HomeMy WebLinkAbout2322A By-Law to authorize the entering into an Agreement with St, Mary s Cement Co, Limited. option to purchase certain lands in the Township of Darlington and has x~~~ir~~xlria with the consent of the present owners of the said lands applied to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the draft plan of sub-division of the said lands. AND WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs has made it a condition of his approval of said p1~in of sub -division that St. Mary+s Cemet Co. Limited agree in vrriting to satisfy theX re- quirements of the Township, NOW THEREFORE pursuant to the Planning Act R,S.O, 1960, Chapter 2g6, Section 28(6), the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington enacts as follows: 1, That the Corporation of the Township of Darlington be and is !'ern e~/`. hereby authorized to enter into an Agreement with St,Mary•s~Co, Limited in the form hereto attached as Schedule ""A" 2, That the Reeve and Deputy-Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the said Agreement on behalf of The Corporation of the Township of Darlington, READ a first, second and third time and finally passed on the 3rd day of March, 1966. ,,~-~ , , ~ l~=_ '~2k .x ao'm °' ..q ~"r r •yF r/._ '~~ ~ ~.z `' Me Fem. ~4'bi" ~ j~.. F . r Eh! UR A NDU11 OF AOAE EMEN~ `"i made this 25th day of ~anuarF, 1966. ' ; ,~~ . __ ~~ , BET1tSEN ;, ST. !lA~t•S CSlIiMT fit. 'hereinafter called the "Coapaepr° OH '!RR ?IIEBT PARTf . - and - - ~~ hereinafter called .the '"PoNnshiQ", OF ?1111 SRCOlID PRAT; ~ . M11>l~1A$ the Coa~any ie the holder of Options to PurchaN the lands described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto (herenaftsr referred to sa the "said lands") .and with the oonaeait ot, the p ~,,: ,, : ~,,, oxners of the said lands, is dssiroaa of dawlopit-e the ,~iid lae~ ~ - 4 ,~ and has made application to the lilniater o! Municipal Affairs, (hereinafter referred to as ths"~liniater") for approval of a d plan of subdivision of the said landsf i ~;; a AMID MiHLA~AS the Coepan7, h5A made application to the ~;Y; ship to amend its Official Plan and Zoning BF I.aw number 2111 ~ p~.s^. x;; . mit quarrying and cement manufacturing on the said lands; ~,;, ..; ,.~_ AHD tildiR~AS the Minister has made it a condition of hie apA^oval of the said plan of subdivision that the Company agree Sat writing to satisfy oertain requirements of the Toxnahip; A11D MHERSAS the Company has agreed to eater into this Agreement for such purpose; ~~ ,~ \_ NUW THEREFORE in consideration oP the premises arsd ,' covenants hereinafter set out, and puraWmt to The Planate ~ R.S.C. l96(), Chapter 296, Section 28(6), the Company, Gild tt--e '~fa- ship F~REBY Ml1R'ITALLY COVRR~Tl' A~ AaRBE one t;1t#s tl'~E ot'y 1'4' , themselves, their auceeeeora aAd asaigiu as follatAr. t ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~'~ 1. Forthxltb after Ahe ~~i- axerS~.ya #£'~ ~~ `~'~; purchase .the said larxfa t ~. ~ ~ ~; ----- -_e__._,.,..,~,~. ,_ r ,,~t`~w -~ ., ~ . ~' -~., a. ~ f k {°a ~ ~, shad take aii such action as any be neeassarr t0~`'Olos+~~~`~! ~-,~~, of ?lartln RoaB as~d of the orisihai AllbManoe trnt' road ~ ~reft+~i °'~° ~'~r 12 and 13 in the Broken l-rceft Conoession o! the ~~ of ARrl1i+1~-' `~ xithln the abovo described Lands ~: ton lyingjaouth of the south 1l,~.t~ of ~W~-Cia~r~liM~.l[aai.os~t;~ ~~ ~._~ right-oY-xay ad Joining the W~ 1#trds a1f1t 1~~~ ah .