HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-10 Minutes'~ L , a `, .~i Draft minutes -Not Yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY JULY 10, 2007 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: David Best (Voting) Jim Cleland Joe McKenna Karin Murphy Jim Richards John Stoner Arthur Burrows Jim Kamstra Kerry Meydam Brian Reid Dan Stanoi Councillor Willie Woo Also Present: Warren May (MNR) (Non-Voting) Greg Wells (GRCA) 1. Agenda Additions There were no additions to the agenda. Jennifer O'Donnell Peter Windolf Acceptance of A eg nda MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by Dan Stanoi THAT the agenda for July 10, 2007 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of June 12, 2007 I - 3 Corrections There were no corrections to the minutes. Approval of Minutes MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by Dan Stanoi THAT the minutes of June 12, 2007 be approved. CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4. Sub-Committee Reports Site Maintenance The site maintenance committee was working on the removal of an old gate and associated concrete just west of Toronto Street. The group will be breaking up the concrete so it is easier to pick up by the Operations Department. It was noted that the picnic tables are still in place on the Toronto Street side. The Operations Department is aware of this but have not picked them up. The merit of removing the picnic benches or leaving them in place was discussed. Since it appears that they are being used they can be left on site for now. If Operations requires them for another location they may pick them up in the future. Communications The newsletter has been put together in draft form. Once it has been finalized, it will be forwarded to Jennifer who will pass it on to Communications and Marketing for printing. They will also post the newsletter on the Municipality's website. The second annual Bugs Butterflies and Birds event is tentatively scheduled for Saturday August 18. There will be one guided tour rather than two. John Stoner is waiting for confirmation that James Kamstra is available for the event. 5. Updates Kiosk Sign Gary Page has installed the Newcastle Memorial Forest sign, but hasn't put up the lcioslc signs yet. The sign will be installed within the next couple of weeks. Bridge Abutment Repairs Apre-construction meeting will be held on July 11 at 3pm with S & F Contracting. The MNR and CLOCA have given their approval and work is scheduled to begin the week of July 16 for approximately 3 weeks. The waterfront trail will remain open during construction. MNR Rangers The MNR Rangers, a group of 4 students and a group leader, will be worl~ing at the SWNA all day on July 12. The Rangers will be adding woodchips to the existing trail that leads to the barrier beach. They will also spread woodchips around the base of the new kiosk. Operations have dumped woodchips along the trail for the Rangers to spread south, then north. They have their own equipment. The Rangers will also be given a presentation about the SWNA before they start their work. Viewing Platform Signs Signs directing visitors from the main trail to the viewing platforms have now been installed at both platforms. PowerPoint Presentation Additional pictures of the SWNA are needed for the presentation. The presentation will be ready for use shortly after photos are received. Jim Richards has volunteered to take some wildlife photos for use in the presentation. CFWIl' A one thousand dollars grant has been approved by the MNR under their CFWIl' program for the Wilmot Meadow reforestation. The project could be a committee or volunteer planting event in the fall. The type and extent of the planting project was discussed. Re-foresting all of the open areas around the creek valley is not the goal of the SWNA Management Plan. Maintaining different vegetation and habitat zones is very important. 6. Other Business/Next Meeting Habitat Committee Stemming from the CFWIP discussion, it was suggested that a committee be formed to ensure habitat diversity is maintained for the variety of wildlife that occupy the nature area. Coordination with other conservation committees in the area would also be beneficial. MOVED by Jim Richards, seconded by Kerry Meydam THAT a habitat sub-committee be formed. CARRIED Jim Richards will chair this sub-committee. Further discussion will take place at our next meeting. Parkin Damage from construction vehicles has been done to the MNR parking lot on Toronto Street north of the railway tracks. This parking area is generally used by fishermen who walk west into the creels valley. MNR will be discussing the restoration of that parking lot with the Kaitlin Group, who is responsible for the damage. There was some discussion about the merit of relocating the parking lot south onto the SWNA lands. This would provide another convenient parking lot for SWNA users but it may not be as convenient for the fishermen who currently use the MNR lot in its present location. It was agreed that the possibility of re-locating the parking lot would be investigated for further discussion at the next meeting. Next Meeting The communications sub-committee may meet in preparation for the special event; however, there will not be a full Committee meeting in August. Adjournment: 8:15 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday September 11, 2007 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room lA Notes prepared by J. O'Donnell