HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-123-87cb~ ~.' ~~- TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~. ~~ ::.~b~`~~, N~TI(~: DATE: REPORT File # ~~G~.: Res. #~ .; By-Law # General Purpose and Administration Committee Tuesday, P9ay 19, 1987 RF~ZT ~;": PD-1.23-87 FILE #~: SUB~CT: ENVIRONMENT WEEK RECOh~4ENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PU-123-87 be received; and 2. THAT the week of June 1 to June 7, 1987 be declared as "Environment Weel<" in the Town of Newcastle and that Town Staff be authorized to participate in activities to promote "Environment Week" within the Town of Newcastle axed-,-that a-copy of the Environment-Canada-correspondence be forwarded to all hall boards, service clubs and schools and community groups within the Town of Newcastle. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: At the Council Meeting of March 9, 19$7 Council considered communications from Environment Canada in respect of the celebration of "Environment Week" during June 1 to June 7, 1987. TY~is correspondence was referred to t'he Directors of Planning and Public Works for review and report. The purpose of "Environment Week° is to provide a better understanding to the pub is of environmental issues through. the organization of special activities at the 9ocal level to promote environmental awareness. Environment Canada will provide assistance in promotion of these activities as well as advice for municipalities wishing to undertake special activities. Since most of the activities are aimed at improving public awareness related ~b~ REPORT NO.; PD_-123-87 Page 2 to the environment, it would seem appropriate to forward copies of the -'Environment Canada suggestions to the various schools, service clubs, and community groups within the municipality and that they be encouraged to participate in one or more of the possible activities identified by the correspondence. In addition it would be appropriate for Council to pass a resolution in accordance with Town Policy declaring the week of "June 1 to June 7, 1987" inclusive as "Environment Wee!<" in the Town of Newcastle. Respectfully submitted, Recanmended for presentation to the Committee /'~~- y [l ~~ il~~ ~%~~~ i~~~~~ l' '~ T. Edwar s, NI.C.I.P. La~frence.~~ ~ otse Director of Planning Chief A;dr~~`nistrative Officer '. i TTE*jip *Attach . May 2, 1987. ~ou~,~,~ - o rr~'Y-rr~~ Environment Canada Environnement Canada - Regional Director General Directeur g~n~ral regional D-11 Ontario Region Region de ('Ontario COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTION 25 St: Clair Avenue East 6th Floor February 1987 Toronto, Ontario M4T 1 M2 Environment Week will be celebrated June 1 - 7 this year... a time to celebrate the beauty of our surroundings and to promote an awareness and understanding of our environment. The theme for Environment Week '87 is "It's Up to All of Us". Environment Canada would like to invite-you to take part in this provincial and national celebration by proclaiming the week of June 1 - 7, 1987 as Environment i9eek in .your community. We hope that you and the members of your council and municipal staff will take time to organize special activities - and events, and to promote environmental awareness in your community. We will be pleased to help you in a number of ways: - Ideas and Information The enclosed materials should provide you with some good ideas and advice for planning activities in your community. - Program Planning Advice . If you would like additional information on any of the ideas enclosed, or advice on following through with your own ideas, Environment Canada will be pleased to help. Please contact the Communications Branch at (416)973-6406. Materials such as posters and buttons may also be ordered using this form. Other publications, displays and audio-visuals on environmental issues are also available through our Communications Branch. - Publicity and Promotion Environment Canada will help you to promote your activities by including information on your event in a listing of Environment Week events that will be distributed widely. To have your event included, sim ply complete the enclosed survey form and return. We hope that you will join us in celebrating Environment Week 19137. Sincerely, ,,, ~C- ~E. Dowdeswell Regional Director General Conservation and Protection Ontario Region Encl. 47 order fo conserve energy A des 1lns de conserveflon and resources, fhls paper de 1'dnergle et des ressources ~ ®!"' contains 45 per cent recycled ce pap/er conflenl 45 pour cent Ci.1a. post-consumer libre de llbres recyc/6es C ~(~J 9 _ _. -- - _ _ __ _ _-~--- ~- ---------- ~Cb; -=-.