~~~ ~ - _. .. ~, those portions of the said road, :~1d ~"'` tQrz-~ ,~ ~~.~~ `° closed ].ring south of the said Canadian ]lationtl 1lAilrray r!~lt+~,"a+Ipl~ r,: to the Coaiparly at a prioa of ;~g0.00 per aero 1wA .the So~anship shtll pay all legal and other costa 1n eonneotivn tharfiltt~b `~°_ 2. The Toxaship shall proosed torthxitft att+r t1~e tti at ~. '=~ F' . ~~` L~qJ-d•; Order of the. Ontario lhuils rd ro a _tl.ax ~ jFY coning Hr~L#tJlvit37~~roFn~lalsiP'to pelt ~~trrt#~ a~'~ti aMliiM~tt ~LL nanufacturitlg on parts o! tht said lrrlds :~' i! sn ;appeal , is tskrei Eras such Order after tha ta~nowr~bla dispopltids at t1t~r, eal~ «:~ take steps to re-oo~urtruat thr bridge on Yaverly~ li~sd d~ 'tAe r= ~, Canadian l~atioasi Railxar riM'-t-of-w+lO (swgb, ~ to . D~ a tiro-~ rH bridge or as required by the,~pa~rtasnt of qa or th! ~SI~+Rt`` ..' Transport Coawiseiottars) and ab p11ne Mt~]1- ~~d txo lani~r for •f `~ dlatance of 1,000 fast south a! , t11e Qpu~iilt MRtS01'~a~ Railarga ~. of~way to a ata~dard sufriciM~-t'to ~ thefr..~frst~io;~to aed tray t!~ ' J said lands and in our ewnt'_~so oosplttr~gfa ~ aka ttftyhln ~1i4 years - of tM apprav~ of the ~syarttiMOt o! ~t~lrq* ~ uid #~ 1a1-~-~E' .: , Transport Coalidt~loRers. ~ p3Aaa awe! sFap~4"S,p~S~s~ltir t~ ~ ,- bridge shall be as required bt the Boar4 0~' ~r't ~s~. °i The GOSiQaOy shall pq the • a share ad'.. t!M , aoata d! the ~' works at Fu-ah tiMa ar pa~rrntear u!e rsgairsd ,tp, ~:;sltEU 1I the ,~ ~ , g . ~ Toxnahip. . ~ To~aA1P shtl'l u~ ° its bast etl+~lhft 1~a ~ ,~ ~. availabia swDit3diea trat tdii 3~N~pt at- ~~~~ , TaNSport Co~rstlssionere 1u-4 the G~oa4tad lM~d ~~ >p a~M~C~!~~ x xith the' said xorlcs. Tha Coate: Mull "100.`F x~' ~ ~°-' ~~ `, 30 days after the date ot~Lh•~~1.d~0~~~-~',~o `"~'~ Board (or the date of a rav~u`~~ d~oisiq~i``1~ ~l it ~ ~'~' trop such Omer la take!#) ~! or ~~~s , ~~ ,~ t - r Of its obli~-tiona under thia.~~~s+fi~ `~ '~ ~' ~~ ~. soar of 41' 000 i.eu ttOt~ t+~qw~#' _ .4 P ~ .~y' A be paid ~iD~_ tbM :~, ,~ 7 r y ~#t ~ '~ . .N 4 ~e T ; :v __ v n a .'na._ e ~ 'F~ ~. xt er .~ ti ~_ .TY .r ~ .riiW.e.. ,~ y 3. ~ The Company shall dedicate to the, 1'amstil~p such of t!t! lieitd lands as are sufficient to xiden Maverly Raad~,to 6b feet-~'1'om1 Otte .c north limit oP the said lands to Lake Ontario,.. and shall epsrll, ezecuteand deliver to the Toxnship a conveyance of tha-~,1,~=lanQs~ "~ for the purpose of so xidening tiaverly Road forthxith after rep#ra~e tion of the said Plan of Subdivision. In the event that the Ttsait- ship requires additional lands to enable. the aaastruotiop of a t5ett _ approach to the south aide of the Canadian Natier-al Railxays brt~e' on Maverly Road, the Company shall forthxlth upo0 reaueat of the Toxnship convey such laude to ills Toxnahip. a 4. 1n the event that an entrance Por assess °to and l~roa 1~rer said lands on Yaverly Road ahopad be located by the 0ospany sore than 1,000 Peet south oP the socttherly 11Jgit Of tbt Cansdian Nat~.