HomeMy WebLinkAbout2367A by-law authorizing the Clerk to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the Darlington Planning Area. AMENDMENT N0.4 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE DARLINGTON PLANNING AREA AUGUST 22, 1967 DARLINGTON PLANNING BOARD HAMPTON ONTARIO. MUNICIPAL PLANNING CONSULTANTS CO. LTD. 64 ST. CLAZR AVENUE EAST, TORONTO 7. AMENDMENT N0. 4 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE DARLINGTON PLANNING AREA. Amendment No.4 to the Official Plan of the Darlington Planning Area, constituting the attached map designated Schedule "A" and explanatory tent, was prepared under the direction of the Darlington Planning Board and was recommended to the Council of the Corporation of the Downship of Darlington under the provisions of Sections 10 and 14 of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1960, as amended, on the .28~ki... day of ..Septewb~x .............. 1967. The Darlington Planning Board ..': Ri~X .I~GG.ZLL" ............. .°N'.•.G s RUNI)LE:'.......... (SEAL) Chairman Secretary This Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington by By-law No. .?~6~... in accordance with Sections 11 and 11+ of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1960, as amended, on the ...J~tt?...day of0etober,„ 1967. .., The Corporation of the Township of Darlington ."H, C.MUI~' ................... ...... ".,W.E.RUidDLE°...... (SEAL) Reeve Clerk This Amendment to the Official Plan of the Darlington Planning Area which has been recommended by the Darlington Planning Board ana adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington, is hereby approved in accordance with Section 12 of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1960, as amended, as Amendment No.4 to the Official Plan of the Darlington Planning Area. ............................ ................................... Date Minister of Municipal Affairs. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON BY LAW NUMBER _2~~ The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington, in accordance with the provisions of 'Phe Planning Act, R.S.O., 1960, as amended, hereby enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the Darlington Planning Area, being the attached Schedule "A" and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed - to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment P~Io. 4 to the Official Plan of the Darlington Planning Area. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. Enacted and passed this ...~tb... day of . ~~.~ObS.~:.... ,1967 signed .:' .+1tN :P'~~~1 :.............Signed ...':.~~.~t:~V)JP.Itv:'.....(SEAL) Reeve Clerk Certified that the above is a true copy of By-law No. .367. as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Darlington on the ...?~t~ . day of .. ~g~ober,,,,,,,,1967. Signed ... ;'w. ,E : RUNDLE.'. , .... _ .. . Clerk AMENDMEPdT N0. 4 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE DARLINGTOid PLANNING AREA The following text and Flan designate3 Schedule "A" attached hereto constitute Amendment No.4 to the Official Plan of the Darlington Flanning Area. Also attached hereto, but nct constituting pal't of this Amendment, are Appendices I to IV inclusive. These Appen- dices contain background data and information relating to the Amendment. 1. PURPOSE OF AMENDP~LPIT The purpose of this Amendment is to add certain policies to the tent of the Official Plan and to amend Schedule "A". 2, LOCATION OF LANDS AFFECTED The policy changes to the text will affect most of the lands within the Planning Area while the Schedule "A" amendment applies only to lands located in Lots 12, 13 and 11t, Broken Front Concession, 3. BASIS FOR AMENDMENT This Amendment results from a general review of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law which has been made by the Township Planning Board and Council. 4, DETAILS OF AMENDMENT AND POLICIES RELATIVE THERETO (1} ITEM N0. 