HomeMy WebLinkAbout2366A by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington to authorize Central Community Telephone Company Limited to erect and maintain poles, cables, ducts, wires or other structures or equipment upon highways, lanes and squares in the said Corporation. WHEREAS Central Community Telephone Company Limited hereinafter called the "Telephone Company" has reouested the Council of the Corporation to permit it to erect and maintain poles, cables, ducts, wires or other structures or equipment upon the highways, lanes and squares in the said Corporation and it is deemed expedient to grant the request of the said Telephone Company sub3ect to the approval of the Ontario Telephone ~ Service Commission being had thereto. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation and it is hereby enacted as follows, that is to say: 1. THAT the telephone Company or its successor be and is hereby authorized and empowered to construct telephone lines and to erect the necessary poles, cables, ducts, wires or other structures or equipment for the same and to maintain and keep up the same upon any or all of the highways, lanes and swuares of the said Corporation for placing in, upon, over or under the same, the poles, ducts, cables, wires or other struct~:res or equipment necessary for the purpose of its business. 2. THAT the construction of the said telephone lines, and the placing of the said poles, cables, duets, wires or other structures or equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the specifications prescribed by the Ontario Telephone Service Commission and under the supervision of the Council of the Corporation or its Commissioner appointed for that purpose. 3. THAT the said telephone lines, poles, cables, ducts, wires or other structures or equipment shall be erected so as not to interfere with the lir_es poles and works of any other telephone or telegraph company at presen~ constructed upon any such highways, lanes and squares. 4. THAT the said telephone lines, poles cables, ducts, wires or other structures or equipment shall be so constructed, erected and maintained as shall not interfere with the public right of travelling on or using said highways lanes, squares, roads, streets, bridges, waters or water courses and hat no relocation of any structure or equipment, and no new insta~.lation shall be placed on any highway or road allowance until a plan in duplicate of the proposed construction or relocation has been submitted to the Township of Darlington, and approved in writing by the Township's Road Superintendent. 5. THAT the Telephone Company shall indemnify the Corporation against any actions or claims for damages which may be brought against the said Corporation for or by reason of the construction, operation and maintenance of the said works. 6. THAT this by-law shall come into force upon receiving the approval of the Ontario Telephone Service Commission and upon execution and delivery to the Corporation by the Telephone Company of an agreement under which the Telephone Company undertakes and agrees with the Corpporation to abide by the terms and conditions set out in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 hereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ~ DAY OF~~~ 196. PAGE NO 2 ~~~ .READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ~ G DAY OF ~~~.2~~,~_(`;,~ / 1968. ~~ ~~~~ ~i ~~~ ~~~- Reeve Clerk ;~ I~~~l `°~~~~--_~-~~-- ~ Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.,~ ~C4 of the Township of Darlington. i~ • • • • • '• • • • • • • e Clerk In consideration of the passing of the above-mentioned By-law number by The Corporation of the Township of Darlington and other valuable considerations Central Community Telephone Company Limited hereby covenants undertakes and agrees with The Corporation of the Township of Darlington to observes perform and abide by the terms and conditions set out in paragraphs 2~ 3, 4, and 5 of the said By-law. In Witness Whereof Central Community Telep~aone Company Limited has affixed its corporate seal duly attested by the hands of its proper officers in that behalf this day of 196. President Secretary .~=:: T~ C08PORATION OF' THE TOWNSHIP CF DARLINGTON BY•.LAW NO. 2'-~ Being a By-law of the Corporation of the Township oP Darlington hereinafter called the "Corporation", to authorize Central ma~t~ty Telephone Company Limited to erect and other struoclturescorlersuipme t'uponether highways lanes and squares in the said Corporation. W„iL'REAS Central Community Telephone Compar~q Limited hereinafter called the Telephone Compattiy" has requested the Council of the Corporation structuresior equipment uponith~hipoles, cables, ducts, wires or other Corporation and it is deemed expedient~tos' lanes and squares in the said Telephone Company subiect to the approval ~anthe~Onetax•ioeTeleph n® said Service Commission being had thereto. ` BE IT THERN~'ORL ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation and it is hereby enacted as follows, that is to says 1• TRAT the telephone Comp authorized and empowered to constru~ telephoneclinesrand tanoderecter~eeby necessary poles cables, ducts, wires or other structures or equipment for the same an~ to maintain and keep up the same upon any or all oP the highways lanes and squares of the said Corporation for placing ins upon, over or under the same, the poles, ducts, cables wires or other structures or equipment necessary for the purpose of i~s business. 2• THAT the construction of the said telephone lines, and the planing of the said poles, cables ducts, wires or other structures or equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the specifications pr~sbribed by the Ontario Telephone Service Commission and under the su ~rvision of the Council,ot the Corporation or its Commissioner apnted for that purpose. 3•': THAT the said telephone lines, poles, cables, aunts, wires or other structures or equipment shall be erected so as not to interfere with th~;l~.nes poles and works of any other telephone or telegraph eompagy at'pr~sen~ constructed upon any such highways, lanes and squares. ~+• THAT .the said telephone Lines other`'structures or equipment shall be so constructed ~erected~ awniaes or maintained as shall nox interfere with the public right of travelling on or using said highways=. lanes squares, roads, streets, bridges, waters or water courses and hat no relocation of and nct new installation shall be placed on ~ hf mature or equipment nntil:'a plan in duplicate of the proposed construction or relocation has been submitted to the Township of Darlington, and approved in writing by the TS1~vnship~s Road Superintendent. 5. `" THAT the Telephone Company shall indemnify the Corporation against any actions or claims for damages which may be brought against the said corporation for or by reason of the construction, operation and maint~~ance of .the said works. 6• ,.~,.,, THAT this by-law shall come into force upon receiving the approval of the Ontario Telephone Service Commission and upon execution and delivery to the Corporation by the Telephone Company of an agreement under which the Telephone Company undertakes and agrees with the Cor oration to abide by the terms and conditions set out in paragraph 2~ 3i ~ and.5 hereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS nth DAY OF SEPT. I96~. J t PAGE NO . 2 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 6th ,DAY OF ~~ 196g. " H.C. MUIR'" . . . . . . Reeve I~ W.E.RIINDLE ~ Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Darlingtoa~ do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Dopy of By-law No. 2366 of the Township of Darlington. ~~,~.~~. ....... ....... Clerk Ix1 consideration of the passing of the above-mentioned By-law number 2366 by The Corporation of the Township of Darlington and ottaer valuable considerations Central Community Telephone Compar~q Limited hereby covenants undertakes and agrees with The Corporation of the Township of Darlington to observes perform and abide by the terms and conditions set put in paragraphs 2~ 3, ~+~ and 5 of the said By-law. Ia Witness Whereof Central Community Telephone Company Limited has ,affixed its oorporate seal duly attested by the hands of its proper offigers in that beha~.f' thls /O-tL day of /%-~~Gz-,.~ 196. R ~~ President .._ ~.,~. Secretary APPROVED BY TIIE OPTTARIO TELEPHONE SERVICE COMMISSION, .Tune 14th, 1968. . . •Chairm " W.E.RIINDLE" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk