HomeMy WebLinkAbout2399A By-law to amend zoning By-law 2111. TF3ENCE South 17 degrees 59 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 135.32 feet to a point; THECE South 72 degrees 05 minutes 20 seconds aJest a distance of 64.50 feet to a point; T~'E~CE South 17 degrees 59 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 257.18 feet to a point in the worth limit of said Taunton Road as shokm on said Deposited Plan Registered as No. 8348; TF3?,PdCE South 72 decrees 05 minutes 20 seconds i~Jest along said North limit a distance of 236.10 s"eet to a point THEi~1CE South 72 degrees 22 minutes `~~lest continuing along said north lianit a distance of 38.40 to the point of eonnnenceraent. 4, That By-law Plumber 2396 is hereby repealed. 5. this By-law shall become effective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario I~iiuiicipal ijoard. `"'ails BY-,A`rJ ~'. A i+IRST, ~+Cii~1D A1~ID T~3IRD iii~iE kPdD FIiQ~I'~;~Y PASSED OP? TFIE ~y DAY OF l~+zuz~~:~, A. D., 196". ~ `Reeve (S3'AL) Clerk (2) P. $211-69 ,.~ ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IPi THE tiSATTER CF Section 30 of The Planning ACt (R.S.G. 1960, e. 29 , - and - IN THE ~;i.TTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town- ship of Darlington for approval of its Restricted Area By-Iaw 2399 BEF©R~: J. A. KENNEDY, ~.G., Chairman - and - A. VtiN EVERY, C~.C., Pdembsr Friday, the 7th day of February, 1969 OPON `I'eIE APPLICATION of The Corporation of the Town- ship of Darlington, upon consideration of the material filed, and it appearing that notice of application has been given as directed by the Board and that no ob~ectiona to approval have been received by the clerk of the applicant corporation within the titte prescribed, as appears by affidavit, filed; THE BOARD OhDERS, under and in pursuance of the legislation hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other powers veated in the Board, that By-law 2399 passed the 7th day of November, 196$, be and the same is hereby approved. ~r ~,~ SECRETARY ~ o ~~~.~ I~-~" .-, .,J- j~ ~_,..h _..__:__. __~._~w~...