HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-11-11 Minutes CLARINGTON ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 11, 2004 6:30 P.M. MEETING ROOM #1A Present: David Kelly, Chair Sandra Crandall Tim Hick Keith Kelly Darlene Matthews Pat Rundle Evylin Stroud Walter Zutell Councillor Adrian Foster Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Also Present: Ron Collis, Collis and Reed Research Regrets: Brian Duffey Suzanne Worman 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Evylin Stroud, seconded by Pat Rundle THAT the minutes of the meeting held on October 7, 2004 be approved. "CARRIED" 2. ACCESSIBILITY PLAN Moved by Evylin Stroud, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the Draft Accessibility Plan be finalized for December 2, 2004. “CARRIED” 3. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Business Awards of Excellence Evylin Stroud generated ideas for the Accessibility Checklist ie. make store aisles wider, seats for customers to sit and rest, fonts on signs larger and clearer, etc. Clarington Accessibility - 2 - October 7, 2004 Advisory Committee Keith Kelly also has some helpful ideas for visually impaired people for the Accessibility Checklist. He suggested a wind chime at the entrance of the store, display counters should have a four inch toe plate for a cane to travel against, debit control should have raised number pods with stick on bumps, etc. Members discussed other ideas to be added to the checklist as follows: ? remove all displays inside entrance way ? doors to be an accessible width for wheelchairs/walkers ? counter top heights to be lowered ? buzzer/bell to be installed outside of store to make staff aware that customer assistance is needed ? sensitivity training ? signage on sidewalks to be eliminated for the visually impaired ? door mats to be flush with the floor ? magnetic door openers ? alarm systems both audible and visual ? provide delivery services ? drive through grocery stores ? pics symbols for people who are unable to read the English Language b) Transportation Pat Rundle advised that there have been nothing to review since the last meeting. c) Operations Adrian Foster will bring to the attention of Fred Horvath the snow build up at Intersection of Mearns Avenue and King Street in the winter months. d) Site Plan Review Evylin Stroud advised of is concerns with the site plan for the medical building addition. These concerns will be directed to the owners of the building and to the architect. Clarington Accessibility - 3 - October 7, 2004 Advisory Committee 4. NEW BUSINESS a) November 9, 2004 Ontario Propane Explosion Questions were raised with respect to the recent evacuation and methods of moving persons with disabilities. This matter will be discussed a the next meeting. b) Swing Set Walter Zutell determined that on a handicapped swing set will cost approximately about $1000.00 U.S. Sandra Crandall stated that she knows of someone that can make the swing set and will confirm a price. c) Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion Funds Councillor Foster advised the Committee that the grant application for the Municipality’s share of the monies raised during the Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion Event has been submitted but he has not yet had a reply. The paths at the Darlington Provincial Park will be tested to determine their suitability for the 2005 Wheels in Motion event. The fundraising Target for the 2005 Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion has been set at $15,000.00 d) Accessible Picnic Tables Councillor Foster stated that the Rotary Club of Bowmanville may like to donate money for two accessible picnic tables. e) Regional Accessibility Advisory Meeting st The Regional Accessibility Advisory meeting will be held February 1 at the Whitby Centennial Building at 3400 Centre Street, Whitby. 6. OTHER BUSINESS There were no items of Other Business to be discussed at this meeting. Clarington Accessibility - 4 - October 7, 2004 Advisory Committee 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting is scheduled to be held on December 2, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. in Meeting Room 1A at the Municipal Administrative Centre. 8. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Adrian Foster, seconded by Tim Hick THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:06 p.m. "CARRIED" ___________________ Chair ____________________ Secretary