HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-03-09 MinutesDraft minutes -Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY MARCH 9, 2010 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (Voting) Karin'Murphy -Vice Chair David Best Jim Cleland Pat Mulcahy Councillor Willie Woo Shirley Minifie Dan Stanoi Staff Present: Peter Windolf Greg Wells - GRCA Regrets: .Joe McKenna Arthur Burrows Jolu1 Stoner -Chair Brian Reid Absent: Warren May 1. Agenda Additions Marsh fire Woodchips for trails Bird and Mammal Count Acceptance of A eg nda MOVED by Shirley Minifie, seconded by David Best THAT the agenda for March 9, 2010 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of February 16, 2010 Corrections There were no corrections to the minutes Approval of Minutes MOVED by Dan Stanoi, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the minutes of January 20, 2010 be approved. 2 CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4. Special Presentation -Leslie Wilson On Saturday June 5 and Sunday June 6 the SWNA committee will host Trails Open walks at the SWNA. Several members have volunteered to guide tours of the site. To provide the committee with accurate historical information about the Wilmot Fish Hatchery and the SWNA property Leslie Wilson, local historian, gave a presentation to the committee, some interesting facts included; - The Wilmot family never lived on the property that now forms the SWNA. `Their home and fish hatchery were located north of Hwy 2 on the east side of the Wilmot Creek. - The creek was also known as Baldwin Creek and Salmon Creek during. different periods prior to being named Wilmot Creek. - The pollution from mills located along the creek was a major reason for the decline of Atlantic salmon in Ontario creeks and rivers. - Samuel Wilmot tools it upon himself to prevent the disappearance of salmon from waterways. In 1866 he began to experiment with the artificial breeding of salmon - Encouraged by his success the federal government began Ontario's first fish hatchery on the site in 1868. - 155 million fish were ultimately distributed from his various hatchery's. - Wilmot has been recognized around the world for his fish breeding expertise. - By 1914 the Newcastle Fish Hatchery buildings were more than 50 years old and in need of extensive repairs. The hatchery closed at the start of WWI when federal funding was re-directed to the war effort. - The hatchery building was torn down in the 1920's and the hatchery ponds have silted over. - The only remnant of the hatchery is the original Wilmot home located on Given Road. That home is actually the second house built on the original foundation of the Wilmot homestead which was destroyed by fire in the late 1800's. 5. Sub-Committee Reports Maintenance Jim has requested woodchips to augment the existing woodchip walkway at the lake lookout and for the trail on the Toronto Street side leading to the lake. Operations will be asked to supply the woodchips however until the ground hardens it will not be possible to get woodchips to the lake lookout. ommunications Joe will be asked to provide a copy of Shirley's article regarding the Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up to Jennifer so she can post it on the biog. 3 6. Updates Winter Bird and Mammal Count A Winter Bird and Mammal Count was conducted on February 7. The count was lead by John Foster from the Durham Field Naturalists. Jim expressed concern that there was double counting of the same birds and mammals by separate teams that could lead to incorrect numbers. John Foster will be invited to a future meeting to talk about the bird and mammal count and explain the methodology. Marsh Fire Jim and Shirley reported that the cattails in the interior of the marsh have been burned. Grass fires are common in the spring due to the dry vegetation from the previous season's growth. The cause of the fire is unknown but the damage to the marsh is minimal because new vegetation has yet to emerge and nesting birds have not returned to the SWNA this early in the season. SWNA Blot The SWNA blog is up and running with 81 pageviews to date. The blog provides up-to- date information about the SWNA, Committee members were reminded that they can submit content for the blog to either Jennifer O'Donnell or Peter Windolf. The blog's address is httpJ/swnanews.wordpress.com 7. Other Business None Motion to Adiourn MOVED by Pat Mulcahy, seconded by Shirley Minifie THAT the meeting be adjourned. C~IRRIED Adjournment: 8:15 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday Apri113, 2010 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room lA Notes prepared by P. Windolf