HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-01-19 MinutesMUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 1.3 NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board on January 19 2010 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers. Present Were; P. DeJong (chair) B. Snowdon S. DeJong C. Abraham L. Franssen G. Bell (secretary) C. Trim (councillor) Regrets From: G. Robinson ELECTION Charlie Trim (Regional Councillor) chaired the elections for 2 members to the board for a 2 year term Linda Franssen nominated Cathy Abraham, seconded by Gabrielle Bell Sierd DeJong nominated Brent Snowdon, seconded by Cathy Abraham Both nominations were accepted. As there were no other nominations Cathy Abraham and Brent Snowdon were acclaimed. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON C. Abraham nominated P. DeJong, seconded by B. Snowdon for position of chairperson. As there were no other nominations P. DeJong was acclaimed. MINUTES 1.1 Deferred to next meeting. BUSINESS ARISING 2.1 Letter to be sent to Massey House Restaurant regarding replacement of dishes broken at Greek Night event. 2 2.2 Discussed replacement of gas stove in lower kitchen. Town will install suppression system on electric stove but it is not in their budget to purchase for gas stove. Motion by C. Trim, seconded by C. Abraham That an appropriate electric stove be purchased for the lower kitchen for approximately $1000.00 (with $200.00 leeway). Sell the gas stove for as much as possible to offset the cost of new stove. "CARRIED" 2.3 Stage curtains still, need to be hemmed. 2.4 Refer crack in west ceiling of auditorium to Operations Dept for repair or cover. 2.5 The viewing screen has been sold to the Municipality for $1200.00 2.6 Report given on 2009 projects -all were handled. FINANCIAL STATEMENT 3.1 Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by L. Franssen That the financial report be accepted as circulated. "CARRIED" BILLS 4.1 Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by B. Snowdon That bills totalling 162.99 be paid as presented. "CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 Chamber of Commerce dinner 4 to attend. 5.2 Chamber of Commerce donated $200.00 to hall for use of Council Chambers for their monthly meeting. Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by L. Franssen That use of the Council Chambers is donated to Chamber of Commerce for their monthly meetings for 2010, with consideration given to a donation to the hall at the end of the year. "CARRIED" 5.3 Email from Bev Jeeves of Historical Society complaining heat is much too high for them. Heat is controlled in the East Wing. We have purchased a digital thermostat and will have the heat regulated by our custodian. 5.4 CBOT membership renewal Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by B. Snowdon That Newcastle Community Hall renews their membership with CBOT for 2010. "CARRIED" 5.5 Workplace Inspection Report was done on January 19, 2010 by Mmiicipality. No items were reported. 5.6 Doors Open Clarington Committee invited Hall to participate on June 6 2010 for l0 amto4pm . Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by L. Franssen That the hall participates, ask Historical Society to give tours and have wedding information available. "CARRIED" HEALTH & SAFETY 6.1 Report to be forwarded to Operations Dept. NEW BUSINESS 7.1 Secretary purposed we do in house decorating to generate income. Discussion followed. Secretary to obtain more infornation for next meeting. 7.2 Lions Club would'like to the use of the Centennial Room for bi weekly meetings. Motion by B. Snowdon, seconded by C. Abraham That use of the Centennial Room is added to the Lions Club yearly contract for $100.00/year. "CARRIED" 7.3 Discussed Historical Society holding children's camps and subletting their room. Letter to be sent to aslc for outline of what they are planning and discuss with N. Taylor at Municipality for liability issues. 7.4 C. Abraham updated board on BIA Canada Day plans. The date has been changed from July 1 to June 26. As we have a wedding scheduled for this day it was felt the hall would not be able to participate in this event. Use of the gazebo and Historical Society room would have to be scheduled as not to interfere with the wedding. 7.5 Board viewed BIA advertisement in the Tourism guide. It was felt advertisement was misleading in that Karen Bastas was contact for the hall. 7.6 Steve Fogg (custodian) will be painting the north wall of back entrance and bar room. ADJOURNED 7:50 PM