSD-041-19, Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan, be referred to the consideration of the Report at the June 29, 2020 Planning and Development Committee meeting. That Correspondence Item 10.4, from Bernice Norton, President, ACO Clarington, regarding Report PSD-041-19, Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan, be referred to the consideration of the Report at the June 29, 2020 Planning and Development Committee meeting. That Correspondence Item 10.5, from Marilyn Morawetz, Jury Lands Foundation, regarding Report PSD-041-19, Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan, be referred to the consideration of the Report at the June 29, 2020 Planning and Development Committee meeting. That Correspondence Item 10.6 from Linda Rohr regarding Report PSD-019-20, Applications by Kaleido Corp (formerly Landmark -Newcastle Ltd) to Amend Zoning By-law 84-63 to Permit a 15 Unit Townhouse Development at the South -East Corner of Mill Street and Robert Street in Newcastle, be referred to Item 6 of the Planning and Development Committee Report. Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes That Correspondence Item 10.7 from Faye Langmaid, Acting Director of Planning regarding Temporary Patios in response to COVID-19 Re - Openings, be referred to the consideration of Item 2 of the Planning and Development Committee Report. That Correspondence Item 10.9, from Peter Van Loan, Aird and Berlis, regarding Report PSD-041-19, Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan, be referred to the consideration of the Report at the June 29, 2020 Planning and Development Committee meeting. That Correspondence Item 10.11, Bob Schickedanz, Far Sight Homes, regarding Report PSD-041-19, Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan, be referred to the consideration of the Report at the June 29, 2020 Planning and Development Committee meeting. Carried 10.8 John Currey, Earth Boring Co. Limited, regarding a Request for Exemption to By -Law 2007-071 - Noise By-law Resolution # C-268-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That request form John Currey, Earth Boring Co. for an exemption to the Municipality's Noise By-law 2007-071 for Road Tunnelling at Rudell Rd and Sunset Blvd in Newcastle, be approved. Carried as Amended, see following motion Resolution # C-269-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the foregoing Resolution #C-268-20 be amended by adding the following at the end: "That the authority be delegated to the Director of Engineering to revoke the exemption to the By-law if necessary." Carried The foregoing Resolution #C-268-20 was then put a vote and carried as amended. 9 Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes 10.10 Memo from Andy Allison, CAO, regarding Application Intake Window for Infrastructure Canada's Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) Resolution # C-270-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Correspondence Item 10.10, Memo from Andy Allison, CAO, regarding Application Intake Window for Infrastructure Canada's Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF), be received for information. Carried 10.12 Thomas Sheehan, Enniskillen General Store regarding for Municipal Approval to Sell Alcohol Holidays 10.13 Rahim Ramal, Hampton General Store, regarding for Municipal Approval to Sell Alcohol Holidays Resolution # C-271-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That correspondence items 10.12 and 10.13, being requests from Enniskillen General Store and Hampton General Store for Municipal approval to sell alcohol on the following holidays be approved; and Canada Day Wednesday, July 1, 2020 Civic Holiday I Monday, August 3, 2020 Labour Day Monday, September 7, 2020 Thanksgiving Monday, October 12, 2020 Boxing Day Saturday, December 26, 2020 That approval be granted for any other existing licenced LCBO Convenience Outlet located in Clarington, should the Operator be interested in selling on the respective holidays. Carried 10 Clarington 11. Committee Reports 11.1 Advisory Committee Reports June 15, 2020 Council Minutes 11.1.1 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated April 28, and May 19, 2020 11.1.2 Minutes of the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee dated March 11, 2020 11.1.3 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated May 14, 2020 11.1.4 Minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee dated June 3, 2020 11.1.5 Minutes of the Tourism Advisory Committee dated May 22, 2020 11.1.6 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated May 26, 2020 11.1.7 Minutes of the Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee dated May 28, 2020 Resolution # C-272-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Advisory Committee Report Item 11.1.1 to 11.1.7, be approved. Carried Recess Resolution # C-273-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Council recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 9:41 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 11.2 General Government Committee Report of June 1, 2020 Resolution # C-274-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the recommendations contained in the General Government Committee Report of June, 1, 2020 be approved on consent, with the exception of items 6 and 13, 2,1 e, 1 g, 3, 27 and 29. Carried 11 ClarftmnJune 15, 2020 Council Minutes Item 6 - Autism Home Base Durham Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Item 