HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04-13 MinutesI-3 Draft minutes -Not vet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY APRIE 13, 2010 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (Voting) John Stoner-Chair Dan Stanoi Karin Murphy -Vice Chair Joe McKenna Jim Cleland Pat Mulcahy Brian Reid Staff Present: Peter Windolf Regrets: Arthur Burrows Shirley Minifie Absent: Warren May - MNR 1. Agenda Additions No Additions Acceptance of A enda MOVED by Karin Murphy, seconded by Joe McKenna THAT the agenda for April 13, 2010 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of March 9, 2010 Corrections There were no corrections to the minutes Approval of Minutes MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the minutes of March 9, 2010 be approved. CARRIED Councillor Willie Woo David Best Greg Wells - GRCA 2 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4, Sub-Committee reports Communications Joe will review his files and try to locate a copy of Shirley's information regarding the 2009 Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up. If found it can be posted on the blog along with information about the 2010 Clean-up. Maintenance . On March 31 several SWNA committee members participated in a litter clean-up on the Toronto Street side that generated several bags of garbage. The proposed Apri17 clean-up on the Cobbledick side was cancelled due to rain. Based on the amount of use the SWNA is now receiving and the amount of litter in the garbage containers it is recommended that the Operations Department place two garbage containers in each parking lot. Jim Cleland removed and cleaned 24 birdhouses and has now re-installed them. The Martin House is leaning and will require heavy equipment to straighten and stabilize it. Hydro One, who originally installed the Martin House, will be contacted to determine if they are able straighten it. 6, iJpdates MNR Ran ers 2010 The MRN Rangers will be available for projects at the SWNA for two days in 2010. The tentative dates are Thursday July 15 and Friday July 16. Possible projects include: - removal of old wire fencing from various areas around the SWNA - constructing barriers along the edge of the woodland trail - spreading woodchips and clearing vegetation along the Toronto Street lake trail. -repair sections of limestone trail - trim and mulch around young trees along Toronto Street - trim and mulch around benches, and signs Raptor Event Peter Windolf will investigate the cost to have Soar Raptor Education bring their live raptor display to the SWNA this spring or summer. Last year's Indian River Reptile Zoo presentation was very well attended, especially by families from the Port of Newcastle subdivision, however most of the families left immediately after the presentation. The committee discussed the merits of arranging a themed activity after the presentation to encourage visitors to explore more of the SWNA. It was agreed that it would be worthwhile to investigate a bird or raptor themed tour of the SWNA. The committee agreed that this year's event should also beheld on the Toronto Street side, next to the new section of Waterfront Trail. 2010 Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-un Shirley Minifie e-mailed the schedule for the 2010 Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up. This nation wide event will be held September 20-26. The committee participated in the 2009 event which requires participants to collect and inventory litter~found along the lake and creek. The committee discussed the merits of participating in the 2010 event. Shirley has volunteered to register and assume the responsibility of co-ordinator. After discussion the following Resolution was moved by Joe McKenna, seconded by Karin Murphy; That the SWNA committee register to participate in the 2010 Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up. Carried The committee agreed that Saturday September 25 would be the date. The rain date would be Sunday September 26. 7. Other Business Brian Reid suggested photos of the SWNA be posted on the biog. Jennifer O'Donnell will look through the photo index and post appropriate photos. The Toronto Street side of the SWNA now receives many visitors from the Port of Newcastle subdivision. The committee suggested that a kiosk or notification panel be installed for information and special events notices. The cost and design of the proposed notification panel will be investigated further. The committee discussed ways to attract more young people to the SWNA. Joe will investigate if a local Scout group would be interested in arranging a nature themed activity at the S WNA. Clean Sweep (formerly Pitch-In day) is scheduled for Saturday Apri124 on the Toronto Street side of the SWNA. Members were encouraged to participate. An updated contact list.of SWNA Committee members will be distributed with the April meeting minutes. Motion to Adiourn MOVED by Joe McKenna, seconded by Pat Mulcahy THAT the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment: 8:15 P.M. 1Vext lvleeting: Tuesday May 11, 2010 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room lA Notes prepared by P. Windolf