~l' Railxay right-of-xay referred to above the Caa~~r-shall, at tht. option of the Toxnahip, either construct at the Coaiparq~s ezpenae, and maintain for a one year period, a txo-lane paw ro1N~ on Maver~r,,. Road from the said entrance to apoint 1,000_t#et south Of the sou~t~~, limit of the Canadian Nationt2 Raiixay rigbt~f-xay refsrrsd to- above to a standard acceptable t0 the Toimehip engineer, or pay'tbe~ Toxnahip~a costa of constructing and maintainlnR Por ~ yirar such a paved road on ouch portion o! lfaverly Road. Aay,tgtrinola to t4,h~, said lands xhlch are used solely for the purpose of transrtir ,~.y materiels across ifaverly Road obMil not be conMdered to be~eatraav to the said lands for the purpo~lers of this pa~R3s. ~ ~, 5. IP xithin fiva years lros the dhte of Semis ft a bxtldtng. ; t permit to it, the Cospany uses that part of I4`rtln ~Oad'lyleag hem,, the service road south of H!. ~,a gMray 401 and the nartberl~ lllidt 'of Canadian National Railxaq right-ot-xay M~ainieg the said l±~xls for access to the said lands and 1f as a result of ;pooh use the said portion of 1[irtin Road or any. part off' the said• rerriee roaei ~~~ ., easterly to Maverly Road and xester~y to the C1as Road, st-ou}.d ~~ deteriorate the Costlany n111,.at the pption ~ t4Ci ~h1pi at its expense repair aigt das~e caueMd by tz~io,l~d ~tx`be ~¢ ~°' • said lands and xixl reconstruct :the saw to' ~:., ~ n `. - _ ~~ x" take. such traffic In the opinidt~ pf thR ~,~ Lain such repair or re~icaatruotiun t~e~'bpe , ' _ ~ costa of such ~ ° "~ °~ *°~ ~• repair, r~aq~-tr~ ~1~r ~~~~ :>. The Cae+?any x111. maintain all its internal roads rrt~,,:,~ ~~-ire csf IDateri&la in $ candition that x112 pre~etCt t a^ °;.r;t at ill rimpe of the year. The ~oerrpany shall 3e rsapoasible for the instal2atioa of ;~t,~^m d^c+inaga fsailit.tee tb prb~ei"ly dralh' the fluid 2andd and ~"~:~}=n5 s'ie3~= ~::}t interfere in any manner xith the tlox o~ etoxls '. - N~tra° r;c-r~t`~ 5ri~inating up-etila~n xhfah.sl8t-t areata dralt~agQ~ ~, ,,r~r.lems wltbin thlg ar another xBtQr shed. "~ '- 'thee Towte~€P,iP aha21 hssve the right to enrer upon the said .a^::ir et ary :.Lme for the purp4pe o! improving the ale>Zt., shape ' ,n or ~';opr- <~t any Wa.tp:~ r,~~urse rr+dsaltsg Che eaia la*1o9, provldad, ~a,_r. :~,.;n worx does- not unreasonably interfere xith tqe Co~atty~s >~ rr:,~,t ins nr :t+~ u98 of its property acrd .le at the ax~ense of the Kra .i~ :t' .. ThM ;,ui:.y~Hny shall abra~in the a}s?rova2 bf the Toxr~ip p,.S°o~~: s1t,..^lrt~r cr~a shape ~r eloW of-any xatar cpurRe. crossiag tme rs ..~nau, ~r9,r;,~;H~ that, 8uctf approval eha11 nDt be teSrsl~lably w ,th'r.e q, ,,. 7. The Ca^~pry~~~ shall ba t'esponsible fv!' th+a tr+~Yar~tt ~ ill °•f'Wgp;•= 7r.1.h±nnting i~~ the said lands and such sexsge shall be ~a z r;~* ->d in acn~rd'an~j~ with the rstgndarda of the Ontario WE-te~ 6 '= ~.• ~~.rsYs Con~issi4~ 'G9fOra being xeleaeeM to °y' aay aster cour~ti- or ( 1. 3 ~.tL3L ~! ~ x ! ~ ~~ '~ x¢. ~G; Thf ~aar~ fiy aihall insure that all rater used in tq! quarry -~;,erir.i~ra steal s ~ pcmdvcted through adsquate flettllrtg DMla~a 4r ow:-,er .rearm®nt 11t,1us, ao tb+tt such xat~r shall be oie~t,~± aefd fret ~ r,xa 9aiae d alut~n insofar as ~ be re iced p to y ~ 1,~r the atsna~ras ~f ~r-„ ~~ pater aavourc, s e GGAreiO®lpri, ,at the poia#t xhez"R t it le~+Pe the ' ~~:3.nas, sad eudh crater aha21 be conducted ~ a i,l.v '."h-)"u't ~~ Kill carry Oh its qu81!!'yitt$ ~eratio>rrt aaQ ~~ : ~. to e l o~y ~~g4.