6 of the General Government Committee Report, regarding Report CSD-005-20 regarding the 2020 Community Sponsorship Requests for Autism Home Base Durham as he is a Member of the Board. Councillor Neal muted his audio and video and refrained from discussion on this matter. Resolution # C-275-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Sponsorship Application, from Autism Home Base Durham, for the Fall Family Symposium 2020, be approved in the amount of $1,000. Carried Item 13 - Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Foundation Councillor Jones declared an indirect interest in in Item 13 of the General Government Committee Report regarding Report CSD-005-20 regarding the 2020 Community Event Sponsorship Requests - Intake 2 (Spring) for the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Foundation as she an employee of Lakeridge Health. Councillor Jones muted her audio and video and refrained from discussion on this matter. Mayor Foster declared an indirect interest in in Item 13 of the General Government Committee Report regarding Report CSD-005-20 regarding the 2020 Community Event Sponsorship Requests - Intake 2 (Spring) for the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Foundation as a member of his family is doing work for Lakeridge Health. Mayor Foster muted his audio and video and refrained from discussion on this matter. Councillor Neal Chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution # C-276-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Sponsorship Application #S20-06, from Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Foundation, be approved in the amount of $2,000. Carried Mayor Foster assumed the chair. 12 Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes Item 1e - Memo from Steve Brake, Acting Director of Operations and George Acorn, Director of Community Services, Regarding Report CSD- 008-19 Single Use Plastics in Municipal Buildings Resolution # C-277-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Correspondence Item 9.5 Memo from Steve Brake, Acting Director of Operations and George Acorn, Director of Community Services, Regarding Report CSD-008-19 Single Use Plastics in Municipal Buildings, be received for information. Carried Item 1g - Service Delivery Review Update -Tourism Update Resolution # C-278-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report CAO-013-20, Service Delivery Review Update - Tourism, be received for information. Carried Item 2 - Universal Basic Income Resolution # C-279-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the following resolution from Jeff Bunn, Manager, Council & Committee Services/Deputy Clerk, City of Kitchener, regarding Universal Basic Income, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: Whereas the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020 declared COVID-19 a pandemic, pointing to the growing number of cases of the coronavirus illness around the world and the sustained risk of further global spread; And whereas in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Province of Ontario and the City of Kitchener have declared a state of emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act; And whereas the City of Kitchener has approved the Early Economic Support Plan, which provides financial and economic support measures to help reduce the financial strain on citizens and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic; 13 Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes And whereas Statistics Canada has reported that the unemployment rate has risen to 7.8 per cent, with 1,011,000 jobs lost in March 2020, and that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the employment of 3.1 million Canadians; And whereas the Federal government has announced $82 billion in relief funding for the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, utilizing tax deferrals, subsidies, loans, and credits to support citizens, businesses, and industries; And whereas according to a 2018 Parliamentary Budget Office report, a Canada -wide basic income of the type previously piloted in Ontario would have an annual net cost of $44 billion; And whereas a universal basic income would likely have many positive effects, including reducing poverty, reducing strain on health care and social assistance systems, supporting businesses and the economy, reducing crime, as well as reducing administrative complexity and creating efficiencies for those in need of financial and economic support measures; Therefore Be It Resolved that the Council of the City of Kitchener urges the Ontario Provincial government to pursue a partnership with the Federal government for the establishment of a universal basic income; Be It Finally Resolved that this resolution be forwarded to the Right Honourable Prime Minister of Canada; the Honourable Premier of Ontario; the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services; the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing; the Association of Municipalities of Ontario; the Local Members of Provincial Parliament; and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Yes (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart No (2): Councillor Jones, and Councillor Neal Carried on a recorded vote (5 to 2) Item 3 - Outdoor Recreation Needs Assessment (ORNA) Resolution # C-280-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Report EGD-010-20 be