HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-11-08 Minutes CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, November 8, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF: REGRETS ABSENT: Tom Barrie Ted Watson Henk Mulders Gary Jeffery Orwin Bandstra Brenda Metcalf Donald Rickard Jennifer Knox Councillor Gord Robinson 'F'~ye'tanQ~aid Eric Bowman Mary Ann Found '. Bo~s McMaster . Marlene Werry . ",'" Mark Bragg Chair called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Adoption of Aaenda 07 -19 Moved by Donald Rickard, seconded "ThattHe ':{:", "<" >"~ :" ':/"'Y~, ,;", '. AooroValof Minutes,;.".... , A".~ 07 -20 MoveCf.by GaryJeffei'y,..secondecfby'TedWatson "That the minutes of the October 11, 2007 be approved." CARRIED GUESTS Pam Lancaster and Mark Peacock from Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Mark provided a presentation on Source Water Protection and how it could affect farmers. Pam provided a presentation on the Clean Water - Healthy Land Financial Assistance Program. (members as the meeting received handouts, attached for those not in attendance). Questions/Answers Q-Lake Ontario has unlimited water quantity why be worried. A-Not really unlimited, lots of water is being pulled out, the lake levels are down from historic levels and they are international waters that we have agreements on. Q-How are private wells protected by Clean Water Act A- They were pulled out of Act as it was felt to be too broad and cumbersome. However, if a private well is affected by others there are other types of recourses available. The example cited was MTO having to drill new wells for a number of residents south of 401. Staff have made this comment with regard to the 407, that there should be monitoring of private wells and also replacement if need be. Q-How far does are of influence go for lake supply area or streams that feed the lake. A-Is 2 hours, it depends on soil types, surfaces, etc. For many of the lake supply areas it is the urban areas that are affected more than rural. Q-The funding program is for GRCA but what about farmers that are not in that watershed. A-CLOCA has similar programs, Faye will provide their brochure to the members that are in the CLOCA watershed. Q-Funding is up to 50%, are there other ways to oft-set. A- Yes, there are other program that can be teamed up, like Environmental Farm Plan, Tree planting funds, Oak Ridges Moraine funds. Whatever we can find we will team them up. In-kind work also counts. Pam will send us notices on the Community Forums (info sessions) for Source Water Protection which are coming up in Orono/Kendal/Newcastle Website for the Trent Source Water Protection Committee is www.trentsourceorotection.ca For the Credit Valley, Toronto, CLOCA Source Water Protection Committee the municipal representative is John Presta, the Director of Water Plants for Durham Region. For the Trent Source Water Protection Committee the Municipal Rep is Bruce Craig from Cobourg, he will work with a Municipal Working Group to bring all the municipal reps together. The Orono Wellhead Protection Zone Map should be added to the minutes. AACC November 8, 2007 BUSINESS ARISING 2007 Watershed Awards Mitch Morewetz will receive a 2007 Watershed Award for his environmental farm plan for a solar watering system for sheep, fencing of the creek valley and crossing. Mitch prepared the environmental farm plan as part of one of his classed and used a CLOCA stewardship grant to assist in implementing the plan. Awards will be given out on December 4th. Resolution to Attorney General regarding penalties for vandalism, trespass, theft, etc. Faye is working with By-Law and will bring something back to next meeting. DAAC Farm Tour, Council received the report on the success of the tour. CORRESPONDENCE The Well Wise Centre is holding a half day workshop about water testing, well maintenance and groundwater source protection for members of the agricultural community. The workshop will work to ensure that members of Durham's agricultural community have access to accurate and consistent information about well management practices. The workshop will be held on November 12 from 9 am to 12 noon at the Well Wire Resource Centre in Orono. Space is limited so please register before November 1. Other Committee Reports 407 Committee Staff report is being drafted. Will be available by November 16th, Faye will e-mail pdf to members. Report will be at November 19th GPA meeting at 9:30 a.m. and Council on November 26th at 7:00 p.m. DAAC Ted, Eric and Faye attended the meeting on Tuesday evening to hear Dr. Ollson from Jacques Whitford, the consultant on the Energy from Waste Facility for the Region explain his comments about agricultural crops within the area of the EFW. Dr. Ollson apologized for his comments and did not realize that they had been misinterpreted as a warning to not buy local. The Region will be providing a fact sheet for DAAC to review that will explain the effects of the EFW on local crops, etc. Durham Farm Fresh is also working on messaging with the Region in this regard. DAAC is working on submission to Finance Committee (at Region). Ted was looking for examples of issues that have affected assessments, suggestions were the apple storage! co-op, maple sugar operations, "green" energy on farms all being deemed as commercial enterprises. The student position on DAAC is vacant, suggestions are welcome. AACC November 8, 2007 Durham Federation of Aqriculture Farm Connections, Mary Ann was preparing submission for Premier's Awards, Committee provided a letter of support. OTHER BUSINESS BioSolids Workshop Members attending received the handout on the upcoming workshop in London on December 12. Bev Oda Forum last Friday in Blackstock went well about 150 attendees. Fisheries Permits Ditches and creeks, etc are regulated by the Conservation Authorities and sometimes fall under the federal Fisheries Act. The fines under the Fisheries Act can be quite hefty, if you are doing ditching or other erosion control works get a permit from the CA. There is currently a farmer in Eastern Ontario that has been charged under the Fisheries Act for cleaning out a drainage ditch without a permit and is facing a $50,000 fine. Worker Safety A Leamington Area farmer has been charged by the Ontario Ministry of Labour when his worker broke an ankle because of farmer not ensuring the worker was in a safe position when he backed the harvestor up. Future Aoendas Next Meeting December 13, 2007 (Jennifer Stone from Clarington this Week) . Moved to adjourn Donald Adjourned 9:15 AACC November 8, 2007