HomeMy WebLinkAbout2368A by-law to amend zoning by-law 2111. of Ontario or of Canada boverning railway operations, provided that where such land, building or structure is located in any R1, R2, or R3 Zone: (i) no goods, materizl or equipment sriall be stored in the open; (ii} the lot coverage and yard regulations described for such zone shall be complied with; and Ciii} any building erected under the authority of this paragraph shall be designed and maintained in general harmony with residential buildings of the type permitted in such zone." 5. That Section 4(f} of By-lat~r Number 2111 is hereby amended by deleting the first paragraph and substituting therefor the following: "No person shall erect any building or structure in any zone unless the lot upon which such building or structure is to be erected frcnts upon an improved public street which has been opened and which has a width of 66 feet or more; save and except in the case of a summer cottage in an Agricultural Zone under section 11; save and except a building accessory to a building existing at the date of passing of this by-laor; and further save and except Lots which front on the following streets and the following properties:" 6. That Section 4(f) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by adding thereto paragraph (viii) as follows: "(viii) PREMISING that the bearing of the southern boundary of Lot 18 in Concession V is north '74 degrees east and alI bearings herein are related thereto. FIRSTLY To find the point of commencement proceed as follows: BEGINNING at a stone monument marking the south west angle of said Lot 18; TrIEP:CE north 1 degree 4.2 minutes west a distance of 1520 feet 1 inch to the Point of Commencement; fee tCllninches6toearpoint6inltheesouthtwestern boundary6of King Street; THENCE south 53 degrees 34 minutes east in and along said south western boundary of King Street a distance of 6~ feet 6 inches; THEidCE south westerly in a straight line a distance of 16~- feet to the intersection of said straight line with a line drawn of a course south 52 degrees 32 1/2 minutes east from the point of commenement at a point distant in said latter line 6~ feet 6 incY~es from the Point of Commencement; THLPTCE north 52 degrees 32 1/2 minutes west a distance of 6~ feet 6 inches to the Point of Commencement." 7. That Section 4(f) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by adding to the end thereof the following: "For the purposes of this subsection an "improved public street".means any street in the Township of -arlington other than a street designated as an unimproved public street on Schedule "A" hereto". 8• That Section 4(g) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor: "(g) REDUCTION OF REQUIRE%4ENTS r The purpose for which any Land or building is used shall not be changed, no building or addition to any existing building shall be erected and no land shall be severed from an existing lots if the effect of such changes erection or severance is to create a sitraation in which any of the requirements of the by- law in regard to each individual remaining building accessory buildings or lot is contravened." 9. 10, That Section 4(j) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby deleted, That Section ~+ of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection (s); "(s} EXTERNAL Di+:SIGN The following building materials shall not be used for the exterior vertical facing of any wall of any building or structare *ahich is located partly or wholly within 300 feet of a street: (a} building paper; (b) tar paper; or (c) used lumber covering exterior walls." 11. in excess of 25io of all That Section 4 of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection (t): "(t) SPEC~L USES PE&'~4ITTED (a) The following uses are permitted in all zones.: a tool ahed~ construction trailers scaffold or other building or structure incidental to construction on or adjacent to the lot where it is situated and only for so long as it is necessary for the work in progress and until the work is completed or abandoned. (b) "Abandoned" in this subsection shall mean the failure to proceed expeditiously with the construction of a work." 12. That Section 4 of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection (u): "(u) SCHEDULE TO BY-LAW The following Schedule is included in and forms apart of this by-law: Schedule "A" - Zoning Plan," 13, That Section 4 of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection(v): "(v) GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR RESTRICTED INDUSTRIAL (M1) AND OPEN STORAGE I~IDUSTRIAL M2 ZONES No person shall within any Restricted Industrial (M1) or Open Storage Industrial(M2} Zone use any lot or erect alter or use any building or structure for any purpose wholly or partly within 500 feet of the right-of-L,ray of the MacDonald-Cartier Freeway (Highway No, 40i) except in accordance with the following provisions: (i) The minimum ground floor area of ate building shall be 10000 square feet, (ii) All plans and specifications for all buildings and structures shall be prepared by a registered architect or registered professional engineer and bear his stamp," 14. That Section 5(a)(i) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefore: "(i) RESIDENTIAL Single-Faraily detached dwellings." 15. That Section 5(e) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby deleted. 16. That Section 7(a) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by adding at the end of clause (i) the ko rds "and commercial nurseries." so that the clause reads: (i) "COP~~IERCIAL Service shops banks places of entertainment restaurants parking lots automobile service stations public garages? car wash stations motels hotels drive-in theatres used and nerr car 1ots~ and commercial nurseries." 17. That clause 2 of Section 7(c)(i) of By-law Number 211.1 is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor: "2. The minimum distance from the face of pump island to a sight triangle, as defined in Section 4(h)~ shall be 10 feet." 18. That Section 11(a)(i) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor: "(i) RESIDENTIAL Single-fa-aily detached dwellings." 