1 - LOT SEPARATION POLICY DISCUSSION: It has been suggested that the Official Plan lacks adequate guidance for the Committee of Adjustment in the matter of granting consents for separation applications, particularly in the rural areas of the Planning Area. Section 3(7) of the Official Plan can be inter- preted to mean that the granting of a consent is almost mandatory, subject to certain conditions, although tkiis was never the intent. Clause (g) states the policy "--- only one lot may be separated from a property ----" and this can be interpreted to allow lots to be separated from lots that already have been separated by consents themselves. At a meeting with representatives of the Department of Municipal Affairs it was suggested that certain policies be added to the Official Plan based on the Department's memorandum of November 29, 1965. (1) POLICY: 1. That Section 3(T) of the Official Plan is amended by deleting therefrom the second paragraph and the clauses 'marked (a) to (g) inclusive and by substituting there- for the following: "In allowing lands to be developed for single-family dwelling purposes, either by consents to separation or by plan of subdivision, consideration shall be given to the matters set out in Section 3(7A) hereof." 2. That Section 3 of the Official Plan is amended by adding thereto a new subsection (7A) as follows: "(7A) Consents Poli Consents will generally be discouraged and will only be granted on land which is affected by an area of subdivision control by-law when it is clearly not necessary in the public interest that a plan of subdivision be registered. If a plan of subdivision is not deemed necessary, regard shall be had to other policies in this Official Plan and to the following criteria when considering an application for consent: (a) The preservation of good agricultural land for agricultural purposes. (b) The prevention of scattered isolated residential development throughout the Planning Area. (c) Ribbon residential or other development along highways or mayor roads should be prevented. Direct access from major roads should be restricted and residential lots should have where possible, access on1,y from minor Township roads. For the purposes of this provision a"mayor" road is a road proposed on Schedule "A" hereto to have a road allowance in excess of 66 feet. (2) (d) Consents should be granted only when it has been _ established that soil and drainage conditions are suitable to permit the proper siting of buildings, to obtain a sufficient and potable water supply and to permit the installation of an act@quatE meffins of sewage disposal. (e) Consents should be given only when the land fronts on an existing public road which is of an adequate width and is o~ a reasonable standard of construction. (f) The size of any parcel of land created by such consent should be appropriate for the use proposed and in no case should any parcel be created which does not conform to the provisions of the Zoning By-law. (g) Consents should not be granted for land adjacent to a road from which access is to be obtained where a traffic hazard would be created because of limited sight lines on curves or grades. (h} Non-agricultural development should be encouraged to locate as in-filling in, or adjacent to, existing hamlets or groups of houses, or in areas otherwise designated. (i) In no case should more than one consent to separate a residential lot be allowed for a property as it existed at the date of adoption of this Official Plan. (~) The land is not required as future public conservation area." (2) ITEM N0. 2 - GRAVEL PITS DISCUSSION: At the present time neither the Official Plan nor the implementing Zoning By-law provide for the location of gravel pits. The development of such uaes within the Planning Area is an economic necessity in view of the extensive system of Township roads which require gravel for maintenance and construction purposes. It is not possible to accurately determine the location of all potential gravel pits until soil tests are made and hence it is considered desirable to permit such uses in all areas designated Agricultural. Regulations for such uses will be made pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act. (3) POLICY: That Section 3(7) of the Official Plan is amended by adding to the end. of the first paragraph the following sentence: "In addition, gravel pits shall be permitted subject to regulations made pursuant to The D4unicipal Act." (3) ITEM N0. 