HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-10-12 MinutesI-4 Draft minutes -Not vet annroved by Committee •NOTES OF MEETING OF SAlV1UEL WHaMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMIVITTTEE HELD ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 12, 2010 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (Voting) John Stoner-Chair Karin Murphy -Vice Chair Jim Cleland Staff Present: Peter Windolf Regrets: Arthur Burrows David Best Councillor Willie Woo Absent: Warren May - MNR Brian Reid 1. Agenda Additions None Acceptance of A eg nda MOVED by Joe McKenna, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the agenda for October 12, 2010 be accepted. CARRIED 2: Minutes of September 14; 2010 Cozxections There were no corrections to the minutes Approval of Minutes MOVED by Shirley Minifie, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the minutes of September 14, 2010 be approved. CARRIED Dan Stanoi Shirley Mirufie Joe McKenna Pat Mulcahy Greg Wells - GRCA 2 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4. Sub-Committee reports ' None 5. ~ Updates 2011 Capital Budget 'The committee discussed possible 2011 projects. There is approx. $28,000 remaining in .the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area account that can be used for projects provided the projects are approved in the Capital budget. After discussing the merits of various projects the committee recommended the following for consideration in the 2011 Capital Budget: - An information kiosk on the Toronto Street side similar to the existing kiosk at the Cobbledick parking lot - Additional benches along the trails - A viewing platform on along the east edge of the marsh Preliminary estimates indicate that all of these projects could be built with the remaining funds. The number of benches will be determined once the cost of the other projects are known. Applications for next term of SWNA Committee Applications for the next term of the SWNA committee were handed out. The term of this SWNA Committee extends until the end of 2010 however the committee will not meet again until xe-appointed by Council, Anew committee is typically appointed by Council at one of the first meetings iri the new term. The Clerks. Department will advertise for positions on all municipal committees in November however if any members wish to return applications directly to Peter he will forward them to the Clerks Department. 2009 Durham Coastal Wetland Monitoring Report This report is now available on the web-site of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. The report investigated 18 coastal wetlands in Durham including the Wilmot Creek Marsh. Among other information it contains the results offish, bird, amphibian and macroinvertebrate monitoring at the SWNA in 2009. In general bird and fish metrics are rated as fair at the SWNA. Amphibian metrics are rated as good and macroinvertebrates 3 as very good. The 2009 fish rating was 29 at the Wilmot Creek marsh. This was a large decrease from the 200$ score of 73. No specific reasons for the decrease were cited in the report. Moderately impaired water quality was found in the majority of Durham Coastal Wetlands. Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up Shirley listed some of the items picked up during the GCSC including; Over 1 SO feet of fishing line, numerous beverage cans, plastic water bottles, shotgun shells, boots and pants. 6. Other Business Fa11 Clean-uu Shirley proposed that a creek bank clean-up take place because of the amount of litter being left behind by fishermen. Any members who are able to attend should meet at the Toxonto Street Parking lot on Saturday November 13 at 10:00. Shirley and John have confirmed that they will be able to attend. A notice will be placed on the SWNA blog to encourage members of the public to attend. The committee also discussed the need for signs encouraging fisherman to take their litter with them. The signs would be posted at the main access points to the central portion of the marsh were most of the~littering is occurring. The signs will also be considered as a capital budget item. Joe McKenna announced he will not be re-applying for the committee due to other commitments. He explained that he has enjoyed his three terms and would like to be notified of all future events. • Motion to Adjourn MOVED by Karin Murphy, seconded by Shirley Minifie THAT the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment: 8:30 P.M. Next Meeting: TBA Notes prepared by P. Windolf