- --- D i~ ~~ tt~~ y~ ~`1r~i7 J ~J } { , ey. r~ rt•~i q ~y ~'~. %~.ERl~ DEF~~T~~~N~' 50 WAYS TO CELEBRATE ENVIRONMENT. WEEK Environment --- ~ - • --- --__ _ D ~ ~/ ~~(b SB WAYS TO CELEBRATE ENVIROTII~JP WEEK Environment Week in Canada is aimed at providing a better understanding of environmental issues and a personal long lasting commitment by Canadians to conserve, protect and enhance the environment and our national heritage. Environment Week is an annual event held during the first week of June to include International Environment Day of the United Nations, June 5. In 1987, Environment Week is June 1 ~o June 7 . Here are SP1 ways to celebrate Environment Week. Above each item is a reference to the group who could most easily carry out the activirty. Lei E~ EI P~ SC M~ B~ I• end - Education - Environmental Interest Groups - Parks - Service Clubs - Muncipalities - Businesses - Individuals E-EI-B-SC-M Sponsor a poster or essay contest with an environmental thane for school children. ' E-EI-SC-M-B Organize a clean up campaign or litter drive. EI -SC-B-M - Recognize those in your corrmunity who have significantly contributed to the preservation and conservation of the environment by presenting them with certificates of merit. E-EI- P-SC-M - ------- Organize a .park or beach clean up and recycle as much litter as possible. Publicize the results of your success in your local newspaper. M-E-EI Encourage a cotrmunity group or school to adopt-a-park and assume the responsibility of keeping it clean. E-EI-SC ' Present a film series on environmental topics in a library ar school through your club or association. Films are available from the National Film Board. P - E - M Organize walking, biking or hiking tours highlighting historic or natural themes. .........../2 ~~~~ ~ -~~ -2- EI-I Encourage your local newspaper to publish a series of photos on areas in your community of ecological significance. M.- I - EI Develop a "Nature Neighbourhood Watch" so you can keep an eye on what is happening to areas of natural__ significance in ,your community. E Write a story or do a project on the heritage of your community. Exchange it with another school of someone in a different part of the country. If your community is twinned, send it there. E - EI Encourage your local radio station to have an "open-line" show on specific environmental subjects such as hazardous wastes or acid rain. E - I Write a song or a poem with an environmental theme. E Invite children to design a crossword puzzle on an environmental theme. E-EI Invite children to design a crossword puzzle on an environmental theme. Have it appear in the local newspaper. EI-I-9C Contact your local bird society and organize a day of bird-watching at a regional park. M-EI -E- I --- Organize visits to historic buildings and sites in your region. EI-I Arrange environmental talks, debates and discussions at public libraries or museums. E Organize an environmental fair at your school. !4 Organize a tree planting ceremony in honor of Environment Week through your municipality. ........../3 ~~ b? ~ - i~ -3- E Write and present a play with an ~nvironmentai thy. ALI. Organize an environmental awareness day in your office, school, club ar cor~munity. . H-EI Organize workshops and seminars =on - -spxif-ie- -environmental concerns in your community. - ----- _ El -B- I --~ Encourage local ca-npanies and icxiustry to demonstrate their envirorunental awareness. E- SC-EI Arrange for your school, club or organization to tour your local Environment Canada weather office or sewage treatment plant EI- I-E ' Write letters to the local newspaper editor expressing your environmental concerns. M-EI-SC Invite your community leaders including mayors, MPFS and MPs to participate in your Environment Week activities.. EI - E-M Have your group or organization arrange a trip to a regional or ` national park for a disabled group. ' EI-E Conduct a survey iri your cor~munity to determine possible environmental concerns. __-- _. E - EI - SC . Becane more envirorrnentally aware by inviting a guest speaker ' from the federal or provincial departments of -environment to your school, club or community group. E-EI-I Write an article on your envirorsnental concerns and distribute to local media. B~-E- EI Sponsor a photo contest, with prizes for the bast natural landscape or wildlife photo. ........../4 t ~~b) 1~-// -4- E Invite each class in your school to investigate and report on