HomeMy WebLinkAbout2428Being a by-law to authorize a conveyance to Robert Hockney and Marion Hockney. WHEREAS the Township of Darlington did acquire from Otto Strehl certain lands in Lot 32, in the 4th concession of the Township of Darlington, containing by admeasurement 0.282 acres more or less being more particularly described in Schedule '"A" attached hereto, in connection with the Farewell Creek diversion and improvement of the road allowance between con- cessions 3 and 4; AND WHEREAS the said lands are no longer required and the Township has agreed to convey the said lands to Robert Hockney and Marion Hockney, the owners of lands immediately to the east of the said lands in full satisfaction of their claims for damages against the Township in connection with the said creek diversion; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington HEREBY ENSCTS as follows: 1. That the Township convey to Roberty Hockney and Marion Hockney that part of Lot 32 in the 4th concession d' the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham containing by admeasure- ment 0.282 acres and being more particularly described as Schedule '"A" hereto in full satisfaction of their claims to damages in connection with the Farewell Creek diversion. 2. That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute a conveyance of the said lands and impress the corporate seal thereon. RBAD the first and second time this / % day of -~~ ~y~~~~~~ 19 ~ ~ READ the third time and finally passed this ~~/ day of ~ ~"" '`'" 19 ~y . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON. Clerc j ~ - eeve a ~ ~~' ~~ ~, „A et SC}~~ 1 ing .; r land and premises situCn~ario, arcel or tract o. province of AR that certofnDarlington, Count~~ofin ihemFourth 'concession of ALL AND SINGUI. Township be the :and being in the art of Lot Thirty-t"O r).~easurement 0.282 acres, ed °f p ton, containing by r,,i,~o more particularly and being compos- of Darling ;d arcel the boundaries of the sa- the skid Township les, same more °r follows; of North 74 described as said Lot ;;2 leas a bearing ; limit of bearings herein thezeto; East and relating all pg~J~ISING that the Southerly { said Lot 32 distant ,; degrees 00 minutes Souther~Y limit ° a stake planted in the ce?t X360') froT: a cut stone monument ,COy~~CING at ~~ therein three hundred and six Y a^,,, twenty-six Westerly le of said Lot '29 .marking the South-Easterly ang of one p.undred tlortl: 16 degrees 19 minutes i'iest a distance ~{El~~c n6~} to an iron bar; three feet (~3') feet (i.- ;Jest a distance of seventy- 'CE South •74 decrees 0^ minutes `I ;:istanee of one hundred and TFIEh yar; to an iron 58 minutes 30 seccrr:?s :~e~l., more or less to a ,, ,a fe:~ TFlEl1Cc South C~ dccrees ~ h~anc.r..ti,s ~ Dint )astent 'JheterlY therein .,` four and ninety-four on_.- said p thirty- limit of Bain Lotro.i'~ha point of commencemen~, ,. point in the Southerly tti:o feet (12.-~) f 1 one hundred and twenty east along tY,e 8outl.erlY limit of said Lot 32 I,, } to tiie FCI1vT Cr COM1.i~7CEhlIIdT•` 'jgB•1CE north ~4 degrees OG minutes} two feet ~l"~~ a distance of one hundrad and taen~y- 1' ~ ~~~~~ 069. ~r0.~.,~••, Surveyor. Ccto'oer _3, 1~ ,ntar_c Lr+nd ~; °attached...hes'e'~ ,,i