HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-09 MinutesI - 1 Draft minutes -Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY Sept. 9, 2008 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: David Best (Voting) Jim Cleland Shirley Minifie Derry Meydam Brian Reid Also Present: Diaiuze Graham (Non-Voting) Regrets: Councillor Willie Woo Warren May - MNR John Stoner Absent: Greg Wells - GRCA 1. Agenda Additions Trials Acceptance of A eg_nda MOVED by Joe McKenna, seconded by David Best THAT the agenda for July 15, 2008 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of May 13, 2008 !'~___.___t_____ Arthur Burrows Brian Reid Joe McKemla Darin Mlu-phy Dan Stanoi Peter Windolf Jim Kamstra Kerry Meydam There were no corrections to the minutes. The committee also requested signs warning of Poison Ivy at various areas. It was decided that those signs would be made "in house" by laminating 8 U2 x 11 sheets and installing them on wooden stakes. The laminated sheets would be turned over to the SWNA members to install at appropriate locations. Dumping Location Illegal dumping continues to be a problem at one particular location on Toronto Road. The location invites this activity because there is gravel access leading in fiom the road. The gravel access will be removed as part of the fall tree planting in this area. In addition the Operations Department will install a no dumping sign. 6. Other Business Trials It was suggested that woodchips could be added to keep people on a designated route on the barrier beach. It was deternlined that it would be very difficult to keep the chips at that location because of the lake affects. Weeds around Toronto Street si~,n Large weeds are growing around the sign at Toronto Street. The Maintenance committee will work on removing them. The sign should also be removed in the future because the road access on Toronto Street has been changed and the sign is now only seen by users of the new asphalt trail. Pot Holes The Operations Department will be notified about the large potholes in the Cobbledick Parkilig lot and access road. Fundraising To be discussed at the next meeting. Adjournment: 8:30 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday October 14, 2008 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room lA Notes prepared by D. Graham