HomeMy WebLinkAbout2353A by-Law to stop up and close the Old Bridge and that part of Nash Road used as approaches thereto and running through parts of Lots 32 and 33 in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Darlington, and also the southern part of he road allowance between said Lots 32 and 33. G7HEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington deems it advisable to pass a By-law to close the Old Bridge and part of Nash Road used as approaches thereto and running through the southern parts of lots 32 and 33 and the original road allowance between said lots 32 and 33 all in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Darlington, and to provide for the sale thereof to the abutting owners. AND WHEREAS Notice of such By-law was pusblished in The Canadian Statesman, a weekly newspaper published in the Town of Bowmanville and circulated in the Township of Darlington, in its issues dated March 15th, 22nd, 29th and April 5th, 196`7. AND WHEREAS Notice of such By-law was further published by posting up for at least one month in six of the most public places in the immediate neighbourhood of each of the said parts of road allowances. AND +IHEREAS no person or corporation will be deprived of the means of ingress and egress to and from his land or place of residence by the passing of this by-law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington pursuant to the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 249, Section 459 (1) (c) and (d) and Section 4~~ (1) HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Old }#ridge and that part of Nash Road running through the southern part of Lots 32 and 33 and the southern part of the road allowance between lots 32 and 33 all in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Darlington, more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto and shown in heavy outline in Schedule "B" hereto, be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up. 2. That that part of the aforesaid road abutting the property of Murial B. McLellan, together with that part of the original allowance for road between Lots 32 and 33, hereby stopped up and closed, shall be offered for sale to Muriel B. McLellan at the price of X1.00, and that that part of the former road with bridge abutting the lands of Edgerton L., and Thelma Wallacej together with that part abutting the lands of the Director V.D.A., `the Director having indicated by letter that he has no objection) shall be offered for sale to Edgerton and Thelma Wallace for the sum of °1.00. PAGE 2 3. That upon payment of the said purchase price in full by the abutting owners the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and ex- ecute conveyances of the said stopped up parts of highway in favour of the abutting owners and impress the Corporate Seal thereon. BY-LA~~J GIVEN ITS FIRSTS AND SECOND READING THIS L~~ DAY OF r , z~ 1967. ~~~? BY-LA'4a GIVEN ITS THIRD READIIvTG AND FINALLY PASSED THIS DAY OF ~/~~i 196. ...... .... ............. Reeve Clerk I L t SCHEDULE 'rA re ALL AT7D SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land situate,lying and being in the Tov:nship of Darlington, in the County of Durham., bein;; composed of parts of Lots 32 and 33 and part of original road allowance betv:een said lots 32 and 33 in the 3rd Concession cf the Tovmship of Darlinton, more particularly described as follov;s: YREA'IISING that the southern limit of said lct 33 is north 73 degrees 17 minutes east and relating all bearings herein thereto; COMMENCING at a point in the southern limit of said. Lot distant easterly therein 858 feet fror;: the south-wrest angle of said Lot 33, THEPdCE north 73 degrees 17 minutes east continuing in and along the said southern limit of said Lot 100 feet to an ircn bar; THEP3CE north 51 degrees 02 minutes east a distance of 118,85 feet to and iron bar; THETdCE north 73 degrees 17 ,minutes east a distance of 150 feet to an iron bar; THENCE north 85 degrees 37 rriinutes east a distance of 102.37 feet to ang~ iron bar planted in the eastern limit of said Lot 33 at a point therein distant 23,14 feet northerly from the south east angle of said lot 33; THENCE north 85 degrees 37 minutes east across the said original road allowance into Lot 32 a distance of lOg.32 feet to an iron bar in the southern limit of said Lot 32; T;-LENCE north 73 degrees 27 minutes east in and along the said southern limit of Lot 32 a distance of 162,72 feet to a point; THENCE south 88 degrees 58 minutes west a distance of 137.76 feet to a point; THENCE north 85 degrees 18 minutes west a distance of 149.55 feet across said road allowance to a point in the said eastern limit of said Lot 33 distant northerly therein g1.2C feet from the south east angle of said Lot; THENCE continuing north 85 degrees 18 minutes west a distance of 57.46 feet; THENCE south 71 degrees 37 minutes wrest a distance of 264 feet; THENCE South 36 degrees 37 minutes vest 17~t.90 feet to the POINT OF CON.MENCEPTENT. a 3 _. o IP9 0 ~ _ ~ _ _~ F _ _ _ _ m ~ ~ n m w z ~ ~' ~ ~ 0 n 3 " r m ~ i a m O c o ~ r rt - OrZ .. m c o ~ w /"~ \ J w ~" t' _° a s ~2 i n v ~ E o ~ O ~ { : v ` ~._ o = _ .~- i~=~ f 'j ~ j o ~ ~ ~I --~ 'S.p ~`'' O ~ n O O m Z D ~ r .F.- - ~ m o ~ o f 1 z m D c ~ -~ ° ~ Dt m , F ~ Q z .. ~ = m v ~ N j UO v y _- m z D .ZI O ~1 . 5~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ;~ w ~ „ 0 0 0~ 0 o m ~ • - w ~ D cn ~ ~ Q p ~ ~ \ O ~~ = D ~1 W n r N G7 Z o F _ ' r p 3 r N O cn a = ~ ~ ~ , 7 A D ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ m ° D Q ~ 1 ~ ~ Z *1 f -~ w m a "~ ;D W O D W W ~ - ~ ~ --- - -- W ° f~~1 ~ ae' " ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ D z _ iy z r m y mO Rt ~ - FARE'J JELL c; ~ ~ > O Z O n i O ~~ ~ z z m ~~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ W D C7 OZ m x D O li ro r m Z ° O v m ~ ~ to w ( I~ D ~ v ' O . r m N ~ z - Da U O ~ a f7 ~' m Z 'v' o_ D ~ a W ~ ' ~ ~, n m Z as r~ m V ~ d' D ~ ~ o o .~ ~ r i z ~ ro ~ ! o - i a, o `d ~ ~ ~ ' ~Z N W Q ~ 1 ~ v ^' O ^ ~ a . O Z ~ ~ ~ m ~' ° !i ~ ~ ~ G ~ T' ~. za ia, v ~ / ~ w~ ~` ~' ~ ROAD ~ ALLOWA NCE B ETWEEN ~ ~< !z = ~ 'o ~- w w~ m ` ~ ° o ~ ~, LOTS m" p Qz ~ 3 2 AND 33 ~V `, ~ N _-~ c .z D z ~ x ~° ~^ n ° ~ ( CL OSED - See Inst. N° 10 16 ) ~ . o ~~ r `~ ~ - -- - - - - -- - fi J~ ~N ~'t .. ~ ~ w D g ~ n ~ O O ~ ` z m A r •~ ~ m N ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ A ~ O z m Q , m W ~ r '~ Z n z m ~, ~ p p T 2 N m 4 W S V r I V m D 2 m n: ~ ro w w , :s ~~