HomeMy WebLinkAbout2416A By-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required for the year 1969, to set tax rates to raise such amounts, and to authorize certain methods and terms of collection, pursuant to Sec. 297 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 and to the assessment Act R.S.O. 1960, as anended. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the 'township of Darlington has considered the estimates of the ~'~unicipality and of the Boards and Commissions of the municipality, and deems it necessary to provide the sums listed in Schedule "A" to this By-law as attached; TiiEREFORE the i~iunicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington enacts; 1. Tax rates as set by this By-law shall be levied and collected on the Assessment Roll made in 1968 and finally revised by the Court of Revision on December 20th, 1968 as follows: Farm and Residential, hereafter referred to as Residential $$7,'7+9,188.00, Commercial and Industrial, hereafter referred to as Commercial, ~~1,021,210.00, total i~8,'7'70,398.00 provided that the rate levied for the purpose of Street Lighting in Hampton shall be levied on the taxable assessment of the Hampton Street Lighting Area, that the rate for Fire yrotection shall be levied on building assessment only, and that the rates for Oshawa and Bowmanville Separate Schools shall be levied on the assessments of those persons shown on the assessment Roll as being supporters of those schools. 2. That the assessments for the various purposes, the rates to be applied thereon, the amounts raised thereby shall be shown on Schedule "B" hereto attached. 3. The taxes except in the case of taxes on business assessment shall be divided into two instalments, as nearly equal as possible, the first of which shall become due and payable on the Sixteenth day of June, 1969, and the second on the First day of November, 1969. Lt-. Interest at the rate of 1~ per month shall be added to any instalment or portion thereof which remains unpaid after the date set for payment of such instalment. 5. Pursuant to section 150 of the Assessment Act R.S.O. 1960 as amended, interest at the rate of 2/3 of 1% shall be added to all arrears of taxes. 6. The Bank of riontreal is hereby empowered to receive payments of taxes in advance of the date upon which the instalment becomes due, and to allow a discount of 20 in the case of the second instalment if paid on or before June 16th of the year in which the instalment Falls due. 7, X111 current taxes shall be paid at the Bank of [Montreal in Bowmanville or Oshawa. Fees for collection charged by the Bank shall be paid from the general funds of the Township of Plarlington. 8. The taxes on all business assessments shall become due and payable on dune 16th of the year in which the taxes are levied, and shall not be subject to discount. g. The Treasurer and Collector are hereby empowered to accept part payment from time to time on account of any arrears of taxes. 10. Schedules "A" and "B" hereto attached, are declared to be and form part of this By-law. , ~ tii PAGli p0. 2 11. The provisions of by-laws of this ~~iunicipality passed previous to this date, are, insofar as they appear to conflict with the provisions o° this By-law, repealed. 12. This by-law shall comae into force and take effect on the day of its passim. R~;AD A FIRST At`1D S~C1ND 1•i~ ANll FIivALLY PAaSDD 'i'~iIS `f ~~ DAY OF `l~!~ rf 1969• i %~• i~ Reeve •Clerk• TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON 1969_____ BUpGET EXPEN` ES GENERAL GOVERNMENT Counoil Fees ADMINISTRATIVE Salaries & Fringe Benefits Printing, Postage & Stationary Car Allowance Telephone i~ud i t Legal Costs OTHER Maintenance of A'iunicipal Buildings Memberships 8c Conventions Insurance t'on 1969 Budget 4,300.00 28,678.72 ~-,000.00 800.00 900.00 2,400.00 6,000.00 2,77 •72 6,000.00 1,000.00 2,700.00 E1~:e i A4iscellaneous (including Oshawa Retarded 1 500.00 Scheol) ~_, 11,200.00 PROTECTION TO PERSONS & PROPERTY -- Ambulance By-Law & Building Inspection Livestock Damage Warble Fly Dog Control PUBLIC WORKS Highways & Roads Capital out of Revenue Sanitation & 6daste Removal Cemetary Restoration Centennial Project St. i-tary' s Cement - Overpass SOCIAL IdELFARE Relief Assistance Welfare Administration EDUCE N Separate Schools Public Schools High Schools 8,100.00 4,000.00 900.00 3,800.00 16, 372,000.00 11,000.00 5,000.00 1,700.00 38 9 9~-- 45-- 2,500.00 47 ,_._._._-- 276,433.43 410 , 4-00.56 694,013.39 1968 Actual 4,300.00 26,613.85 z,933.25 3'+5.90 836.55 2,380.00 6,715.59 39, 25.1 3, 55'+.10 1,056.56 2,598.20 1,518.29 1,208.50 9,935.95 1,927.80 7,495•to 3, 961.E-5 646.52 3,707.99 17,738.86 4-02 , 704-. 