HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-01-08 MinutesI - 5 Draft minutes -Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY JANUARY 8, 2008 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: David Best (Voting) Jim Cleland Dan Stanoi Also Present: Jemlifer O'Donnell (Non-Voting) Regrets: Jim I~amstra Karin Murphy Jim Richards Warren May (MNR) Absent: Greg Wells (GRCA) 1. Agenda w aa.4:____ There were no additions to the agenda. Arthur Burrows Joe McKenna John Stoner-Chair Peter Windolf Kerry Meydam Brian Reid Councillor Willie Woo Acceptance of A eg nda MOVED by Joe McKenna, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the agenda for January 8, 2008 be accepted. CARRIED Waterfront Regeneration Trust Bike Ral1X hl July the Waterfiont Regeneration Tilist is organizing a bike rally across the Waterfront Trail from Niagara-on-the-Lake to the Quebec border. After an overnight stop on July 6 at Darlington Provincial Park the rally will cycle through Clarington on Monday July 7 heading for Presqu'ile Provincial Parlc in Brighton. The rally should reach the SWNA at approxunately 10:30 or 11;00 AM. The Municipality will host a refreslunent break at the Port of Newcastle Waterfiont Park or Bond Head Park. It is anticipated that 200-300 cyclists will participate. There may be a need for volunteers to direct riders or to answer questions at the SWNA. Jo1u1 Stoner has vohulteered to assist on July 7. Evergreen Green Grant Jolul Stoner read the reply letter from Evergreen regarding the SWNA fielding application. The reply states that, while the application was denied, it will be automatically entered for the 2008 grants. Special Events Jo1ui has been liaising with his contacts with Adopt-a-Pond to arrange a presentation at the SWNA during the middle of May. He will tallc to Darin Murphy about whether bringing a school group during the week or if having it on a weekend would be better. The Special Events Committee will also begin to discuss any other events at the SWNA in 2008. 6. Other Business/Next Meeting Adjournment: 8:15 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday February 19, 2008 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room lA Please note that February 19 is the third Tuesday in February. Notes prepared by J. O'Donnell