HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-04-19 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting April 19, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT: David Reesor Karin Murphy a Tibbles Allan Kirby Tracey Ali d Shields Councillor Hooper Karina Isert A Kozak REGRETS: Tenzin Gyaltsan STAFF: Isabel Little Ruth Porra han Har n GUESTS: Rick Bruynson Saunders Other members of the public were al at ce in Ilery. Supermarket Prop or Ne astle VI : e Ruth P PI a it m ity Planning Branch, and Meaghan Hard ; , Junior ner the opment Review Branch, provided the Commi i with an ove of evelopment applications filed by Newcastle (King) Developm I Inc. for an ial P mendment, Zoning By-law amendment and Site Plan approv he develo nt are covers 37 and 45 North Street, and 80, 92 and 100 King Avenu st. The' perties identified as 80 and 100 King Avenue West are vacant. The Site Plan applicatio is for the development of a one-storey 26,942 square foot grocery store on King Avenue West with parking at the rear of the building. The Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications address the applicant's request to expand the parking and the loading area along North Street. 1 The houses located at 92 King Avenue West and 37 North Street have been identified in the inventory of built cultural heritage resources as buildings having Heritage Merit. Heritage Impact Assessments were completed by the applicant's consultant for both buildings and the conclusion was that consideration be given to moving the houses to other lots in or near Newcastle. The current owner of 92 King Avenue West has considered the recommendation to move the wood frame building and has informed staff that, in their opinion the poor condition of the house, the size, and cost they do no J h to move the house. An application to demolish the building will be submitted It was noted that the property identified as 51 N tr hich is just to the north of the development proposal, has cultural heri slue to t mmunity as it was built by Lewis Wilmot, Samuel Wilmot's broth wis operated nery on the property which extended along the south side of Street. St. George's Anglican Church Rick Bruynson gave the Committe o of th arch's proposal to add a building addition wh` ink the rch o th rish hall. Both buildings and the boundary are ated u On eritage Act. The changes in the two buildings w pprov by Cou 2002 through report number PSD-070- 02. The report note t ion w be constructed with a brick facade to match t in c n n Saunders confirmed that it is the Chur . ens on .`Id th dition rick facade. The matt be address t thi is the alterations required to the boundary wall to accommo entrances a par g area. a ADOPTION OF MIN 11.10 Moved by Allan Kirby, seconded by Andrew Kozak THAT the minutes of March 15, 2011 be accepted "CARRIED" 2 BUSINESS ARISING MTO Properties On April 11th Council approved adding 5658 Bethesda Road and 7500 Highway 351115 to the Municipal Register as non-designated buildings of cultural heritage value or interest. OHT Request for Nominations The Ontario Heritage Trust request for nominatio a posted on the Municipality's website until May 281h. Candidates for Designation The Committee members were asked to p e a ses of b gs they would recommend to be individually d ated. Aft e e owners wil contacted to see if they wish to proceed with on. CORRESPONDEN The Community He Onta ewslett as receive . The Min' ism vid letter of authority to the Committee mem om the try vernm ices regarding the waiving of tariff fees at the Registry Th er must a presented at the Land Registry Office in order tha fees for res h an umentation be waived. LIAISON REPOR Bowmanville CIP The Vanstone Mill will be obtaining a facade improvement grant for painting the building exterior (the grant is limited to the facade). The owner will not be painting the west side as he cannot find a contractor willing to take it on. The Royal Bank plans to build a new bank on King Street East in the location of the former Petro Canada station, the Municipality prefers the corner as the location, the specifics of the site plan (including 3 location) have been appealed to the OMB. The Royal Bank will not commit to what services they will leave in the downtown until site plan-is resolved. Orono CIP The CIP group's term of appointment expires in August 2011. The group is reviewing their terms of reference and could be seeking new members. Orono Park will be having a 90th anniversary in 2013. mittee is set up to plan the celebrations. Merchants have identified servicing of bus grow a as an issue given the lack of public washrooms in the village. The upgr of the w oms in the Town Hall is being discussed by the Town Hall Board. ashrooms wo alify for a building code improvement grant as accessibility be improved. Gra A ds would also available for the exterior work that needs to b a ne o clock to d the refinishing of the entrance doors e Town H John Slater, Chair of the CIP liaiso o Oron r, wn Lands Trust will be receiving the Bvylin Stroud Lifetime 'eve ward a continued promotion of the protection of the 4. nt. The AC : I be sented on May 12th at Durham Region H arte PROJE Herita vento Updated ph phs have n take of the buildings at 2020 Lambs Road. Website The Kingsville website ntains a Google-based map with pop-ups of pictures of heritage buildings and a brief architectural description. The Committee members were encouraged to view the site at (http:ll www.kingsvilleheritage.caNVelcome.htm_i) to determine if anyone in the group could produce a similar map highlighting designated properties in Clarington. 4 FINANCIAL REPORT Opening balance February 2$ $5,780.93 Interest Feb 28 0.04 Closing Mar 25 $5,780.07 11.11 Moved by Ron Hooper, seconded by Karin Murphy THAT the financial report be accepted "CARRIED" NEW BUSINESS Update Designation By-laws Many of the individual heritage ation by-I ate back to the ate 1970s and early 1980s and do not cont - rchitec description and/or historical information. There are also later ws ould viewed and rewritten. The Ministry of Culture h red gui es o g s eats of cultural heritage value or interest. wo clude II t description of the significant features of the bui and a istorica ground in rmation that can be gathered through a title searc he d Regist ffice and/or local archival records. The Committe rs w a nt title search completed by Charles Taws s use ted at way 35/115. Angela volunteered to resea, nd comple up the des ation by-law registered on her house. The advan of updatin a by- s would be to clarify what is included in the designation an s, make earer to deal with an application for refurbishment, etc. Demolition Permit A demolition permit was signed for a frame house located at 5297 Main Street, Orono. The building was inventoried as a Heritage Merit structure and is located immediately south of the Lycett law office. I I I 5 I, COMMENTS ON DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS St..George's Anglican Church Committee members had conducted a site inspection and had no concerns in regards to the changes to the brick boundary wall, or to the brick facade of the link addition if it is constructed as previously approved. 11.12 Moved by Allan Kirby, seconded by Karin Murphy That the CHC is in support of the required alter to the brick boundary wall to accommodate the driveway entrance an "CARRIED" Supermarket Proposal for Newcastle Village The Committee reviewed the pr upermar evelopment within the context of its compatibility with the existing b t chitectu the downtown core, and its impact on the heritage buildings on site. der to Council the opportunity to comment on the po olition 7N t, a n order to recognize the cultural heritage of 5 rth Str . om ! agreed that both buildings should be recomm d for ition to Municipal Register as Non-Designated Properties of Cultural ge or Inte 11. 1 Move Ilan , Sec y Andrew Kozak Th . building in orat architectural design features of the existing herita ructures in down n core That the fac of th ilding facing King Avenue West have the appearance of an historic mu mercial development with wood detailing on the first floor as in the bui g located at 101 — 109 King Avenue West That a pedestrian access be provided into the building from King Avenue West That the building be constructed with an all brick exterior and architectural details such as quoins and cornicing That the loading dock wall be constructed of brick 6 That the exterior walls that do not have windows incorporate public art such as murals and/or historical photographs that have an attachment to the community That the buildings located at 37 North Street and 51 North Street be added to the Municipal Register as non-designated properties of cultural heritage value or interest, and That the final elevation drawings be circulated to Committee as part of the site plan approval process "CARRIED" Meeting adjourned. Next meeting May 17 7:00 p eeting R 7