HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-04-09 Minutes 1- 2 CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2009 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Barrie Gary Jeffery Donald Rickard Ted Watson Jennifer Knox Ross McMaster Eric Bowman Brenda Metcalf Mary Ann Found Henk Mulders Councillor Gord Robinson Marlene Werry-Durham Region ABSENT: Mark Bragg Orwin Bandstra STAFF: Faye Langmaid Chair called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. Adoption of AQenda 09-10 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Brenda Metcalf "That the Agenda for April 9, 2009 be adopted" "CARRIED" Approval of Minutes 09-11 Moved by Jennifer Knox, seconded by Ross McMaster 'That the minutes of the March 12, 2009 meeting be approved. " "CARRIED" GUEST: John O'Toole, M.P.P. John provided an overview of the issues that are of interest before the parliament at this time. The issues are: . the level of unpaid for assets that will have to be funded through future taxes including the Darlington New Build and 407 Highway; . items in Bill 163, Big Move, Transit dollars are focused on urban areas, does not include rural residents transit and is not cost recover, GO Transit is close to cost recovery at 88% all of the others are below that level; . Bill 150-Green Energy Act-the amounts being paid for green energy is far more than rates being paid on bills the subsidy comes from somewhere; and . Darlington New Build-nuclear is base load and so successful bidder will be important to economy, if Canada wishes to dispose of AECL maybe Ontario should own it. COMMITTEE QUESTIONS % load- John has spoken to Minister, she knows it is an important issue, need a specific solution, York Soil and Crop have some deal with road authority. Pesticide Iicensing-OFA spoke about exemption for agriculture, regulations are an issue, the public would be in support of not allowing farmers to have pesticides but do not understand the implications of that opinion. PMRA the federal regulator should be the authority on pesticides not public opinion. PST/GST amalgamation-endorsed by Chambers of Commerce the Province should receive $3 billion more, not clear how farm businesses will be treated. Should keep an eye on it and if there are issues with implementation let John know. Gasoline Prices-competition bureau is federal commission the price is set at New York Harbour price there is only about 10 days of inventory. Packaging for Eggs and other farm products-farmers will go with different packaging that is more environmentally friendly if it is economical or subsidized. Signage for Active Farm Areas-MTO has new sign that they are now promoting. John emphasized that he relies on community members to inform him on issues of concern and that he also stays in contact with constituents to understand how they feel or will be affected by certain issues before parliament. If you see, hear something and want to call John please do. NEW BUILD PRESENTATION OPG's November 2008 New Nuclear at Darlington presentation on the physical changes to the site was played. A brief description of the project was provided and information on the EA process that is underway shared with the group. There are upcoming open houses in Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono (as well as other locations). Check the local papers for time and locations. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES % loads resolution. Waiting for Fred Horvath to return to work and meet with committee members. Agricultural Wall of Fame. Gary will bring forward additional information to a future meeting. Hemp growers (biomass). An article from Northumberland Today was included with minutes. CORRESPONDENCE Report from Clerk CLD-005-09- damage from coyote increase is significant. Resolution from Scugog on packaging for eggs (discussed with John O'Toole). Letters of notification on 407 report and Durham Grows report (Resolutions for both reports attached to minutes). REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES 407 Committee - No Meeting AACC April 21, 2009 DAAC MPAC presentation, much the same as what was presented to this committee. EFW Baseline Environmental Study presentation. Durham Federation of AQriculture Farm Connections April 7, 8 and 9, they had 48 classes, 1500 kids and 700 people at Open House. Great job by all, in future years they are targeting to have more politicians and media. OPA governance has changed and there are some issues, kinks being worked out in new alignment. At June/July meeting they will be having the OFA representative to Source Water Protection do a presentation. OTHER BUSINESS Moved by Ted Watson, Seconded by Tom Barrie 09-12 Whereas the Energy from Waste (EFW)/Incineration Facility proposed for the Clarington site on Osborne Road is in the process of completing a full Environmental Assessment (EA); and Whereas the Region of Durham recognizes the importance of its agricultural community; and Whereas the fact sheet issued in February 2008 .by the Durham York Residual Waste Study to the local agricultural community and public provided assurance that concentrations of any chemicals from the facility will not present a risk to local agricultural operations, farmers fields, produce or livestock; and Whereas, at that time the Region was committed to monitoring emissions, and key proCf;JSS parameters, on a continuous basis to ensure safe operation; and Whereas the Regions consultants have carried out baseline environmental monitoring studies including agricultural crops, soil, and produce and baseline airshed monitoring; and Whereas the consultant did not recommend ambient air quality monitoring and ongoing environmental monitoring; and Whereas proving to the producers and consumers assurance that the quality of the agricultural products in Clarington will not be adversely affected by the EFW is of vital economic importance to the local agricultural community;and . Therefore be it resolved that the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington recommends that Clarington Council request Regional Council carry out ongoing ambient air quality monitoring on a monthly basis at the point of impingement and ongoing environmental monitoring on an annual basis for at least the first five years of operation;and AACC April 21, 2009 Further that Clarington's Council resolution be forwarded to the DAAC, and other local municipalities. "CARRIED" Ethanol Plant in Havelock Open House in May, operational in the fall. Ethanol Plant in Oshawa Economic Impact Study from University was very favourable. Recent announcement of $9.2 million for Oshawa Harbour Clean-up by Feds. Farmers Market- Opening May 24th to run until October 11 th, 10-2 at Newcastle Arena, stalls available. FUTURE AGENDA May Meeting- Gary will provide an update on Pesticide Act and Regulations. June- Suggestion of a tour of Algoma Facility with Kirk Kemp, Dave Gibson and Sheila Hall from CBOT, invite Mayor to attend the tour of facility. Moved to Adjourn: Donald Rickard AACC April 21,2009