HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-02-20 MinutesI - 3 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Minutes of a meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall held on February 20, 2007 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chi Present Were: C. Abraham (chair) P. DeJong S. DeJong G. Robinson (councillor) C. Trim (councillor) L. Franssen G. Bell (secretary) Absent Were: B. Snowdon h ~= ~~~ ~ ._ Y ,. r fit. ~"~ fi'` ~ 44 { )L1 .~ k A `fir ( ~ ~a~d «~ (,~.% ,U ler~~ ~. ~ ~L...~s~-t~-~i~r i' ~~~, ~ ~ ~/~; ~ ~_ .. _ .....,~ ~a_~~. .--. :.... .... p ,..sue _rnr1 ~..__. .. ._,.., __ ... Ii ..... nx w G ;. ,_ ,..._ r.. ,~._..... . ,,,...~..m,. ~. ,. , ._..._.~ ; .z ._v ~,~~ ~. ~ cif (~ ~-' New appointments were announced -Pete DeJong, Sierd DeJong and Linda Franssen ELECTION OF CHAIR 1.1 Moved by P. DeJong, seconded by C. Trim to nominate Cathy Abraham for 1 year term of chair of Newcastle Community Hall Board. Cathy Abraham elected chair by acclamation. 1.2 Moved by S. DeJong, seconded by G. Robinson to nominate Pete DeJong fora 1 year term of vice-chair of Newcastle Community Hall Board. Pete DeJong elected vice-chair by acclamation. MINUTES 2.1 Motion by P. DeJong, seconded by G. Robinson That the minutes of January 16, 2007 meeting be accepted as circulated. "Carried" BUSINESS ARISING 3.1 Motion by P. DeJong, seconded by L. Franssen That Ontario Duct Cleaning be hired to clean hall ducts as per their quote of $595.00 "Carried" 3.2 Chairlift record book will be stored in the cupboard above the sink in the Lions room. A sticker needs to be placed over the switch to indicate what the switch is for. 3,3 New chairs have arrived. 145 of old stock have been sold back to Schoolhouse Products, 115 have been sold to Catholic School Board. 3,4 Alcohol policy presented by secretary was reviewed -items 3, 10, 11 are to be posted in the bar area. Motion by G. Robinson, seconded by P. DeJong That alcohol policy be approved and printed for clients. "Carried" FINANCIAL REPORT 4.1 Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by P. DeJong That the financial report be accepted as circulated. "Carried" BILLS 5.1. Motion by L. Franssen, seconded by G. Robinson Those bills in the amount of $450.00 are paid as presented. "Carried" CORRESPONDENCE/SUPERVISION 6.1 Supervision was allocated. HEALTH & SAFETY 7.1 January inspection report was received, copy will be sent to Operations Dept. 7.2 Eaves troughs have quite a bit of ice in them, but should melt in next little while with change temperature. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Secretary to obtain new quote on gate project from another company. 8.2 Youth Dance to be informed that recycling must be sorted 8.3 Motion by G. Robinson, seconded by S. DeJong That we purchase 5 green bins for the kitchen waste. "Carried" 8.4 We have received complaints about cleaning auditorium while Early Years program is running. Custodial will ensure cleaning is done before or after their programs. 8.5 Brian Terry is recuperating, tentative return date is Apri19 8.6 Motion by G. Robinson, seconded by L. Franssen That secretary purchase new software for scheduling of yearly maintenance required in the hall. "Carried" 8.7 Secretary is in the process of creating a fire policy for the hall. 8.8 S. DeJong reported defibrillator has arrived and been installed. Training is scheduled for March 24 for 10 people. We will be sending custodian and manager of bowling alley. Lions will be sending remaining 8. Gord will check with Town to see if we are able to send more people. Manager of bowling alley will need key to gate in stairwell for access to defibrillator. 8.9 S. DeJong suggested we look into purchasing a floor polisher - he will get some prices for next meeting. 8.10 G. Robinson has received some complaints about the garbage outside the hall when we have booked to auctions. Secretary will speak with client. S. DeJong would like to discuss increasing the rent for auctions. 8.11 Representatives for the CIP committee have been sent into the Town. 8.12 Area around sewer in the parking lot needs to be monitored more closely for ice build up. 8.13 G. Robinson would like to discuss having Lions/Masons take care of our bartending exclusively at our next meeting. 8.14 S. DeJong has had the flag repaired. G. Robinson will obtain additional flags. Motion by P. DeJong, seconded by L. Franssen That the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 pm. "Carried"