HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-07 Minutes CLARINGTON ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE OCTOBER 7, 2004 6:30 P.M. MEETING ROOM #1A Present: David Kelly, Chair Evylin Stroud Pat Rundle Walter Zutell Keith Kelly Councillor Adrian Foster Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Also Present: Ron Collis, Collis and Reed Research Regrets: Brian Duffey Suzanne Wortman Darlene Matthews Sandra Crandall 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Evylin Stroud, seconded by Adrian Foster THAT the minutes of the meeting held on September 9, 2004 be amended as follows: Item 2A – include location of King Street/Liberty Street following the o sentence “Audio Signals have not been installed as of yet”; and Deleting the words “Opinion Research Corp.” under Presentation o and replacing them with the words “Collis and Reed Research”; and THAT the Minutes, as amended, be adopted.” "CARRIED" The Chair requested that each sub-committee provide a report of their yearly activities to the Municipal Clerk by October 21, 2004 for inclusion in the Annual Plan. Clarington Accessibility - 2 - October 7, 2004 Advisory Committee 2. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Business Awards of Excellence Ron Collis presented and reviewed the proposal which he has drafted for the Clarington Accessibility Business Community Challenge. During discussion of the proposal, the Committee recommended amendments as follows: To include access to the Accessibility Checklist by other means o rather than just the website. The Committee questioned where the funds will be found to acquire the sign for the most Accessible Community in Clarington? Inclusion of other types of equipment rather than just wheelchairs o for the kick off day. The Committee was requested to generate ideas for the Accessibility Checklist in time for the next scheduled meeting. These ideas should be simple, inexpensive ones which businesses can undertake in order to make their establishments more accessible. The certificates that will be presented to the business will indicate what improvements the businesses have made. It is important that businesses be made aware that small changes in their operations can make a big difference to the public. b) Transportation Pat Rundle advised that on October 12, 2004, Regional Council will be considering a report from Totten Sims Hubicki in respect to the regionalization of transportation. Walter Zutell displayed for Committee’s information, the GO Transit Accessibility Plan for 2005. He indicated that the taxi drivers with Blue Line are receiving sensitivity training. c) Operations Keith Kelly raised concerns with respect to the construction of the sidewalks in downtown Bowmanville as the bump outs at the intersections cause a concern for visually impaired residents. Engineering Services will be made aware of these concerns for future construction purposes. d) Site Plan Review Evylin Stroud advised that there have been no new site plans for review since the last meeting. Clarington Accessibility - 3 - October 7, 2004 Advisory Committee 4. ANNUAL ACCESSIBILITY PLAN The Committee Members were asked to have their comments to the Municipal Clerk by October 21, 2004. 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion Funds Council Foster advised the Committee that the grant application for the Municipality’s share of the monies raised during the Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion Event must be submitted by October 15, 2004. Unfortunately, the amount of money that is available is still uncertain, however, he believes it to be approximately $3,700.00. It was agreed by the Committee that an application would be submitted for funding to allow for the purchase of accessible picnic tables to be placed in the park at the Visual Arts Centre. 6. OTHER BUSINESS There were no items of Other Business to be discussed at this meeting. 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting is scheduled to be held on November 11, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. in meeting room 1A at the Municipal Administrative Centre. 8. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Evylin Stroud, seconded by Walter Zutell THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:04 p.m. "CARRIED" ___________________ Chair ____________________ Secretary