HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-01-21 Minutes. ~~/ Task Force for Attracting Higher Education Facilities Minutes of Meeting Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. Meeting Room lA Present Were: Paul Halliday Deborah Patrick Dorcas Gordon Valentine Lovel~in Pierre Tremblay Bill Humber, Chair Staff: Faye Langmaid, Manager of Special Projects, Planning Services Linda Coutu, Executive Assistant to the Mayor Regrets: Mayor Jim Abernethy Special Guest: Martha Rutherford-Conrad, Administrator, Clarington Museums Bill Humber called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Valentine Lovekin, seconded by Paul Halliday that the minutes of the meeting held on December 10, 2009, be approved. "CARRIED" Bill Humber suggested that the order of the agenda be altered to include Martha Rutherford- Conrad'spresentation at the beginning of the meeting and all members were in agreement. Martha Rutherford-Conrad presented a power point presentation of the history of the property located at 2020 Lambs Road, which is commonly known as the Boys Training School/Camp 30. Ms. Rutherford-Conrad advised that for the majority of its history, over 50 years, the property has functioned as a school in one form or another. The buildings on the property include dormitory style residences, an auditorium, a g}nnnasium, a natatorium (indoor swimming pool) and classrooms. This property was turned into a German Power of War camp from 1941 - 1945, however, at the end of World War II the site returned to its function as a boy's training school. The training school closed in 1979. The property then served as a school for many organizations. In 1983, it was sold to a Malaysian group to train foreign students. St. Stephens High School operated on this site for a period of time. The Great Lakes College, a high school for mostly Asian students and most recently Darul Uloom Islamic University have all occupied the campus. Since 2008, the buildings and grounds have been closed, the use ceased not due to the building conditions but rather the failure of the private sewage treatment plant. While vandalism is starting to take its toll on the property, it remains poised as an exciting viable opportunity to continue to educate people within our community. Ms. Rutherford-Conrad was thanked for her presentation and stayed to participate in a question period. She advised the commnittee that, if this site receives a National Historic Site Designation, there would be funding up to $lmillion available every year as matching funds from the Federal Government to rejuvenate the buildings. Ms. Rutherford-Conrad left the meeting at 9:00 a.m. 2. Overview of Visioning Assignment -Pierre Tremblay Mr. Tremblay presented his findings and gave an overview of the supply and demand of skilled trades in the power industry. Mr. Tremblay advised that the refurbishment of Pickering B and Darlington A will require 1200 =1500 skilled trades in the years 2016 - 2024. The Bruce B' units are expected to be refurbished at the same time, and if and when the New Reactors move forward at Darlington B, the demand will be even greater. The agenda was altered to discuss the Interim Report to Council. 5. Interim Report to Council After some discussion, Paui Halliday and Bill Humber agreed to prepare and present the Interim Report to Council. 3. Discussion on Priorities and Strategies Discussion ensued pertaining to how the committee should proceed. It was agreed that the Interim Report to Council will outline, in detail, the accomplishments the committee has made to date. It was also agreed that the committee should plan their future strategy at the next meeting. Faye Langmaid agreed to provide additional information about other possible sites. The committee would like to invite Trent University to a future meeting. 4. Invitation of Guest Speakers (i) Martha Rutherford-Conrad made her presentation earlier in the meeting. (ii) Ron Stead - re: Holburn It was agreed that Ron Stead should be invited to a future meeting. 6. Future Meeting Dates It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 7:30 a.m. Other Valentine Lovekin will Chair the next meeting. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.