HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-04-10 MinutesDraft minutes -Not eta roved b Committee I - 2 NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY APRIL 10, 2007 AT 5:30 P.M. Present: (Voting) David Best Jim Cleland Arthur Burrows Ken y Meydam Jim Kamstra Karin Murphy Brian Reid Dan Stanoi John Stoner, Chair Also Present: (Non-Voting) Jennifer O'Donnell Greg Wells (GRCA) Peter Windolf Regrets: Joe McKenna Jim Richards Councillor Willie Woo Absent: Warren May (MNR) 1 • Agenda Add= The Martin House was added to Updates. Acceptance of A Pnda MOVED by Karin Murphy, seconded by Jim Kamstra THAT the agenda for April 10, 2007 be accepted. CARRIED 2• Minutes of March 6, 2006 Corrections Karin Murphy was listed as a voting member in the attendance. At the time she was not a voting member; however, she has since been appointed to the committee. _Approval of Minutes MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by Kerry Meydam THAT the minutes of March 6, 2007 be approved. CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4. Election of Vice Chair Kerry Meydam nominated Jim Richards, seconded by Arthur Burrows. Jim Cleland nominated Karin Murphy; however she declined to stand. All members voted in favour of Jim Richards, therefore he was acclaimed as vice chair. 5. Formation of Sub-Committees Special Events/Communications/Fundraising Due to the lack of capital funding in 2007, this sub-committee will have an important role this year. The sub-committee's responsibilities will include: production of the newsletter, raising awareness of the SWNA by speaking to school groups and other interested groups, planning special events at the SWNA, and investigating corporate fundraising opportunities. Combining all three categories into one sub-committee could be beneficial because projects could overlap one another. (i.e. Communications could create a Power Point presentation which could be used for fundraising purposes as well as at group presentations to raise public awareness). Volunteers: John Stoner, Kerry Meydam, Joe McKenna, David Best ite Maintenance It was determined that asub-committee dedicated to site maintenance will help ensure minor issues are dealt with quickly and major issues are reported. The committee could deal with issues such as trail maintenance, litter pick-up, and nest box cleaning. A small stockpile of limestone screenings and woodchips would be made available for the sub- committee to place as required. Volunteers: Jim Cleland, Karin Murphy, Brian Reid, Dan Stoner, David Best 6. Updates Kiosk Si~phics A large-scale print out of the sign graphic was shown to the Committee. The inaccuracies on the previous draft have been corrected and the map now shows accurate interpretive sign, bench and feature locations. There are a few more corrections, alterations and additions to be made. The sign should be completed and mounted by mid May or June. Its installation could coincide with a June event at the nature area. Wood chips or limestone screenings will need to be placed around the base of the kiosk. Storm Water Management Pond Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation and Design, was emailed concerning the placement of life rings at the storm water pond. She will discuss the matter with the Director of Engineering Services. Any action will likely be on a site specific basis, not a municipality-wide policy. Ms. Benson will send a written response to the Committee. GRCA Financial Assistance Program GRCA has approved a $2500 grant to be used for the repairs to the west bridge abutment. This project will begin this July after the fisheries restrictions are lifted. TSH has submitted the plans for approval to GRCA and is waiting for a response. Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) Award Nomination The Committee has not received a response from the Region regarding this year's nomination for a DEAC award. Last year, a letter was received from DEAC in late February inviting nominees to the awards ceremony. The Region will be contacted to check the status of the nomination. Martin House Hydro One will be erecting the Martin house on Saturday April 14 at 9:00 a.m. Their staff has volunteered their time for the project. Dave Page at Hydro One has contacted Metroland and they might cover the event. He has requested the presence of the SWNA Committee for the photo opportunity. 7. Other Business Parl~in~ It was noted that the Toronto Street parking lot is consistently full in the peak fishing season. If it begins to be a year round problem, an expansion might need to take place. Adjournment: 6:15 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday May 8, 2007 7:00 p.m. ON SITE at Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Cobbledick Road Parking Lot Sub-Committee Meetings: Special Events/Communication/Fundraising Wednesday April 25, 2007 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room 1C (Access through Library doors) Site Maintenance Tuesday May 8, 2007 after SWNA Committee meeting Notes prepared by J. O'Dormell