HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-02-18 Minutes~}.~~_ , ~,~ ~ ~ ~ . - ~ ~E . ~ ,_ _ Let~di~Tg the Way Approved by Committee Members i-2 CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday February 18, 2010 PRESENT: ALSO PRESENT: (Chair) Gord Lee David Reesor Lisa Robinson Gillian Bellefontaine Alan Bayliss Elwood Ward Ron Baker, Traffic & Transportation Co-ordinator Jeff Paimnett, Region of Durham, Traffic Engineering Operations Division REGRETS: (Vice-Chair) Keny Meydam, Councillor Adrian Foster, John Slater, Georg Krohn, Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services, Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation & Design, Constable Esther Rathwell, Durham Regional Police Services 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES-(January 21, 2010) The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The minutes of the January 21, 2010 meeting are approved without changes." MOVED: by Elwood Ward; SECONDED by Lisa Robinson CARRIED 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 2.1 Road Watch News & Statistics-(Gord Lee) Access to the Police Station on Trulls Road is still under review. Nine reports were in the drop boxes; which is a higher number than usual for this time of year. DRPS Statistics-(Constable Esther Rathwell) Constable Rathwell sent regrets for this meeting as she had another to attend. This item will be on the March agenda. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 3.1 2010 Meeting Schedule-(Ron Balser) Schedules were handed out to members, One member requested clarification on the last traffic meeting as there is a.municipal election in October. This will be reported at the next meeting. 3.2 Action List and Outstanding Items The following item numbers were discussed at the meeting and a decision was made whether to delete or keep the item on the list: 9.1.01 The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The 3-Way Stop request for the Hampton General Store does not meet warrants and should be removed from the Action List; although Police and staff may still monitor speed concerns." MOVED: by Lisa Robinson; SECONDED by Alan Bayliss CARRIED 9.3.02 The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The Region is well aware of this item with construction to three lanes and movement of the IPS (Independent Pedestrian Signal) is now scheduled for 2017, and that this item be removed from the action list," MOVED: by Lisa Robinson; SECONDED by Alan Bayliss CARRIED 9.5.01 Jeff Parrett from the Region of Durham and Ron Baker will review Durham Road 17/Main Street, Orono, just south of Centreview Street. If it is an asphalt issue the Region will be responsible; if it is a sidewalk issue Clarington will be responsible. 10.1.03 One member commented that there is too much emphasis on traffic calming in the Committee Mandate. There is a need for aTwo-Way communication, active participation and safety on a larger scope. Item will remain on Action List. 10.1.01 3.3 Request for Deaf Child Signs-handout from Jan. mtg.-(Ron Baker) The Region stated that these non-uniform warning signs have not been shown effective. Some states that previously supported them are now having them removed. Ajax is removing theirs. Members wanted to see a reduction in the number of signs suggesting that a proliferation renders each sign less effective. The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The CTMAC not support the request for this Deaf Child sign or other signs for individual persons with disabilities". MOVED: by Lisa Robinson; SECONDED by David Reesor CARRIED 3.4 Three-Way Stop at Rhonda Blvd.-(Ron Baker) This item will be carried to the next meeting as traffic count information was not downloaded. Speed study did indicate average speed was above 50 KPH at 51.5 KPH and will ask Durham Regional Police to set up the radar trailer and encourage residents to use the Road Watch Program. 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR 4.1 Road Safety Challenge Information Information will be sent to members for their review for possible participation. 4.2 Port of Newcastle Speeds Port of Newcastle Drive already has traffic calming built into the road design with a sputter island and masonry gateway feature just north of Milligan Street. It also has a large green space island between Lake Breeze Drive and Bluenose Lane. There are also all-way stops at Port of Newcastle Drive at Mill Street South with another one at Port of Newcastle Drive at Shipway Avenue. £F~I: A radar study by Gord Lee of Road Watch showed average speeds are below 50 KPH. Traffic volumes would not warrant an all-way stop. Staff will pass this concern onto Durham Regional Police for possible use of radar trailer monitored and education. 4.3 G. J. MacGillivray Public School at Robert Adams Drive & Meadowglade Road-Courtice This school is well designed with bus loop and separate Kiss & Go loop but there are an abundance of parents driving to the school and parking illegally. Members will visit this area and bring back comments. (French Immersion Program adds to total enrolment at the school). 4.4 Bicycle Lanes-Clarington There was a general discussion regarding recreational versus transportation for bike lanes in Clarington. Jeff from DRPS will send the web site link to the Region. Promoting use of existing paths and future network connections maybe suggested. 4.5 Attendance Attendance was discussed amongst members. 4.6 Line Painting Line painting consistency was discussed and members would like certain areas reviewed. 4.7 Courtice Main Street Study F.Y.I. members may wish to check Courtice Main Street Study Development Options workshop. They can visit www.clarington.net/ourplan . 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE- March 18, 2010-7:00 P.M. Committee Room 1C-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, through the north door on Church Street (Library entrance doors). 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; David Reesor THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 9:00 p.m."