HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-134-87 w ~ti~ - %1 ~- E ~ ' \~ • ~ !' ~ ~ " ~ ' ~-~ ~~ .,.: :.t~=~. hEETING: Council DATE: Monday, May 11, 1987 REPORT File # ~ o-~~~~ Res. # C' ~~ By-Law # REPOT #: PD-134-87 FILE #: LD 199 8/ 7 to LD 203/87 (Inclusive) SUB.ECT: LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS - COLYIN PART LOT 35, CONCESSION 2, DARLINGTON APPEAL TO LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE CONDITIONS FILES: LD 199/87 to LD 203/87 (INCLUSIVE) A RECOMMENDATIONS: // _~~ ~~, It is respectfully recommended to O~tncil the ~folla~.ing: 1. THAT Report PD-134-87 be received; and 2. THAT in consideration of the Land Division Committee's deletion of the Town's requirement pursuant to the provisions of Section 52(2) of the Planning Act; being a cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication, an Appeal on behalf of the Town of Newcastle be filed with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Committee in respect of LD 199/87 to LD 203/87 (inclusive). BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Un March 21, 1987, copies of the Land Division applications LD 199/87 to LD 203/87 (inclusive) were received by Staff for review and comment for the Land Division Committee's consideration at their meeting of April 13, 1987. Accordingly, comments dated April 7, 1987, consistent with Town Policies (see attached), were provided. Within each were listed the conditions which Town Staff requested be imposed as conditions of approval should the Committee seem it appropriate to approve the applications. ...2 REPORT #3 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT NO.: PD-134-87 Page 2 As noted within Staff's recommendations, Section 52(2) of the Planning Act permits that regard may be given to the provisions of Section 50(5) when considering the approval of a consent application. Section 50(5) involves the dedication of land for park purposes. Alternatively, Section 50(8) provides that the municipality, in lieu of accepting such conveyance, may require a cash payment, by the Owner, in an amount equal to the value of the land otherwise required to be conveyed. Staff would note for the Committee's information that a value representative of the 5~ cash-in-lieu payment in lieu of parkland for similar applications in the immediate vicinity have ranged from $120.00 to `err $155.00 per lot. Staff accordingly, would suggest that a similar value would be applied to Mr. Colvin's six (6) lots resulting in a payment of between $720.00 and $930.00. In reviewing the minutes of the Land Division Committee meeting, Staff would note that the condition in respect of cash-in-lieu payment to the * Town of Newcastle was excluded (see attached), presumably in consideration of the Town's request for gratuitous dedication of the valleylands which was granted by the Committee. Staff in consideration of same, and as noted within the recommendations `'~Ir• of this report, would support the filing of an appeal in respect of LD 199/87 to LU 203/87 (inclusive). Should the Committee and Council deem it appropriate, Staff will proceed with the necessary appeal. Respectfully submitted, war s, Director of Planning Recommended for presentation to the Committee yawrence t. Kotsett Chief A ministrative Officer LUT*TTE*jip *Attach. April 28, 1987 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 CUhiMENTS TO LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE ON CONSENT APPLICATION FOR THE MEETING OF APRIL 13, 1987 Application Nos.: LD 199/87 to LD 203/87 (Inclusive) Applicant: L. ~ E. COLVIN Location: Part Lot 35, Concession 2, Darlington Proposed Use: Residential - Five (5) Lots CONFORMITY WITH OFFICIAL PLAN: e su 3ect an s are oca a within the "Residential" designation within the Courtice Urban Area Official Plan. Residential dwellings shall be the predominant use permitted on lands so designated. Additionally, it is noted that the rear portion of the "retained lands" as identified on the applications is located within the "Major Open Space System" with "Hazard Lands" designation. Furthermore, Section 16.9.10 within the Regional Official Plan would permit the land assembly for a future Plan of Subdivision provided that their is an overall plan indicating the approximate extent of the land assembly and provisions for future access. Staff would note for the Committee's information