HomeMy WebLinkAbout2321A by-law to regulate the operation of Pits and Quarries within the Township of Darlington. 2. pollutants insofar as ,nay be required by the standards of the Ontario 'dater Resources Comnission~ at the point where it leaves t:~ie premises and such water shall be conducted to a proper gullet satisfactory to the Towrship ;ngineer. ~„ dll sewaCe originating from the operation of a pit or quarry shall be treated in accordance orith the standards of the Ontario cJater :resources Com_nission before being released to any watercourse or lake. 10. ivory pit or quarry shall be completely enclosed by a fence. The fence sha11 be at least e:dual to an eight wire farm fence with t~.ro strands of barbed ~rire and notices at least ei ghteen inches square and bearing the words "ilan~er -Keep Out" shall be maintained on such fence at intervals not more than 200 feet, 'The said fence shall be maintained in ;god condition and repair by the owner and tkie operator of the pit or quarry. H gate shall be provided at each point of entrance to a pit or quarry ~a~d shall be kept closed and locked ~•rhen tree pit or quarry is unattended. It shall not be necessary to separatel~T enclose portions of a pit or quarry if all or substantially all of the ireanises used by such pit or quarry are enclosed in t>ie manner described above. 11, The owner of a pit or quarry that is located within 300 feet of a public highway or road allowance and that has net been in operation for a period of t`•relve consecutive months shall level and grade the floor and sides thereof ~.d. the area within 300 feet of the ed;e or ri_~ so that it wi11 not be dangerous or unsightly tc the _oublic. 12. ldo pit or cuarry shall carry on the business of quarrying or blasting e.ccept between the k:ours of `J:00 0' clock a. m. and 5:00 o'clock p. m. local trues from tine to time in force in the To~nship of Darlir_~;ton~ from =donday- to rriday both inclusive except in uses .where repairs to eq:aipmeirt are required and except in cases of emer~enc;,>. 13, ,'~ y it or quarry shall be operated only so long as the o~:rner and operator ce:n»ly ~.rith the reUulations Set Out Herein. 14. If the o~rner or operator of a .pit or quarry fails to comply ~,rith any of the provisions of this ~y-law and fails to correct any breach of the By-la; within thirty days after notice of such bread: has been sent tc him b~ the 'i'o:°nship~ ~..cn the Totrnsk~ip shall have the right to enter the premises upon ;.iich the pit or quarr; is :;ein~ operated a.d to do tkie necessary work_ tc re;ned suci: breach. ~:uci. .•ror'_2 shu11. be da~~e at the expense of the otirner and operator of the pit or cu.arr;;-~ and if the cost of such wor}~. is i~ot nai d upor_ demand then it sk?all be a chary e upon the said premises and sha11 be recoverai~le in the sane m;knner ss. municipal ta..es. 3- 15, any n0 t1Ce re:.i'-r ^Ci uy bar ~: r B.Uh l~F :?eP~C ~ SIic.ll ~,~E' Sufl_ciently liven if rnail2d by px•@na.iu ordinary raail to the 0~.~:12r a.ld cy~:rato-r of file _~re:~li5es to the adur2ss or uddreSS2S Si]ON'ril OZ1 tt"12 last r2V1S2d :1552.°.+SYSi2Tlt rOlle 1/, In add"ition to cors_olyin~ L;itil th2 provisions of this ~y-la.:~ ,- t112 OWii2r ck`1~7. O Cru~~Or Of a ^JJ-t Or :f,"u3r"iy Shall COnlpl3 v'i ti: ~ ~ I"r!e !;-Wino Yct. al__ =~2r~;inent provl5icn~ of ~,?, sly person convicted of a ~r2acil of illy of the provisions of ti11S ~3yr-~-u:T S.1wl.t forfeit a:ld pay at ti12 d1SCre t"LOW Of ti12 COnV1C t1'""1U a:e;,;~15'cru.t2 a yJ 21i%li ty nOt e~Ce2dtn~ file SI.U(1 Of ~;j~~.1Q fOr e$C11 CfferiC2 BI.C1USi V2 Of COStS ~ ~!d Slu'.1.L be recoveraala under the rovisions of 'The uul~~nary convictions ~~ct, y.l ~}.jl-~.i~a ..ii:il-J~ .a 1'LiiJ ill ali.,V..:~ .i~ ~i.LL.~ .~1..!~ c//i_//iil ~.+i11,L~ ~' i~~.~J `J I:T `Tju ~ J«i~ LY' ~J lL( z(' f~~f ~ .i. il. ~ ~ 9CJC7• ~.eeve ~~~,(//~ • A i)'2 jJL?ty-ult'ili Y//