HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-06 Minutes' ~' ~ht.~ I - 2 Draft minutes -Not vet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY MARCH 6, 2007 AT 7:00 P.M. , , ....: . _ . ,._ _..,.... ........ Present: David Best (Voting) Jim Cleland Joe McKenna Karin Murphy Dan Stanoi Councillor Willie Woo Also Present: Jennifer O'Donnell (Non-Voting) Greg Wells (GRCA) Regrets: Brian Reid Absent: Warren May (MNR) 1. Introduction Arthur Burrows Jim Kamstra Kerry Meydam Jim Richards John Stoner Peter Windolf ,,~, f} 34 ~} .~!i^, 1. ~ 3 ` 5 G ,'1~;~~, E __ il~~ ,~ ~~ ._~ ~{ . .. _~_._.__... ___.v_, _ _ :, ~.~ _wn .1.., _ ~,.~ 4 ` ..~ n~ ~,,~,~~,~ ~-U ~ , ~: ~,.~..,. Peter Windolf welcomed everyone and explained the purpose and objectives of the committee. All members had the opportunity to introduce themselves. 2. Election of Chair and Vice Chair The procedure for electing a Chair and his or her responsibilities were described, as per the Terms of Reference. John Stoner and Jim Richards were nominated and initially both agreed to stand. Jim withdrew his nomination; therefore, John was acclaimed as Chair. John requested a Vice Chair; however, the nominations will be deferred until next meeting. 3. Agenda Additions There were no additions to the agenda. Acceptance of A eg nda MOVED by Jim Cleland, seconded by David Best THAT the agenda for March 6, 2007 be accepted. CARR~D 4. Minutes of December 12, 2006 Coi~ections There were no corrections to the minutes. Approval of Minutes MOVED by Jim Cleland, seconded by Joe McKenna THAT the minutes of December 12, 2006 be approved. CARRIED 5. Issues arising from the Minutes Hllntln~ Occasionally hunters have been firing at ducks and geese in the lake from the ban-ier beach. Since the SWNA is a public nature area Peter met with Warren May of MNR to discuss enforcement. Signs have been posted at three locations citing the Municipalities Firearms discharge By-law. MNR believes that since it is a Municipal By-law it is an enforcement issue for the Municipality and not MNR. The issue was discussed with the By-Law enforcement Division and they recommend that if someone is seen hunting within the SWNA, their license plate should be recorded and they should immediately call them with the details. It appears that the hunting from the beach has not occurred recently. Storm Water Management Pond At the request of the Committee Peter spoke to Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation and Design about the merits of having life rings located around the storm water pond. Oshawa has life rings on posts at some of their ponds; however, most Municipalities do not have this as a standard. It was explained that the water depth and side slopes of stoi7n water ponds will vary depending on the location and size of the pond block. The Committee discussed the merits of installing life rings around the recently constructed storm water management pond and the implications of maintaining the rings over time. The committee also acknowledged that fencing the pond was not desired in order for it to blend into the natural environment of the SWNA. MOVED by Joe McKenna; seconded by Jim Richards THAT a letter to Leslie Benson be written requesting life rings be considered for the new pond at the SWNA and on future ponds. CARRIED Trails John, Peter and Karin met at SWNA in December to look at potential locations for secondary trails. The mature woodlot by the north viewing platform contains a series of worn paths that could be formalized with woodchips to create a secondary trail leading from the waterfront trail. The trail could be built by volunteers at a future community event. Woodchips would be requested from the Operations Department to be delivered to the site for this new project and to augment the existing woodchip trail leading to the barrier beach. 6. Sub-Committee Discussion The formation ofsub-committees for Special Events, Communications, Fundraising and Maintenance were discussed. Other sub-committees could also be formed at the committee's discretion. Sub-committees will be addressed again at the next meeting to give members time to think about what groups they would like to be involved in. 7. GRCA Financial Assistance Program The Committee has applied for a grant through GRCA's Clean Water-Healthy Land financial assistance program for a project to repair and protect to the west bridge abutment of the pedestrian bridge. A change in creek direction has caused significant erosion around the abutment which has resulted in erosion of the limestone trail leading to the bridge. The eroded area has been fence off but will continue to erode unless action is taken. The municipality has applied for a total of $5,000 in two grant categories to help pay for the bridge abutment repairs. The work is scheduled to take place in the summer. 8. Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAL) Award Nomination The SWNA committee has been nominated by the Municipality for an award in the Irene Kock Education/ Communication category. The nomination submitted to DEAL was prepared specifically to highlight the Committee's accomplishments in the area of education and communication. The nomination package contains photos and descriptions of the various community events held on site as well as a package of coloured graphics showing the interpretive signs installed at the SWNA. Last year a similar package of information was sent to DEAC to nominate the SWNA committee for the Irene Koclc award but the nomination was arbitrarily moved to another category by DEAC. This year a covering letter was sent along with the nomination asking that it remain in the intended category. The award ceremony takes place on May 10th. John, Jim, Joe, and Kerry all wish to attend, space permitting. The Region will be contacted to see if they have a limit on attendance. 9. Project Updates Kiosk Construction and Sign Graphics Taxis contracting are nearing completion of the new information kiosk, located on the Cobbledick Road side. Only the stone columns remain to be completed when the weather is suitable for masonry work. The lcioslc will have a two sided sign with an orientation map on one side showing the locations of the site features. The other side the sign panel will illustrate the seasonal changes that occur at the SWNA and will also have a space for posting SWNA information such as newsletters and event notices. Page Graphics is creating the signs and will have a large scale proof available for viewing by next meeting. Bride Abutment Repair Totten Sims Hubicki has prepared working drawings and has submitted them to GRCA for permits. The erosion on the south edge of the west abutment has become a public safety issue, so the repairs are now critical. The work will occur in the summer when the fisheries restrictions are not in place. 10. Other Business Garbage Can One of the SWNA themed painted garbage cans has been removed from the Cobbledick parking lot and has replaced by a plain barrel. If it has simply been moved elsewhere Operations will be asked to return the garbage can to the Cobbledick parking lot. Having more cans painted by the art students at Bowmanville High School could be a possible future project. Committee Accomplishments The December minutes contained a list of the Committee's accomplishments over the two previous terms. The Committee discussed creating a map or pictorial snapshot illustrating these completed projects to be used in other communications or for fundraising and events. The site orientation map currently being prepared for the kiosk will show the same information and could be easily reproduced for this purpose. If slight alterations to this map need to be made to make it useful for other communications those could be made by staff. Martin Houses The Martin house constructed by the Wilmot Woodworking Club was turned over to Hydro One for installation back in November. It has not been installed yet but Hydro One has committed to installing it before Martins return to the area. A follow up call will be made to ensure they are aware that Martins will return to the area around the end of March or beginning of April. Picnic Tables There are picnic tables between the parking lot and the lake on the Toronto Street Side. Operations will be asked to pick these up. Adjournment: 8:30 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday April 10, 2007 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room lA Notes prepared by J. O'Donnell