that the Plan of Subdivision lOM-781 immediately to they'west of the subject lands, provides the necessary access for the development o~ said applications. CONFORMITY WITH ZONING BY-LAW: ~t ~n y- aw - it is no ed that applications LD 199/87, LD 200/87, LO 201/87 are located within the "Urban Residential Type One (R1)" zone while applications LD 202/87 and LO 203/87 are located within the "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1)" zone. The subject lands would appear to comply with the appropriate provisions of the "R1" zone in consideration of the recommendations below. Should the Committee deem it appropriate to approve the applications, Staff would request that such approval be conditional upon the following items: 1. a rezoning application to have the "(H)-Holding" symbol removed, be submitted by the applicant and receive final and binding approval. It is noted that the removal of the "Holding" symbol pertains to applications LD 202/87 and LD 203/87 and the "retained lands" of LO 203/87. ...2 id-~ ~4v~C"'~ Application Nos.: LO 199/87 to LO 203/87 (Inclusive) Applicant: L. & E. COLYIN Page 2 2. the applicant shall provide payment to the Town of Newcastle of the appropriate lot development charges. 3. the applicant shall provide a cash contribution of $125.00 per lot (application) for the construction of sidewalks. 4. the applicant shall provide a cash payment to the Town of Newcastle in lieu of parkland dedication. 5. the 0.3 Metre Reserve shown as Block 78 on Plan lOM-781 shall be lifted to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 6. the applicant shall provide a cash payment to the Town of Newcastle in respect of frontage charges for each application. 7. that any easements required by the Town be granted free and clear of all encumbrances. 8. that in consideration of By-law 79-69, being a By-law to adopt a policy in respect of the gratuitous dedication of valleylands associated with the Black and Farewell Creek systems in the Courtice Urban Area; the "retained lands" as illustrated on the Land Division applications be amended as shown on the attached, and that portion so amended, be dedicated to the Town of Newcastle free and clear of all encumbrances. 9. the applicant shall restore the boulevard works along Darlington Boulevard abutting said lands to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. ""'-, 10. the applicant shall have prepared, .for the proposed lots, a Master Lot Grading Plan, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 11. that the following clauses be registered on title of each lot and included within any Agreement of Purchase and Sale of said lot: "i) Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant/owner of said lot(s) shall submit a site plan as verified to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works that the final grades of the respective lot(s) is appropriate for the building(s) proposed to be constructed and that the grading of the lot and proposed access conforms to the approved iot grading plan and the Town's Design Criteria and Standard Detail Drawings. ii) The applicant/owner of said lot(s) shall be responsible for providing and maintaining adequate drain age of surface waters from such lot in accordance with the approved lot grading and drain age plan. iii) The applicant/owner shall provide within one {1) year of occupancy, written certification to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, that said building conforms to the lot grading and drain age plan."~ __ .., 'L... .~~ ~ ~ ...3 Application Nos.: LO 199/87 to LO 203/87 (Inclusive) Applicant: L. & E. COLYIN Page 3 In acknowledgement of the concerns raised by an adjacent property owner, by letter to the Committee dated March 24, 1987, Staff would note that any fencing/screening would be required to comply with the provisions of By-law 84-63. The Town of Newcastle Works Department in reviewing the concerns have noted that any structures ar to be located on private property. T.F. Chadder Current Operations Planner LOT*TFC*j i p April 7, 1987 fiw ' ~.,~ 1 ~.. ;... `mob '~..,% i,~ ,~ i i ~- , Jc~ I 2a, i63~ c ~ o~ ~ ~ /G~SIn i ih ~ ~ /~~,_ ., .. N ~ ~ ~ ~u J~ ~ ~ c r A ~ ,~- `~~ ~ ~ A • 1 ~ ~ V O )~~ay~ x ~ ~ ~ ,,~ ~ i I~~r~~w~. o ~~, . 5 iih -. ~,r~ ~v u ~~~ ~' ' = ~. S ~ s ro RED R~n F / ~v~s~ 7~s~ l~f~~ ~ . s~ •~ S ~ M Sr v~: ~~~c /^ IN' ~b u_~1~ i4 R r=iF // 2 ~z ~ . iy,. T B~ D ~a~,g?E.o ~a N ~w.cs v.c _.