53 20 , 94-0.92 3,14-6.55 4,24$.12 20,459.08 451,499.20 42,481.35 2, 550.00 45,031.35 5_.- 257,362•43 338,613.29 601,672.33 TOUINSHIP OF DARLINGTON PAGE No. 2 1969 1968 EXPENDITURES Budget Actual COP'Il~4UNITY SERVICES Planning Board 4,500.00 4,163.30 Industrial Committee '" -" Committee of Adjustment 400,00 1rj4.23 Central Ontario Joint Planning Board 99100.00 9,517.17 14,000.00 13,834.70 GRANTS L. o. R. D. A. -- 723.03 c. L. o. C. A. '+,899.00 4,861.00 Salvation Army 150.00 150.00 Durham Central Agricultural Society 100.00 100.00 Southern Ontario Agricultural Society 25.00 25.00 Cartwright Agricultural Society 25.00 25.00 Hampton Park 200.00 200.00 5,399.00 6,084.03 DEBT CHARGES Hospital 12,270.00 12,630.00 Tile Drainage 2,626.39 2,355.13 14,896.39 1+,985.13 JOINT OR SPECIAL EXPENDITURES County Rate 144,711.56 142,328.98 Fire Rate 32,284.48 13,355.04 Street Lights 591.08 707.47 177,587.12 156,391.49 MISCELLANEOUS Interest & Bank Charges 7,000.00 8,010.95 Discount for Taxes 3,000.00 3,150.82 Taxes Wr itten-off 5,000.00 3,352•H~ Deferred Charges '-- --- 15,000.00 14,514.3, RESERVES Working Capital 10,000.00 10,000.00 DEFICIT 8,066.00 --- TOWATSHIP OF DARLING^lON 1969 BUDGET REVENUE FROi~i TAXATION REVENUES 1969 1968 Budeet Actual 1,075,758.65 953,880,00 GRANTS & SUBSIDIES Direct Relief Highway Improvement Centennial Project Grant in Lieu of Taxes Unconditional Grant OTHER MUPdICIPALITIES Relief LICENSES & PERMITS Building Permits Plumbing Permits Dog Licenses Other Licenses 35,000.00 30,758.18 212,950.00) 201,971.01 12,182.84) -- 10,012.00 1,108.49 972.70 56,175.00 56,175.00 17,039.25 2,893.32 334,455 58 302.782.21 --- 42.59 4,000.00 3,493.75 1,200.00 1,171.00 4,000.00 3,932.55 5ao.oo 370.00 g,7oo.00 8,967.30 INTEREST & PENALTIES Interest & Penalties on Taxes Other Interest ~'iLSCELLA~IEOUS Deferred Revenue Fines Sundry Surplus Road Revenue Tax Charge Back St. Marys Cement 18,000.00 17,471,28 4,400.00 4,363.01 22,400.00 21,834.29 9 , 5 54. ~~+ 300.00 230.00 1,000.00 426.41 l,ooo.o0 37,878.44 4, 000.00 2 , 494. 54 --- 20,459.08 6,300.00 71,042.91 . TOWPdSHIP OF DI~RLINGI^ON SUi'<li•~1iRY OP 1969 BUDGET EXPF,NDITURES REVENUES General Government 4,300.00 ildniinis tration 42, x']8.'72 Other 11,200.00 Protection to Persons & Property 16,800.00 Public Works 389,00.00 Social Welfare 4'], 500.00 Education 694,013.39 Community Services 14,000.00 Grants 5, 399.00 Debt Charges 12,2']0.00 Joint or Special Expenditures 1'7`7, 58.12 iiscellaneous 15,000.00 Reserves 10,000.00 Deficit 8,066.00 Revenue from Taxation Grants & Subsidies Licenses & Permits Interest ~ Penalties i~7iscellaneous 1,448,614.23 1,075,758.65 334, 455. 58 9,']00.00 22,400.00 6,300.00 1,448,614.23 TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON SUb~i4ARY OF b'iILL RATES PUtiPOSE kSSESSl~iENT ~'iILL RATE APfOUNT TOTAL Roads Total Assess, 8,770,398. 18.0 157,867,16 157,867,16 Fire Bldg. -assess. 79174,331• 4.5 32,284.48 32,284.48 St. Lights Hampton 244,540. 2.0 489,08 489.C8 High School Res & Farm 7,749,188, 46,2 358,012.48 Ind & Comm. 1,0219210. 51.3 52,388.07 4109400,56 Public School Res & I''arm 7, 5339908. 32. 5 244,852.01 Ind & Comm. 872,415. 36.2 31,581.42 276,433,43 Bow. S.S. Res & Farm 153,770. 32.5 49997.52 4,997.52 Osh. S,S, P,es & Farm 61,510, 32.5 1,g~9,07 Ind. u Comm. 505. 36.2 182.81 2,181.~~ County Totai Assess, 8,770,398. 16.5 144,711.56 144,71- Twp, General Res & Farm 7,749,188. 4.3 33,321.50 Ind ~ Comm. 1,0217.^.10. 12.8 13,071.48 46,392.98 1,075,758.E-. Farm & Res. Rate - 117.5 Ind. & Comm, Rate - 134.8 r^ire Rate - 4.5 St. Light Rate - 2.0