^ar3unce with The Mining AC t exoept art ,~zrt3 { ~~, '"n3"~, ny shni2 xithin txn years Of the issue o~ a 0 $°v , info ~R"'r,i! :~. ~•ut .pq aarrab.ayre.g-tea~ 3tt tnr t~dt;itd ;~~~ ~.s w ~, , ~{ ~k~ . ~' ~~>. ~~ , ,.~ - ~' ; .,, p. ~ w ~. ~~~ y ~ , ~ ~~ _ - _ ~, """"". ' u „ .. ,<.,' ~', ,y x'i ,. - 5 - ~~.;~, . . '~~~~ property slosh the north side of''Sske~Drive sffd plant efiaena <~ *her~cm. i.n acec>rdanoe with :regraph 13 hereof. L3. The Company shall within two yearn of the laeua•oP a building perrrlt to it plant and maintain in a haalttgr c0f7~litiq#Peea~ __ ~. on e3] boundaries of the said lands aub~ect to fife follo~ri;ng 1st and conditions: ~" (a) Planting along the north side oP Lake Drive shall be ,. evergreen trees 5 feet in height for the first rftw, p~glar trees 5 feet in height for the second-row, and seedlilfi~a for the balance of the 500 foot strip Ocs wh1Ch thti"e s to ',' be no excavation. (b) There shall be a 20 foot set baok on all Jfublie roads.. (c} No planting shall be required on the lands of tha~CofAp fronting on Lake Ontario or on the Canadian Atatiarfal Railway. (d} gave ae hereinbefore expressly provided 'and sub~ea~ to ldfa 20 Poet net back on all roads, all plantigaehall ~-edone for the complete planting area as sat out in sonins ~by~lietlt. number 2307 by planting seedlir-g trees •t appro~iastsl>r "" h foot centres in rare h felt apart, pfaviclrM .fiat= suoh ~'^` planting shall be a fYixtura of oonitaroua-and deoidsfofa= - trees with at least 50~ ooniferoua. (e) The Compar>~yr shall have- the right to aubaiit sn altpfrriati!I~a planting plan to the Township asfd upon ~roval by the,' Township, suoh plan shall be adopt:ad and Sapleaiante~. 14. The Cofgpany x17.1 carry on its opslcatio>sa' in sum a ~! that no nuisance to adjacent property owne>•s will result tf!0s df~i - " smoke, noise, blasting or other like cause. s5. The Company ahlfil iaatsii and ope>*ata the beat ar-+d'efoat modern equipment available at the tifee oP inatallatia~a for the collection and control of dust and x111 abrp3y with the prvvie ~~ of the Air Pollution Contrrsl Act of Ontario atfd all regulations: peened thereunder and with atq ~r~Lawa of the "yvwnrtff,p duly passed in accordance with the pror-iai.afa of the ,said Aot-~~not~.lnaotsa~ ,: ~ ~~: tent with any provisions of fain ~aaid Aot, or ae~ regtat a ~fi~~~E ~~• thereunder.. The Company shall ot-tsin the apprOv4], t ~.- of Health before commestcir~g e3ot-a~sot1011 of ~ ,~ i _3- ~ _ „~u sSWe: a ~.,.a .3. ~ "' ,..,'a'il . w ar, :~ y ~~~.: '. ~~ ~ -6 ~.. ,. -s, , ~.~ -- ~i-~_. 1P, The Co~any shall construct a ~ llhloh x111 ~' modern and efficient. 27. The Coa~any shall stockpile for use i.n rehab111tat1~,o~ the said lands all top soil resioved itr oonneotioa xith qtr aperetiona. l$. '!!af[ 9re Company shall prepare a Rehabl,litation ,man ` • t, -.~- five years of the date of eoaoencesent of asanutapturitlg dent oet, , the said lands and submit auah Plan to the Tpxn4hl,p. S'}ie sn- include the tolloxing: ~" (aj a map of the said laude; (h) a statement of the estiaated time and sequence xit~iti '' excavation and,ar~r' state of operatioq tberaot is is be ''` .ar. completed, and _ ~< (c) a plan oP the proposed rehabilitation including pia~s proposed use, gr~~B, filling, erosttln c~ttrt~l, drna~ga ~aa~" landscaping. The Plan shall be aubasitted tfi the 7,loxpghlp tpr ~gra+~l ash it Township and the Company are unable to agree on Lhe sltiil Plan ~ .f matters in dispute shall be aulgritted to arbi~Cratioa 3n • K with the provisions of The Arbitrations AoO. !!