HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-11 Minutes .~g~~ I-5 Draft minutes -Not vet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY MAY 11, 2010 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (Voting) John Stoner-Chair Dan Stanoi Karin Murphy -Vice Chair Councillor Willie Woo Jim Cleland David Best Brian Reid Shirley Minifie Staff Present: Peter Windolf Regrets: Arthur Burrows Joe McKenna Pat Mulcahy Absent: Wal~en May - MNR Greg Wells - GRCA 1. Agenda Additions Marilyn Morawetz -Doors Open/Trails Open event Great Canadian Shoreline Clean up . Pitch-in Day 2010 Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by David Best, seconded by Shirley Minifie THAT the agenda for May 11, 2010 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of Apri113, 2010 Corrections There were no coi~ections to the minutes Approval of Minutes MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by David Best THAT the minutes of April 13, 2010 be approved. CARRIED 2 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4. Sub-Committee reports Maintenance The committee believes that a year round garbage container is required for both parking. lots at the SWNA. The site receives year round use and in the absence of garbage cans litter in left on the ground in the parking lots to be picked up each spring. Councillor Woo will discuss with Operations Department, 5. Updates Trails Open June 5 and 6 Marilyn Morawetz of the Clarington Branch of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario attended the meeting to provide the committee with more information on Clarington's Doors Open event scheduled for June 6. One of the Doors Open locations will be the historic plaque marking the location of the Wilmot Fish Hatchery on Hwy 2. People visiting that location will be informed of the Trails Open tour at the SWNA at 2:OOPM. Marilyn reported that the Whitby Doors Open events in May were very well attended despite poor weather and she expects the Clarington event to also be well attended. Marilyn will provide a poster for the Doors Open event that can be placed on the SWNA kiosk, Brian suggested a single page handout be available for people attending the Trails Open tours. Jennifer will be asked to produce and copy a double sided handout with information about the SWNA, Five coroplast Trails Open signs were given to Brian for road-side installation to help guide visitors to the site: Suggested locations include; -the corner of Hwy 2 and Cobbledick Road -the corner of Service Road and Cobbledick to inform Wilmot Creep Residents of the event Sign in sheets were handed out to David and Brian. They will be used on both days to obtain information about trail users. That information will be compiled for a post event survey, Two picnic tables will be required next to the kiosk at the Cobbledick Parking lot. Operations will be requested to drop them off on June 4. Tree Pruning along Sewage Treatment Plant A row of linden trees located along the south fence line of the sewage treatment plant have been pruned and the native slnltbs planted around the trees were destroyed in the process. Peter talked with the staff person at the Region who handles their maintenance contracts. A follow up e-mail with photos of the damage was sent to the Region 3 requesting that any future pruning of trees or shrubs located outside of the Sewage treatment plant fence be done only on the inside of the fence. The Region was reminded that the SWNA committee was given permission by the Region to plant native shrubs along the west fence line in 2009 and that those slu-ubs should not be pruned outside of the fence. Raptor Event Soar Raptor Education was contacted about their availability to provide an on-site raptor display as they did previously at the SWNA. Unfortunately they will not be available in the foreseeable future due to illness. John Stoner will contact another group that provides the same type of raptor show to see if they are available. Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up Shirley will e-mail information regarding the 2009 Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up to Jennifer to post on the SWNA blog. She has officially registered the SWNA as a site for 2010. Information about the 2010 Shoreline Clean-up will be included in the posting but will also be re-posted about a week in advance of the September 25 scheduled date. Pitch-in cleanup at SWNA On Saturday Apri124 a Pitch-111 clean-up was scheduled at the SWNA. Brian received a supply of bags and gloves from Operations. Some SWNA committee members and a few members of the public attended. The event was generally a success however the meeting point and the public notification for the event were never discussed with the SWNA committee. Had the committee not noticed the newspaper ad there would not have been anyone at the SWNA to provide supplies and direction to the public. If the SWNA is a Pitch-In location in 2011 those details should be discussed prior to advertising the event. Operations will be asked to discuss any future clean-up days with the committee in advance. 6. Other Business Brian Reid informed the committee that the fence has been removed along the east edge of the SWNA along Toronto street south of the old orchard. Who removed the fence is unknown but it will be investigated. Motion to Adiourn MOVED by Joe McKenna, seconded by Pat Mulcahy THAT the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment: 8:20 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday June 8, 2010 ON-SITE at the Cobbledick Parking lot. Notes prepared by P. Windolf