-. L._.. C r 1 c~ llc~~ .~'~. Dl=s~o /_=iva ~. --~a 5 ~.o ~~% .~; ;.~ `.'.-.~ ~~ i ~s ~c ,~ M I N U T E S & D E C I S I O N S DURHAM LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE As per The Planning Act 1983 The Durham Act and in accordance with the Provincial Rules of Procedure CONSENT APPLICATION heard on Mon, 13 Apr 1987 LD 199/87 Submission B 196/87 Owner .......... L. & E. Colvin Location ......: Part Lot 35, Concession 2 Town of Newcastle (Darlington) Municipality ..: Town of Newcastle Consent to sever a residential building lot of 549 m2 from a 1.36 ha property. Applications LD 199/87 through to LD 203/87, inclusive, are to be heard in conjunction. *, ;~:_. Mr. Colvin was present on behalf~of these applications. No further representation was present in favour or opposed to the applications. Mr. Colvin advised that he had frontage on Darlington Blvd. and Foxhunt Trail. He pointed out that the Town of Newcastle was asking for a dedication of valleylands (approx. 4 acres) and also for a 5$ cash in lieu of parkland, Mr. Colvin felt this was unfair. The Committee noted that a letter was received from Mrs. A. Cowman requesting adequate screening on Darlington Blvd. The Committee had for information purposes reports received from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Regional Works Department, the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and the Regional Planning Department. All the above written comments from the agencies were handed to the applicant. DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE ------------------------- MOVED S. Vogl Blakelock SECONDED K. Gadsden - 27 - That application LD 199/87 be approved as applied for, subject to: 1/ That the applicant satisfy all the requirements of the Regional Municipality of Durham concerning the provision of Regional services, financially and otherwise. 2/ That the rezoning application be approved and in effect prior to consent being released. 3/ The applicant provide payment to the Town of Newcastle of the appropriate lot development charges. 4/ The applicant provide a cash contribution of $125.00 per lot for the construction of sidewalks. 5/ The 0.3 metre reserve shown as Block 78 on Plan 10M-781 be lifted to the .satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 6/ The applicant shall provide a cash payment to the Town of Newcastle in respect of frontage charges for each application. 7/ That any easements required by the Town of Newcastle be granted free and clear of encumbrances. 8/ That the applicant deed free ";and clear of all encumbrances the valley lands to the satisfaction~of the Town of Newcastle. 9/ That the applicant restore the boulevard works along Darlington Blvd. abutting said lands to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 10/ That the applicant shall have prepared, for the proposed lots, a Master Lot Grading Plan, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 11/ That clauses be registered on title of each lot regarding drainage and grading to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle. 12/ That the applicant submit two copies of a registered reference plan on the subject parcel for the clearance of documents. 13/ That The above conditions must be fulfilled by Fri, 22 Apr 1988 or this consent shall thereupon be deemed to be refused. 14/ This consent shall expire on Mon, 23 May 1988. 15/ That prior to the signing of the certificate given by the Secretary/Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary/Treasurer is to be advised in writing by the Regional - 28 - Municipality of Durham Works Department that condition #1 has been carried out to its satisfaction. 16/ That prior to the signing of the certificate given by the Secretary/Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary/Treasurer is to be advised in writing by the Town of Newcastle that conditions #2 to #11 have been carried out to its satisfaction. CARRIED Signed Mon, 13 Apr 1987 by all members present and concurring in this Decision G. Johnson Chairman K. Gadsden G. Wandless L. Smith K. Rynard D. Gibson n s Sec./Treas. Last Date of Appeal of this Decision or any of the conditions contained therein Last Date for fulfilling Conditions Expiry Date of Application S. Vogl Blakelock Vice Chairman Absent W. Allin Wed, 13 May 1987 Fri, 22 Apr 1988 Mon, 23 May 1988 - 29 -