HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-03 Minutes CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,2009 1-6 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Barrie Orwin Bandstra Donald Rickard Jennifer Knox Brenda Metcalf Mary Ann Found Henk Mulders Councillor Gord Robinson Marlene Werry-Durham REGRETS: Ted Watson Gary Jeffery Eric Bowman ABSENT: Mark Bragg Ross McMaster STAFF: Faye GUEST: Kirk Kirk welcomed the group.t8/-\.I~oma provided an overview of the operations and pl~mtlayqwt.The on a tour of the packing area with Kirk proy.igJp9 comm~ptary questions along the way. The facility is the onlYi8g~ in Ontari9;it is others in British Columbia, Washington' State, Argentina anq.i~.hile. T9~J"l1.9j.grity of equipment (20 tractor trailer loads worth) comes frq'"l1E~~mye.Th~>~ppJ~P. washed, sorted and floated through a water flu'"l1~.px~t~'"l1andtg~mstored in theolimate controlled area, they are only packed in bag~,inetting <ort~~ys w8~m they are about to be shipped out. The sorting is by photggraphic imaginiq~i~ndi$if~r more accurate than hand sorting. The water flume ensure$that no bruisinghappeq~'iiThe apples stay much fresher being handled and packageqiq this manner.f,\packaging plant like this in Ontario means that the growers can makel.lpJo $30,000 ~9re for a 50 acre orchard. Kirk indicated that Ontario is one of the few provinces tha(qpes not have an incentive program to encourage the replant of orchards, rath~r th~Xiare paying farmers to remove orchards; New Brunswick, Quebec and British <?pll.lmbia provide funding for the replant of orchards. Orchards cost approximately $10,000 an acre to plant and take 3-4 years before they produce, 7-8 years for full production crops. . Kirk/pro~esses apples from approximately 75 growers in addition to their own 1500 ~____ac(es. Th&-a~_are packaged in such a way that they are traceable to the grower and the grower has to provide their spray records to Kirk. In this manner if there are any defects or issues the grower, field and plot are known. The facility not only meets HAACP standards it by far exceeds them because of the quality control required by the contracts with Walmart and President's Choice. All shipping is done on a just in time basis and there is no need for the grocery store staff to handle the apples as they are all pre-packaged in display packs. Brenda thanked Kirk for a very informative tour and the use of the Boardroom for our meeting. Adoption of Aqenda 09-21 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Donald Rickard "That the Agenda for Sept 3, 2009 be adopted" "CARRI ED" Approval of Minutes 09-22 Moved by Jennifer Knox, Henk Mulders "That the minutes of the June be "CARRI BUSINESS ARISING FROM 12 loads resolution. 1-25 Battery Egg 2009. After some below. Committee from Council on June 1, was modified as per resolution 09-23 Moved by Tom 'e, seconded by Orwin Bandstra 'WHEREAS(f;?ntario gg farmers currently provide our community with fresh locallyp(oduced Grade A eggs which travel from farm to table in 4 to kgays; ANDWlfffPREAS Ontario egg farmers take pride in caring for their hens while offering consumers a variety of egg choice; THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THA T any resolution with respect to the opposition of battery cage egg production is not supported, and Durham municipalities are cautioned in supporting or promoting specific products without adequate background and research on the matter; and BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED THA T the current procurement practice of eggs produced by Ontario egg farmers, is identified as an acceptable, locally sustainable procurement practice; and AACC Sept 3, 2009 BE IT FURTHER RESOL VEO THA T the purchase of all Ontario eggs contributes to the creation of a sustainable environment in which consumers and farmers benefit; and BE IT FURTHER RESOL VEO THA T a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the local area municipalities, the Egg Farmers of Ontario, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Humane Society International. " "CARRIED" 0-14 Homegrown Ontario, also referred to the committ~~9rh>June 1, 2009 by Council. Marlene Werry provided some background (handout) p.rhR-l6m~Grown. It is intended to , be complimentary to Ontario Foodland and would ppfi.hterferew' any local branding exercise, such as Durham Farm Fresh. 09-24 Moved by Donald Rickard, seconded by Tom Barrie "That the resolution circulated to Council (0-14) be "CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE · Letter indicating Sign By-law will be going to GPA on Sept 14. · Premier's Awards for Agriculture - nomination package received. · Budget reductions include the reduction of staff resources for Advisory Committee, as such Sue Hajnik will no longer be attending to take minutes; in addition Sue has taken on a position in Operations on a temporary basis during the Director's absence. REPORTS FRO OTHER COMMITTEES 407 ()8mmittee - NC:)fY1~~ting,tn~ EA has been submitted and comments are due by Octob€lCj.6th. Staff will b~Rreparip~.iP report for the September 28th GPA meeting based on previQ1.l9 Municipal comments. A staff report is on the September 14th GPA meeting agenda reCQmmending di$$olution of the 407 Committee as their mandate has been fulfilled. OAAC Hubert Schillings has been elected Chair. Tour is September 1yth. Durham Federation of Aqriculture Environmental Farm Plan funding has been all expended in the first round. October 13th is the Durham AGM. A membership fee increase is being discussed. Windfarm leases- OFA is warning farmers that if they are approached about a lease they should carefully review what they are being requested to do and commit to; some of the companies do not have the necessary approvals required and are merely tying up rights. AACC Sept3,2009 OTHER BUSINESS Forum and Feast Councillor Robinson handed out flyers from Donna and asked if any of the members are interested in being speakers, having displays. October 3rd, Savour Durham Harvest Dinner Knox Farm will be hosting in their new barn, tickets are available at $50 from Durham Farm Fresh. Tours by Town Hall Staff. Henk inquired about town hall 2008) which he thought were a good educational tours are of different areas each year, this year there Algoma but it has not happened to date. staff tours (like in staff members. The iscussion of a tour at Greenbelt Council- Dennis Yellowlees was 50 Km/hr- Speed limit signs on rural Robinson will notify Operations. been Councillor FUTURE AGENDAS October Meeting- loading on the speaker) . November Meeting- speaker. Future Meeting- Council. Vice-Chair, also that be prepared to thank Kirk Kemp and Hajnik. AACC Sept3,2009