HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-12-13 Minutes I-I CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, December 13, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ted Watson Henk Mulders Gary Jeffery Brenda Metcalf Donald Rickard Eric Bowman Mary Ann Found Ross McMaster -"iI,'0,'~"''''~~-'''''''+C;''''''''f , REGRETS! ~: 4' j? i // I .?"""""%4;, ".'^' '''. /'. '"", """, t"\,, -,' Faye Lang~ip ~[i0;j;l "\<;;" '; " Tom Barrie '~<< Councillor Gord Robinson , \ '_"'" Orwin Bandstra\, , "'Jer1fiifer Knox~'~'-'~ff", Marlene Werry , " Mark Bragg STAFF: ,<~~", _~i%<"',,,,,, ,EJecember;.J ) ABSENT: /' , I /~~~~\:"l i/;"'\ 'It /',_0~ " , 1 ~ Gary Jeffejjy, Vice- Chair called the meeting to order' I :lj~.j'''~/'\ Adoption of Aaenda '~)! "'",' 07-21 Moved by Brenda Metcalf, seconded ~' ;:}'; ,': )"'tJ_))l i' , tt4;;t?,>. 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Story's are assigned by the editor to each reporter. When writing a story the writer will interview many people and do volumes of research. This can take from Yo hour to many hours to complete. Longer versions of the story appear on the internet and may be edited down (by an editor) for the newspaper. What is a hard news story? A hard news story is generally fact filled. Something that is happening right now. A police story is one example. And a soft news story? An example of that would be something going on at a school - like a fund raiser. When dealing with story's it is important to keep in mind the deadlines that reports work by. There are three cut-off times during the day......9 am, 11 am and 7 pm. The first story's of the day need to be ready by 10:30 am. Print stories have to be ready by 3 pm to make the press run. The web site is updated frequently to keep it current. The story's on the web can generally be longer as there is no space constraint. This web site receives 200,000 unique hits weekly. If you read an article in Ag Ontario that you think is something that everyone should know call or e-mail Jennifer and she will investigate. If you have an idea for a story that would be of interest to others please contact Jennifer (Jennifer distributed her cards to all the members). The committee agreed to provide Jennifer with the committee membership list, e-mails and phone numbers and their areas of expertise in agriculture. Gary will provide an additional list of others (like organizations and commodity group contacts) to Jennifer. Business Arising from Minutes The CLOCA Awards were handed out. Mitch Morewetz received an award for his Environmental Farm Plan implementation, fencing off the creek, a hard creek crossing, as solar powered cattle and sheep watering system, etc. AACC December 13, 2007 Correspondence Committee received a copy of the Council Resolution for the 407 Report. The consultant would like to come back and speak with the Ag Committee when they get closer to dealing with some of the functional design issues (where driveways are, field accesses, etc). Reports from Committees DAAC EFW is still being discussed. DAAC has requested that if the EFW be the very best technology, not the cheapest. There is a new Durham Region tree cutting by-law in the works which appears to allow farmers on class 1, 2, & 3 land to clear for farming purposes; however they will be subject to fees. This will override the Clarington by-law which exempts farmers from fees. DAAC is meeting with MPAC to try to get more details on how items are being assessed. There seems to be a lot of discrepancies in assessment, most notably involving bunk houses. Some are being taxed at the farm rate, while the farmer next door is having his taxed at the residential rate. There are also a number of questions of how "green energy" is being assessed at commercial rates. Durham Federation of Aqriculture The annual meeting was held on October 2. Scott Swain is the Ontario rep. There was a presentation from the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce. Efforts on working closer with the business sector are ongoing. November 19 and 20 were the annual conference. Farm income will be a priority again this year. Farm Connections is still in the running for a Premiers Award, Mary Ann has been interviewed. Other Business Farmers Parade of Lights Had a couple of issues with the police closing roads to early this year. This will be addressed in a meeting with the police and participants at Eric's home early in 2008. Future Agendas January - Leslie Benson from Engineering Services on the Site Alteration by-law February - Wetland Legislation Moved to Adjourn Eric AACC December 13,2007