HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-11-12 Minutes 1 - 4 CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2009 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Barrie Ted Watson Gary Jeffery Eric Bowman Brenda Metcalf Henk Mulders Donald Rickard Councillor Gord Robinson REGRETS: Jennifer Knox Mary Ann Found Mark Bragg Marlene Werry-Durham Region ABSENT: Ross McMaster Orwin Bandstra STAFF: Faye Langmaid GUESTS: Sean Cooper, Plamen Petkov-Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses Adoption of Aqenda 09-28 Moved by Brenda Metcalf, seconded by Ted Waston "That the Agenda for November 12, 2009 be adopted" "CARRIED" Approval of Minutes 09-29 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Donald Rickard "That the minutes of the October 8, 2009 meeting be approved, as amended." "CARRI ED" GUESTS: Sean Cooper and Pia men Petkov, Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses Pia men provided an overview of the CFIB and the services that it provides for its members. Plamen discussed the CFIB strengths, especially the ability to obtain access to Federal and Provincial Ministers to express the views of their membership. Sean is the local area representative he meets with each member at least once annually. Often the policy being promoted by a government can be beneficial to members but because of the lack of communication or an unclear message business owners question the policy. The other aspect that CFIB provides is ongoing monitoring of past successes that sometimes are once again recommended for change. There were a number of questions from members to which responses were provided. (Packages for members not in attendance will be distributed with the minutes). BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES ~ loads resolution - the original resolution as drafted by staff and the adopted resolution were circulated. The issue for Operations and Engineering was the change from "perishable" products to "farm inputs". The definition of both will be circulated after the last meeting. After some discussion the original resolution was endorsed by the Committee. 09-30 Moved by Donald Rickard Seconded by Tom Barrie "Whereas the Highway Traffic Act of the Province of Ontario in Section 122 sets out the weight restrictions for reduced load periods and the exceptions to this restrictions; and Whereas one of the exceptions is for vehicles used exclusively for the transportation of milk; and Whereas there are other perishable products that need to be transported onto and off of farms during the season when reduced load periods are in force; and Whereas the number of truck trips for these perishable products are limited by the amount of production capacity; and Whereas the Provincial government is supportive of the agricultural industry which is vital to the economy of Ontario, the local production of food and food security; Now therefore be it resolved that the Highway Traffic Act, Section 122 be amended to include as an exception vehicles used for the transport of locally produced perishable food; And further that this resolution be circulated to all members of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for endorsement." "CARRIED" Climatic Assessment - The staff report recommending support of the Climatic Assessment was endorsed by Council and $2500 allocated towards the funding of the study. Marlene has submitted the grant application to the Agricultural Adaptation Council under the CanAdvance Program for $26,400 funding of the total $50,500 project. The other partners are Durham Region Economic Development, East-Central Fruit and Vegetables Growers' Association, Durham Region Soil and Crop Improvement, East-Central Soil and Crop Improvement Association, Region of Durham Climate Change Committee in addition to Clarington. The Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington provided a letter of support. AACC Oct 8, 2009 Road Occupancy Permit and presentation/information from last meeting: Some issues have been identified with the form/permit that has to be filled out. Faye provided some additional explanation that the drawings provided are from the Ontario Traffic Manual- Book 7 and are used by all Municipalities across Ontario. Faye also noted that the Region has indicated that they would consider a seasonal permit. It was suggested that Tom Barrie, Donald Rickard, Mark Bragg and Councillor Robinson meet with Leslie Benson to clarify any questions they have with the permit. CORRESPONDENCE · CLOCA-Watershed Awards are being held on December 1,2009 at Camp Samac at 6:30 p.m. . Letter from John O'Toole regarding Bill 204, Animal Health Act. Faye will distribute bye-mail the proposed Bill that John has asked for comments on. . OAAC Tour Report to Regional Planning Committee on the success of the tour. . Land Stewardship Workshop on November 28, 2009. Faye will distribut~ bye-mail including the registration form. . Memo from Regional Planning Director on the acreages in each Municipality affected by 407 ROW. Attached to minutes. REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES OAAC Region is going to be accepting tires (4 at time) for recycling at transfer stations (Port Perry, Oshawa/Simcoe) starting in mid-November. Durham Federation of Aqriculture No report. Clarinqton Board of Trade Donald Rickard is the Agricultural Director on the Clarington Board of Trade, this will be added to regular committee reports. At the recent meeting the Climatic Assessment was discussed and Donald provided information on why it would be helpful to have this research carried out. Many times he finds that part of his role is education of the Board members as to what the impacts would be on farming and why it might be negative or have implications. OTHER BUSINESS Soil & Crop January 8th is AGM in Blackstock with David Phillips, Climatologist as the keynote speaker. Farmer's Parade of Lights- Eric distributed flyers for posting and invited all to attend. Private Members Bill regarding Corporations- Gary provided information on the submission of a private members bill that would restrict corporations from receiving government grants. There are also limitations in the Pesticides Act regarding corporations that farmers should be concerned about. It appears that there is little understanding that some farms are sole proprietor and some are corporations even if AACC Oct 8, 2009 they are small farms. It was suggested that this is the type of issue that the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses could assist with. FUTURE AGENDA Next Mtg - Cliff Curtis on Recycling Programs Future Mtg- Dennis Yellowlees on Greenbelt Council Future Mtg- Mitch Phinney from MNR on Coyote Kills Moved to Adjourn: Eric Bowman Next Meeting: January 14, 2010 Schedule of 2010 meetings enclosed. AACC Oct 8,2009