3 - INTERIM ZONING POLICY DISCUSSION: The Plan does not contain a policy pro~~.ding for interim zoning and it is desirable that it should. POLICY: That Section 4 of the Official Plan is amended by adding thereto a new subsection (2) as follows: "(2) Certain areas designated Yor specific land uses in the Official Plan may be zoned otherwise under a "holding" or similar type of category in order to delay their development for their designated use until they appear to be ready for such development and until the standards appropriate to the designated use can be satisfied. Under the "holding" category the lands may be zoned for agricultural use, for open space uses (preferably with a restriction limiting enlargement). Prior to zoning lands under a holding category the Municipality shall be satisfied that the use permitted by such zoning will not exert any adverse effect upon any adjacent existing use, will not jeopardize the future development of the land in conformity with the Official Plan designation and that all services deemed necessary are provided. When Council receives application for a development Aroject which is deemed suitable by Council'and ~ahich is in 9,ccordance with the designation and policies of the Official Plan,. the holding category may be removed from the implementing by-law by an amending by-law without any need for an amendment to this Plan. (~+ ) (4) ITEM N0. 4 - SUBDIVISION POLICY DISCUSSION: It is the intention of the Planning Board and Council that no plans of subdivision be recommended to the Minister for approval if they would have adverse effects on the Township. POLICY: That Section 4 of the Official Plan is amended by adding thereto a new subsection (3) as follows: "(3) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Plan, it shall be the policy of the Planning Board and Council to recommend to the Minister for approval only those proposed plans of subdivision which the Council is satisfied could be supplied with adequate municipal services and which, by reason of such approval, would not create an adverse economic effect on the Township." (5) ITEM N0. 5 - SCHEDULE "A" DISCUSSION: Application has been received from Bowbrook Investments Limited to develop their lands in Lots 12,13 and 14, Broken Front Concession, for industrial purposes. Following consideration of the major transportation system in this area(the MacDonald-Cartier Freeway and the C.N.R.) and the adjacent land uses proposals (commercial and industrial), the Council, on the recommendation of Planning Board, deems it desirable to amend the Official Plan. POLICY: That Schedule "A" of the Official Plan is amended by redesignating from Agricultural to Industrial those parts of Lots 12, 13 and 14, Broken Front Concession, which are indicated on Schedule "A" hereto. (5) 5 . IP~LEMENTATILN The changes to the Official Plan described in this Amendment shall be implemented ih Aecoi'dance with the implementation policies of the Official Plan as amended from time to time. 6. INTERPRETATION The provisions of the Official Plan, as amended from time to time, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. (6) SCHEDULE IIAII TO AMENDMENT N0.4 LAND USE AND ROADS DARLINGTON PLANNING AREA Q OPO \ ~ ~ A~ z = O Y~ i .1 PROPOSED LAND USE BASE MAP lE6EN0 LEGEND RESIDENTIAL, SUBURBAN ~ PROVINCIAL MWY RESIDENTYL, URBAN ® RESIOENTYL,OEFERRED COUNTY ROAD COMMERCIAL --~`-~ TOWNSHIP ROAD INOUSTRYL ~ BOUNOYiY OF RE6 © DUARPY PLANS AND MD GREENBELT ~-----1 PROPERTY LDES AGRICU LTURLL j~ NEW SLI100L PIPE LIME ' n Y SLNOOL ENLARGEMENT ~---~ ~J SCHOOL U INTERSECTION IYPROVEYDIT CMIRCN ____ BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT O RAILWAY CROSSING IMIROVEYFYT ~ ~ _I CEMETERY ~ 120' ROAD ALLOWANCE ~~~i ~ . q~lG PARK ( •~ ~ ~ 100' ROAD ALLOWANCE ~ ~~ 86' ROAD ALLOWANCE ~ _. PLAMMIMB ARE• ~ - 66' ROAD ALLOWANCE r-~ O ~ MEIGIIBOURN0003 N L_J COUIffNZ YIEA a: I i R[VISIONS BYLAMS NOS. 2126,2123 3 JAN: 60 AYLMOYE Nt MO. 2 ]IpR OV LO /Y YIMI3T FR 2f •IRIL BS AYL MOY[NT N0. ] AIPRO yEO /Y O.Y./. 