received; That the Outdoor Recreation Needs Assessment be approved as a guide for the future provision of outdoor recreation facilities; 14 Clarftmn June 15, 2020 Council Minutes That Staff be directed to report back before summer break on capital improvements to Stuart Park Tennis Courts, and other tennis courts in Clarington and other infrastructure projects which may be included within related budgetary allowances, to enhance user experience and that report include cost estimates on having lights installed at three tennis courts in Courtice, Bowmanville and Orono funded through the parkland dedication fund; and That all interested parties listed in Report EGD-010-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Item 27 - Annual Statement for the Development Charges Reserve Funds for the Year Ended December 31, 2019 Resolution # C-281-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That Report FND-016-20 be received; and That a copy of this report be posted on the Municipality's website. Carried Item 29 - Actions to Support Municipalities and the Development of a Green Economy Resolution # C-282-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson Whereas all levels of government have taken unprecedented steps to ensure the health and well-being of Canadians during the COVID-19 public health emergency, which has resulted in a significant economic slowdown; And whereas climate change and environmental degradation will continue to be ongoing threats to the health and well-being of Canadians during, and after, the COVID-19 public health emergency; And whereas governments will play an important role in restarting the economy following the COVID-19 public health emergency to ensure the prosperity and well-being of our communities; And whereas the restart of the economy provides a unique leadership opportunity for governments to expedite the transition to environmentally sustainable economic activities that are prosperous and healthy for people and the natural environment; 15 Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes And whereas investing in a clean economy has many benefits that contribute to the health and well-being of people including: increased air and water quality; technological innovation; energy -supply security through increased energy diversity, reduced fuel costs, new employment opportunities, and healthier natural areas; And whereas the Municipality of Clarington has helped to create and endorse the Durham Community Energy Plan, which outlines a strategy to respond to climate change while providing over 7,000 new jobs each year, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 70%, reducing overall household energy expenses, and returning $40 billion in energy savings and revenue to the economy in Durham from local energy generation by 2050; And whereas the Municipality of Clarington is already taking actions to protect the environment and respond to climate change by implementing Priority Green development standards and an Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan, developing the Clarington Climate Action Plan, participating in the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Partners for Climate Protection Program, and declaring a climate emergency to expedite climate action; Now therefore be it resolved, That Mayor Foster, on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington, respectfully request that the Federal and Provincial governments take the following actions to support municipalities and the development of a green economy following the COVID-19 public health emergency: • Invest in programs that reduce GHG emissions and create jobs by helping residents and businesses retrofit existing homes and buildings and construct new homes and buildings that are energy efficient and resilient to climate change. • Invest in the restoration of forests, streams, rivers, wetlands, and coastal ecosystems, which provide a wide variety of ecological goods and services, such as clean air and water, long term carbon storage, and natural habitats. • Invest in accessible public transit systems in rural and urban areas to help reduce GHG emissions and provide essential transportation. • Invest in cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, which enables inexpensive non-polluting mobility and supports public health through physical activity. • Create a federal Environmental Bill of Rights, that articulates a person's right to clean air, water and a healthy natural environment. • Divest from the fossil fuel industry to reduce GHG emissions and mitigate climate change. • Invest in local renewable energy production, transmission and storage, to reduce GHG emissions and household energy expenses and create high quality new jobs in manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and recycling. 16 Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes • Invest in the local agricultural sector to lower GHG emissions associated with food distribution, create local jobs, and increase local food security. • Invest in waste reduction initiatives that reduce the amount of household waste that is being added to landfills and burned in waste incinerators • Invest in Canadian industries that are seeking solutions to climate change and environmental damage and contributing to public well-being. • Provide financial aid to municipalities and businesses to support initiatives that create local jobs, provide local services, increase local food security, implement sustainable business practices, and increase resilience to climate change. That this resolution be forwarded to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) the Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) for circulation to municipalities with a request for endorsement; That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Erin O'Toole, MP (Durham), Honourable Philip Lawrence MP (Northumberland -Peterborough South), Lindsey Park, MPP (Durham), David Piccini, MPP (Northumberland - Peterborough South); and That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Region of Durham and Durham area municipalities for endorsement. Yes (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart No (2): Councillor Jones, and Councillor Neal Carried on a recorded vote (5 to 2) 11.3 Planning & Development Committee Report of June 8-9, 2020 Resolution # C-283-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the recommendations contained in the Planning and Development Committee Report of June 8-9, 2020, be approved on consent, with the exception of items 2, 6, 1 a and 7. Carried Item 2 - Patio Expansion for Restaurants Resolution # C-284-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the following resolution from Rob Burton, Mayor, Town of Oakville, regarding Patio Expansion for Restaurants, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: 17 Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes Whereas the economy of Oakville has been drastically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic with provincially mandated business restrictions and closures, resulting in limited operations, employee lay offs, and financial hardships; And whereas commercial areas in Oakville form a key component necessary to ensure that Oakville is a complete, livable community; And whereas in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mayor formed an Economic Task Force, comprising representatives from the Oakville Chamber of Commerce, BIAs, Visit Oakville, and Economic Development, to provide immediate short-term relief measures to the business community, as well as explore options to support Oakville's long-term economic recovery; And whereas the Province has entered into Phase One of reopening under the COVID-19 state of emergency and communities are preparing for the restoration of services; And whereas public health officials advise that two metre distancing is a critical tool to slow the spread of COVID-19; And whereas the reopening of commercial businesses will require interim adjustments to methods of service delivery to maintain physical distancing requirements related to COVID-19 and meet the needs of the community. And whereas the Economic Task Force has collaborated to develop the Commercial Recovery Initiative to support the town -wide reopening of commercial businesses in a practical manner that supports the safety of the community, employees and members of the public; Now Therefore Be It Resolved, That staff, in cooperation with members of the Economic Task Force, be authorized to implement the Commercial Recovery Initiative, designed to re- invigorate economic activity within the Town while simultaneously protecting public health and safety, which includes the following: o Making town lands in and adjacent to commercial areas available at nominal cost to enable the provision of temporary commercial services outdoors, including patios or pop-up facilities associated with existing restaurants and retail businesses, or outdoor sale or display of merchandise meeting the objectives of the program, subject to permitting requirements; o Incorporating physical distancing measures in commercial areas to address safety such as dedicated queueing or pedestrian areas; IN Clarftwa June 15, 2020 Council Minutes o Providing assistance through the Economic Task force to the BIA's, Chamber of Commerce and Visit Oakville with the development and implementation of a coordinated marketing campaign that encourages residents and visitors to support local businesses; o Expedited processing of permits which assist existing businesses in adjusting to the delivery of their services through alternate means; o Temporary exemptions from providing required parking under section 40 of the Planning Act granted at nominal value to accommodate outdoor patios, or outdoor display areas on private property; o Any use of town land or other permits being subject to compliance with physical distancing or other requirements applicable as a result of the COVID-19 emergency, insurance and indemnities, and any other restrictions necessary to protect public safety, meet accessibility requirements and avoid undue interference with the use of public lands by the general public or impacts on adjacent residents. 