HomeMy WebLinkAbout2426A By-law to amend By-law 2111, as amended. PAGE 2. a distance of twenty-six feet and six inches to a point which is the point of commencement; THENCE westerly along the said northerly limit of Highway Number 2 in a direction North 74 degrees 36 minutes west a distance of One hundred and seventy-five feet (175'); THENCE north 17 degrees 44 minutes east a distance of two hundred and eighty-nine feet two inches (289'2"); THENCE north 76 degrees 4 minutes east a distance of thir~cy-six Ynet six inches (36'6") to the said easterly limit of Lot 20; THENCE southerly along the easterly limit of Lot 20 a distance of three hundred and five feet eight inches (305'8"); THENCE in a straight line forty-eight feet (48') or more or less to the point of commencement. and 5ECONDLY Premising that the bearing of the fence marking the easterly limit of said Lot 20~ lying north of Highway No. 2~ has a bearing of north 16 degrees west and all bearings herein being related thereto, then commencing at a point in the intersection of northerly limit of Highway No. 2 with the easterly limit of said Lot 20, said point being distant northerly in said easterly limit 1491 feet from the south-east angle of said Lot 20; TH~3NCE north 74 degrees 36 minutes west in and along said limit of Highway 353 feet 7 inches to an iron pipe planted being the Place of ieginning of the parcel hereafter described; THENCE north 15 degrees 18 minutes east 51 feet to an iron pipe plantedg THENCE nortYi 2 degrees 55 minutes west 455 feet 6 inches to a point; THENCE north 81 degrees 30 minutes east 171 feet 2 inches to the said easterly boundary of said Lot 20; THEiJCE south 16 degrees east in and along said easterly boundary 288 feet; THENCE south 76 degrees 4 minutes west 3b feet 6 inches to a point; T:iENCE south 17 degrees 44 minutes west 289 feet 2 inches to a point in the northerly limit of said Highway No. 2; THENCE north 7z~ degrees 36 minutes west in said northerly limit 152 feet 1 inch more or less to the place of beginning. P&.GE 3. 2. This By-law shall come into effect on the day it is passed by Council subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AcuD Tt~IRD TIME AND FIiQALLY PAoSED ON THE ... 5th ......•• DAY OF D?cember .,,,,,~„ D. 1969. - ,~; ~- .... ~ .: ~4 G ': ~,".: > f~ ~ Z:..... REEVE ~~ .CLERK. ....... ................. `a „„ ~„~, ONTARIO h 1~r+1-69 ONTARiO MUNIGi PAL BOARD Ilti ~x~ t~°i"r~;x o~ section 30 of 3~,i' g~Pla~inc~ pct, lr~•~.U. 1960, c. 294} - and- 1!~ 'rim ~"~,~. orationnofpihecown~ by Ttie Carp shiN of iaGr•lin~,ton for approval of its l~.estr.cted urea by-law z4z6 ii i'; ~v it L ,~, ~., t;iAiwrr;UY, ~•C• ~ Chairman y IiiiitSli~Y, the 5th day of - aad - ~ r':•~:uitU~itY, 1970 ~. S3It33a, ~•C• ~ Vice-Chairman ~ UrUiv 'iu; :sr LIC~'i'ivid ~r' the Corporation oz the `t'own- ship of harlin~;ton, upon Gonsiueration of the material filed, and it nppearita~; that notice of application has bean liven as directed by the hoard anti that no objections to approval have baeti received by the clerk. of the appli- cant corporation, as Gppaars by affidavit filed; `LHh bv~hll ~;;,pli,S, ;:radar and in t:~ursuanca of the legislation hereinbefore referred to, and of any ana all oti~er powers vested in tie ssoard, that uy-law zbz6 passed i~he 5th day of yeceu+ber, 196y, be and the same is hereoy approved, f / i~ ~:;CitE:TAFtY ~r~~;'-~ r. ~ t~~,. jai/\~'(\ _ ~lil:ii Mi J. ...~~IVI'IY1.. Gj / °.~ i i ao=~ oc.~ro ~~