different enviror~anental concerns such as acid rain, hazardous wastes, nuclear winter or other topics. B Consider a donation, bequest or funding to a conservation organization to purchase properties--- with environmentally significant or sensitive areas. _ E Take students on a field trip and take no a of litter that - should be collected. - AIL Tune up your car to cut down on harmful emissions and save money on gas. [rf-B-EI-E Investigate the possibility of setting up a recycling depot in -- - -- your community. I Join and environmental or conservation group and learn about the issues in your area. E-EI - I Find out more about our marine and northern envirorIInents: What they are like, how they are different. and why are they threatened. I Participate in outdoor activities such as birdwatching, biking, --- swimming and canoeing. -_ - I Start a journal of natural events such as: the return of the first bird, the spring _snow melt,. the_first._ wildflower, the heaviest snowfall. Over the years you will be able to compare the dates. E - I Beginning with the letter "A" and continuing through the alphabet, find out how many trees and plants or wildlife you can name. E ' Nave a "Collection Day" at your school or library where individuals can show their nature collections. ........../5 -- . --- ~-~~ -S- E Hold and environmental trivia contest at your school to test students' knowledge of their natural environment and heritage. E-EI Learn what kind of wildlife once inhabited your local area and whether in can be reintroduced. M-EI-E __ Encourage your community to establish biking --paths or hiking trails. E Organize a nature treasure hunt to find and map locations of ~ natural interest. Remember to leave the area.as you found it. B - I Encourage businesses to use an environmental theme in their window displays and advertising. ALL Visit a provincial or national dark and take advantage of the interpretation centres, lectures, self-guided trails and literature which explains much of the activity there. E Canpare the local natural environment with various periods in the past, using archives, oral histories or wildlife and bird counts. i E - EI Contact your federal and provincial envirornnent department and get information on topics such as acid rain, climate change, waste management, wildlife, toxic chemicals and national and historic parks. For further information: Communications Branch Environment Canada 25 St. Clair Ave. East 6th Floor Toronto, Ontario (416) 973-6406 (Aussi Disponible en fran~ais) -- Cb) ~ - ~~ DRAFT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS the Members of Council of the City of on the day of 198x, agreed that the week including June ~1 to June 7th, 198? be designated as ENVIRONMENT WEEK in the City of and ~ . WHEREAS the beauty and splendor of our environment are cause for celebration; and WHEREAS Environment Week wi1T emphasize the precious nature of our city, province and country; and WHEREAS Environment Week will increase awareness of the values of conservation and protection; and WHEREAS the environment is a local, provincial and national treasure, NOW KNOW YE that by and with the approval of the Council of our City, the Week of June 1 to June 7th, 198 7 i s hereby proclaimed as Environment Week i n the City of IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF we have caused the signature of our Mayor, His/Her Worship to be hereunto affixed. Mayor SEAL r" - - ~Cb) ~ -,~ ENVIRONF4EAYT WEER QUESTIONNAIRE Environment Canada is interested in knowing what events/activities will be held during Environment Week '87 so that we can promote and coordinate events throughout the province. Please provide us with the information requested below and, at your earliest convenience, return to: Communications Branch Environment Canada 25 St. Clair Ave. East --- 6th Floor _ _ __ ____ _ • Toronto, Ontario __ - M4T 1M2 (416 )973-6406 - ----- [l Yes, this organization will be participating in Environment Week by holding the following event/activity (] Yes, this organization would be interested in participating in Environment Week but we need further information on possible events/activities. [l We wish to order the following materials for Environment Week : • posters buttons [) No, this organization will not be participating directly in Environment Week, but please continue to send information on Environment Week. [] No, this organization will not be participating in Environment Week. Name of - Organization: Address Telephone: Contact: F.nvi~onment .. ~l ~ /. ~~'`«~ t! t