2/ APRIL // S 1~ UMO (LSE IMO ROIOS A2 DARLINGTDM YUMICBYL pLY1M/q CbIYILTAAR6 ~... ro ~e n is is .~~ ..e.__.. ~s i2 a io a e ~ e n n ~ ~~ I ~ ~ '_' t ~~~ ~ ~. a - a:~( ~i i k~ua li i ~ ~ '~~ ~ I r i r I ~~~ \ ~ I ;~. .t ___ j ~ ~ --_ ~. ~ ~" ~- ~, o I; _ ~ ~ ~. a ,: . _. I ... ..., --- / . ,._ ~~NR PLE ~_.. / II _ ~ n6ROVE I - ', '~ ~ - i 0 F!~ _ _ __ -- ~- ~ -- ----ij ~~ ~~ r ..~~ I ~ i=ce. `,% d__ ~~~ - ~~~-? ~ ;, ..:;,, ,I ~~ ,° ~~ ~~ ~;'~ ~~ ;rte, I ^~l'~„ I ~ ~~~ > ~~L__ !~, ~ - 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ , AMENDMENT N0.4-ITEM N0.5 ~~ ,>~ .. I i 4,' AGRICULTURAL TO INDUSTRIAL '-:.~-- ~ ~ - I ~' ~ j' ~ . „ -, ~ ~_ ,~~~. ~ i ,__: `, w, -I~i ~~-- --- i i t \ I L_ "_ . ++ t++ ~_ i .. + + + G ~ ~'} + ~+ __ li "~ r i ++ +~+++ +++{:++`+l I~ ~ -_~. } < 4 + + + +~+ + + + { + + + ~ ~ ~~% + ++ + ~+ 1+ ;+++ 4r+ ++ _ _ I ++ ++ +++~ ++~+ ~ 4 t - ~~ ++++ I+++ +++++++ +.5~ ' i ++++ +++ +++++++++ ++"+ PoRT fiRRL/M6TON ~ +,+~+++ ++q~++++« ++ 'a++ +++ ~++ ++ ... + + a +~ +•- + +' pNTAR~~ ~ ,..a~.K. wu LO TB !3 b• !Y 31 30 Yf 28 2l 28 YS 2• 23 22 YI 7 I ,. s' j ' i 3 , -~- r COM. 111 - ~ 1 __ ., d . y Y Y , [ Q ~ '~ I . _-_ Iii b %i' I ~ ~_- -_-- it __-__ .O i,,. i~ __ j ~ II d ~`~A ~ - ~~ ~1~A ~~ ~~V : r ~. APPENDICES The fol:;owing information is not intended to form part of the approved Amendment I?o. 4 but is included only for the purpose of providing background data and information relating to the Amendment. APPENDIX I TOPOGRAPHY - ITEM N0,5 The general topographic features of the lands referred to in Item No. 5 are illustrated on Schedule "A". The lands are generally level. • APPENDIX II LAND USE _ ITEp~ N0. 5 The lands referred to in Item No. 5 are not built upon and are used for agricultural purposes. APPENDIX III TRANSPORATION FACILITIES - ITEM N0.5 The lands referred to in Item No. 5 adjoin the MacDonald-Cartier Freeway (Highway No. 401). The Southerly portion adjoins the C.N.R. (1) IuO'IC~. Dy~wIICU'i'Uid PLidtJliu~.t BO~1.lU at its regular meeting to be held on Thursday; September 28th; 19b7, at 3.00 P.Pi. in the i~iunicipal Building; Ha~~pton; will consider proposed amendments to the Official Plan for Darlington Planning Area. Interested ratepayers are invited to attend. .goy ,icUill "ud._+;.3iJi~DLL Chairman Secretary. APPENDIX IV PUBLIC NOTICE (Description of public notice and comments received to be inserted here prior to submission of document to P.4inister. ) HAI~TON, SLPT~N„Etc 289 1967, Darlington Plan:~ing Board met in the Council Chamber on this date to transact business and to discuss proposed anendrient 110. 4 to the Official Plan for Darlington Planning Area. Those present were; Mr, R, McGill, Chairman,. Messrs Hutton, Oyler: Muir: b~,i-I.Brown; Gibbs.; R.B.Brown, Ayre9 Downy Warren9Madden and Little, Fourteen (14) ratepayers also attended, as requested by Notice given in the Canadian Statesman9 September 209 1967. Proposed Amendrient No. 4 to the Official Plan for Darlington Planning Brea was presented to the Board and reviewed by PIr, Little, who explained the purpose and effect of the ar;endment for tae Board a-zd others present. The Chairs:•zan and NIr. Little answered questions from those present. Moved by Hutton and Oyler that it be recoi:~uaended to Council that the Draft ~raend:nent to the Official Plan presented to this meeting be adopted and forcaarded to the t~iinister of Municipal affairs z'or a.;proval. On notion this :meting adjourned. ` ::_iainian. Secretary. Darlington Planning Board.