HomeMy WebLinkAbout2401A By-law to amend zoning By-law 2111. - 2 - P?'y'IISI'?G that the easterly limit of Lot 13 has a bearing of 'orth 17 degrees 57 minutes crest and relating all bear- ings herein thereto; CCliE.~CLIG at a cut stcne 2~onument markin the south easterly angle of said Lot 13; T.Hi•;PdCE North 17 degrees 57 minutes west 660 feet; THE':;CE South 71 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds west and parallel to the southerly limit of Lot 13 a distance of 662 feet; Ti~T't?Ci, South 17 degrees 57 minutes east 660 feet to an iron bar planted in the southerly limit of Lot 13; THL CE :North 71 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds east a distance of 6~2 feet to the point of commencement. 3, That Schedule changing from in the Fourth registered in Shirley ~Jlive curt dzumpel a as fellows: "A" to By-law number 21.11 be amended by "D" Zone to "R1" `Lone that part of Lot 31 Concession of the `township of ilarlington~ the names of Bernard Anthony Upton and Upton ?ohn Johnston and ~,lison J. Johnston zd Loni riumpel~ more particularly described PI;E:-iISI'.dG that the bearing of the mast limit of said Lot 31 is 'dorth 16 degrees 8 minutes ,lest and relating all bearings herein thereto; COM_r~T'C_'`dG at a point in the .Fast limit of said Lot 31 distant southerly therein 2010.33 feet from the north-east. angle of said lot; T'~?~`.'fCE South 16 degrees 08 minutes `~'aat in and along said east limit of lots 862.67 feet; T?IS??~:E South 73 degrees 58 minutes west a distance of 217.0 feet; ?'T~;1%'?CE South 16 degrees 08 minutes East, 2.50,0 feet to the :ortherly'limit of the southerly 6 acres of the north half'. of said I,ot 31; ThE1;CE South 73 degrees 58 .ninutes East alen~; said northerly limit of the Southerly 6 acres of the north half of said Lot 31 a distance of 1084.20 feet to a point in the west limit of said lot 31; THE'dCE north 16 de;~rees 29 minutes ".;Jest in and along the ~srest limit of said-Lot 31, 1,093.50 feet to a point; THENCE ":?orth 70 decrees 04 minutes East a distance of o'~~+T feet; THF,VCE South 16 degrees 08 minutes east 70.0 feet; Ti3Ed~~E north 70 degrees 04 minutes east a distance of ~2~ feet t~~ the Point of Commencement. 4, That Schedule ''A" to By-law number 2111 be amended by changinz the "ia" Zone as shown in Lot 14 in the 3roken =~ront Concession lyin; between Highway 401 and the ?ase Line from the said " 1" Lone to "ii" Zone. 5. '!his By-law shall become effective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario ilunicpal Board. T'?S BY-LAlti' ~~1J ~i r r "'~ _ ~ ~:ll _~TD TIiID T` iE r~irI~ FI~d~a~~,Y 1 ~~C ~,D ~~T.'S T,IE 22:dD D.1Y OF ~ T ~ ~r ~ ~?3li?t ~ ~1. D . 1968 . r __ ~~- ~C-7 ------ eeve ~;7 _ " Clerk