19. That Section 11(a)(vii) of By-law Plumber 2111 is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor: "(vii) FAI~P4ER RETAIPdING LOT Notwithstanding any provisions of this by-law to the contrary a bona fide farmers whose chief source of income is derived from farming operations consisting in whole or in part of growing crops raising cattle or livestocl~ or operating a dairy farm, may retain a lot from the sale of his farm and erect alter or use thereon a single-family detached dwelling in accordance with the provisions of Section 12 of this By-law for a residential use for persons employed on the same lots provided that if the land is subject to a subdivision control by-law then this paragraph {vii) shall not apply except and unless a consent to the separation of the lot is obtained from the Committee of Adjustment or from the Minister of Municipal Affairs if there is no Committee of Adjustment, and further provided that such single-family detached dwelling and lot shall be deemed a permitted use for subsequent purchasers and owners thereof." 20. That Section 11(a)(viii) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor: "(viii) GRAVEL PITS Gravel pits developed maintained and operated in accordance with Township regulations made pursuant to The Municipal Act." 21. That Section 11(c) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor: "(c) RESIDEP;TIAL USE No person shall erect more than one single-family dwelling on any lot unless such lot is used for agricultural purposes, in which case, additional single-family detached dwellings may be erected provided such dwellings are used by persons employed on the lot and provided further that the total number of dwellings on the lot does not exceed one for every 25 acres of land making up a lot." 22. That Section 11A(a)(i) of By-law N amber 2111 is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor: "(i) R'%CREr"iTIOPdAL Farks, playgrounds, commercial parks, curling rinks, golf courses and shooting ranges. (ii) RE,SIDEt7TIAL No residential uses shall be permitted except dwellings for a caretaker, watchman or other similar person employed on the premises concerned and such person's family." 23. That By-law £Number 2111 is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Section 11C as follncaae "11C DEFERRED DEU~LOPf,Ei3T (D) ZONL' The following restrictions shall apply: (a) USES PERI~iITT7_',D No person shall within any Deferred Development (D) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely: (i) RESIDEnrTIAL Single-family detached dwellings. (ii) AGRICULTURAL General agricultural uses which are not obnoxious to the public welfare, including farm buildings field crops, gardening nurseries, orchards, T kennels, forestry and ~he processing of forestry products, fishing, trapping and seasonal fruit, vegetable, flower and farm produce sales outlets. (iii) INSTITUTIONAL Hospitals, clinics, libraries, churches, schools, community centres, municipal buildings, cemeteries, mausoleums, columbariurns, or cremartoriums established with the approval of the Department of Health under The Ce.neteries Act. Civ) RE~E3EATIONAL Parks, playgrounds, curling rinks and golf courses. (v) HOt•SE OCCUPATION The offices of a physicians dentists or drugless practitioner located in the single-family detached dwelling used by such physician; dentists or drugless practitioner as his private residence such offices to be used for consultation and emergency treatment only or the office of a veterinary surgeons and premises for the emergency treatment of animals. (vi) PAR-iER RSTAI~?ING LOT 24-. 25. Notwithstanding any provisions of this by-law to the contrary a bona fide farmers whose chief source of income is derived from farming operations consisting in whole or in part of growing crops' raising cattle or livestock or operating a dairy farm' may retain a lot from the sale of his farm and erects alter or use thereon a single-family detached dwelling in accordance with the provisions of Section 12 of this by-law for a residential use for persons employed on the same lots provided that if the land is subject to a subdivision control by-law then this paragraph (vi) shall not apply except and unless a consent to the separation of t::e lot is obtwined from the Committee of Adjustment or from the Minister of Municipal Affairs if there is no Committee of Adjustments and further provided that such single-family detached dwelling and lot shall be deemed a permitted use for subsequent purchasers and owners thereof. (b) AREl> RE!'UIR~fi1~;NTS No person shall within any Deferred Development (d) Zone erect or use any building or structure except in accordance frith the provisions set out in Section 12.'" That Section 12 of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by changing the Gone Requirements Table so that the zone symbol in the left hand column title "ZOTdE" is changed from "A'" to "ADD and OS'" in the third last line of the column. That Section changing the floor area r. R3, A' D and 'LONE 12 of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by Zone Requirements Table so that the minimum ground ~quirements for both interior and corner lots in OS Zones is as follows: USE MININUi~i GROUND FLOOR AREA ~1--S-to-re.~ 1-1 2 Store 2~Stor~ey sq~ ft. Sq. ft. sq( ft, ) 26. R3 Residential 1150 920 690 A and D Residential l~'750 1400 1 050 (other than persons employed on same lot) ADD and OS Residential for 1200 960 720 persons employed on the same lot deletingtfromlthefZonelRequirementslTablehthe minimumeloty frontage requirement of 100 f eet for summer cottages in "A" Zones. t 27. That Section 15 of By-law Number 2111 is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor: "PENALTY Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this by-law shall forfeit and pays at the. discretion of the convicting magistrates a penalty of not less tY~an fifty dollars (w 50.00) and not more than three hundred dollars 0300.00) exclusive of costs for each offences and The Summary Convictions Acts as provided and limited by The I%Iunicipal Acts shall apply tYiereto. " 28. That Schedule "<~" to By-law Number 2111 is hereby deleted and Schedule A attached hereto substituted therefor. 29. This By-law shall become effective on tree date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Boards if such is required. THIS BY-LATr~' READ A FIFtST~ SECOtdD ANll THIRD TIi~SE AATD FINALLY PASSED ON THE 5TH DAY OF OCTOBER ~ A.D.~ 197. ~j~ r Reeve ~~•~. . Clerk (SEAL)