2. That the application fees for requisite approvals associated with the Commercial Recovery Initiative, be waived for 2020; and 3. That authority to implement the Commercial Recovery Initiative is delegated jointly to the Commissioner of Community Development and the Director of Economic Development. Carried Resolution # C-285-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Correspondence Item 10.7 from Faye Langmaid, Acting Director of Planning regarding Temporary Patios in response to COVID-19 Re -Openings, be referred to the consideration of Agenda Item 14.1. Carried Item 6 - Applications by Kaleido Corporation (formerly Landmark - Newcastle Limited) to Amend Zoning By-law 84-63 to Permit a 15 Unit Townhouse Development at the South -East Corner of Mill Street and Robert Street in Newcastle Resolution # C-286-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Neal That Report PSD-019-20 be received; That the application to amend the Zoning By-law submitted by Kaleido Corporation be approved and the Zoning By-law Amendment, contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD-019-20, be passed; 19 Clarington June 15, 2020 Council Minutes That, once requirements for removal of the (H) Holding Symbol, as outlined in the policies of the Clarington Official Plan are satisfied, a By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be forwarded to Council for approval; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-019-20 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-019-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Motion Withdrawn Resolution # C-287-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report PSD-019-20, Applications by Kaleido Corporation (formerly Landmark -Newcastle Limited) to Amend Zoning By-law 84-63 to Permit a 15 Unit Townhouse Development at the South -East Corner of Mill Street and Robert Street in Newcastle, be referred to the September 14, 2020 Joint Committee Meeting to allow further discussions with the developer to consider lowering the height of the homes and to consider fewer units. Carried Later in the Meeting, see following motions Suspend the Rules Resolution # C-288-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting to 11:30 PM. Carried Resolution # C-289-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the foregoing Resolution #C-287-20 be amended by replacing the words "September 14, 2020" with "June 29, 2020". Yes (7): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart Carried on a recorded vote (7 to 0) The foregoing Resolution #C-287-20 was then put a vote and carried as amended. 20 Clarington Item 1a - Electric Vehicle Funding Opportunity Resolution # C-290-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper June 15, 2020 Council Minutes That Report PSD-020-20, Electric Vehicle Funding Opportunity, be received for information. Carried Item 7 - Reopening of Hair Salons Councillor Zwart declared an indirect interest in in Item 7 of the General Government Committee Report regarding Reopening of Hair Salons as it relates to property she owns. Councillor Zwart muted her audio and video and refrained from discussion on this matter. Resolution # C-291-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal That Item 7 of the General Government Committee Report, regarding the Reopening of Hair Salons, be received for information. Carried 12. Staff Reports 12.1 Confidential Report LGL-005-20 - Camp 30 Option Agreement Confidential Report LGL-005-20 - Camp 30 Option Agreement, was considered earlier in the meeting. 13. Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion None 13.1 Report PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan Report PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 — Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan, was considered earlier in the meeting. 21 Clarington 14. Unfinished Business June 15, 2020 Council Minutes 14.1 Report FND-018-20 COVID-19 Financial Support Update Councillor Zwart declared a direct interest in Report FND-018-20 COVID-19 Financial Support Update, Section 9 regarding Business Improvement Areas as she owns commercial property in the BIA area. Councillor Zwart muted her audio and video and refrained from discussion on this matter. Resolution # C-292-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Report FND-018-20 be referred to the June 22, 2020 General Government Committee meeting with a Special Council meeting be scheduled immediately following. Carried 9.2 - Confidential Memo from Robert Maciver, Municipal Solicitor, regarding Potential Acquisition of Land Closed Session Resolution # C-293-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a matter that deals with advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and a proposed or pending acquisition of disposition of land by the municipality or local board. Carried Recess Resolution # C-294-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Council recess for 5 minutes. Carried Rise and Report The meeting resumed in open session at 11:48 PM. Mayor Foster advised that one item was discussed in "closed" session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and one resolution was passed on a procedural matter. 22 Clarington Resolution # C-295-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper June 15, 2020 Council Minutes That Correspondence Item 9.2 - Confidential Memo from Robert Maciver, Municipal Solicitor, regarding Potential Acquisition of Land, be received for information. Carried 15. By-laws Resolution # C-296-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2020-040; and That the said by-law be approved. Carried 16. Procedural Notices of Motion None 17. Other Business None 18. Confirming By -Law Resolution # C-297-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2020-041, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of June, 2020; and That the said by-law be approved. Carried 23 June 15, 2020 Council Minutes • 19. Adjournment Resolution # C-298-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Neal That the meeting adjourn at 11:52 PM. Carri Mayor 24 M i ' Clerk