~, Co~rpany ~, upon apprnval or settlement of such rehab111tatda glen osr~ a~ j its operatlone.taking into account the Bald plan uxl-shall,~~ the said plan in appropriate stages. lipthing eOptgtned in ' paragraph shall restrict the Toxnshlp from proaeedir~ under legislation from time to tiwe in force conoerAitrg the of the said lands: 19. No quarrying ar blasting shall be pex~itted on,the.~ ~,. lends except between 7:00 o~clpak a.a. aid bsOQ o•eloWr p;; tia-e Pram time to time in toroe In the 'l~MU~p a~' DY9C3iliy~ Monday to Friday ;both inclusive, ertcept 1T~ Casp ~re;x ~; equipment are required and except in cases o3' eeMrrge~sol. 2 D. The Company agrees to coslsence productl~- of case~t factoring within five yearq o! the date OR- xhioti -#he' ae Zo:iing Hy-Lax becolees effeatltro, and,.il t.He ~iglpr„~ArQ~~p~ it will not. oppose the re•scnie~ of the propi~r, at'E~r~ .;4 <~~-~ . for purposes other than •.A~en~ p3atit ~~9~• ~: jam., ~::' Rid: lagptl, .~ .~~ ~;- , ~.r ~: t ;, ~ ~ a.~ a, 2 i , t`he Cr~pany ag2'eee to eonstruot its ae~tt pla~dit tteutt ~.;o~!' -0, , t+5art::n Road, :" ~:conoe+iaaily feasible, and iQ eny revent,.ia I':g..~' ~~ "rs; A '. 2~. the Toxnbrip ahali permit the Cplrpany t0 aroa~i over ~: «~vn~?.~ Rx~a ar ~,o tunrasl under Kaverly ROSd or to atmeF'ttOti D3+~,dgc , r+wwr w_vP^?y Roao and/or to it-stsll end watintA>uf'8 ~Ct~rit-l~dr 1!' ~~'~~;, m,*„er'.~.i.~ .'vHr ar under Waverly Road for the pu~-4se! or tY~~ -' ~,.. ras+ n~r.eriaie for processing st,ita pleat, aa+d thi Toxruhi~,~. ~ ~. grant, tq tF.e C.unpeny al.i auah rights and lioetnaea etr ti~i . ~, Prx~ ~imF to time reasonably require for this purpobe ~rarrideM t, ~' ~;F ail ~:orts oP aonatructinpl and meirrtainlr~ any eu~p i~irel~p °~a'~"~'~ bis' ~~.td bJ *,he Cort~any and fuah ia~rave+nd~ta shall Oonfor~l tde~ ,~' l3:+le a',;andarda and apecitioationa of the Toxgship, aub~eat to: ''`' ,> ~:~- foi:oxing: ~` (':) The right of croaslrtg itaverly lko~d shetil be rs~rid to _ over, under or aertisa but sot e-lefag Ma~erly R~ ~~ Por that paY~t 'thi~b! Mtlloh llRS ti~lm p~,. ~ . .,; Sa) There ie to be no trltf?ie has~rei x~pttttle~ i'r~ ~ : ~ xi ,.:. crossing Maverly AfNtd. "'`~ ~, ~. (3) The 'foxnahiP sha11 Mere the right f~tt i3aiit vehiet ~ ' "' ings aaroas Waverly Road euid sloth 0!'CL81t1g ~it1n °~. ~~` „~_' bs loaatltil xlth the approva:i o? flier TOx~tb2,~f, t~Ch ahali not be• t-nreas4nably x:ithbet~l~; ar~p proYid~ei~ ~ ~~ that *,he Company shall be enti.tliid tD helve at Iep#ts "- ~_ Gruak arasa]ng points aarass Mavlrxy !loud. 'Tlire ~~~` `,. .shall aonv~~ LrdY xhe said lands ~~ ~"~$t i*ttaea~vea Title ~' ~_` r_ ~; eastern and xestCrn bpundarieb of`M~r],f RoMd ael~ Toxnahip shall Prom tiAta t0 bins t'eE3Me-il# etiad l+Ae1v+ fi= the Comp;tny auah porti{5he at. such l ~4~ rr~ael~re~ sit . " y be at orue'siag paints tHriah tlip ~ i1/ eAti1C uee-~~ in acavrrxancewith ~e prov1s,10as Of tali p~r -;°r k ~.:.~- ~;y. The t:~ympSrty agret.S'to nakr nG hirjshsi',~~# `h i '~ ~= l.o ~ ar black ahc~xn Aft thb ea;id plan o~ +s~bdiviiri~ ilplt~~-~ tis ~ ~` aence with either aegtlpR 26 pr.Ra4t10ir1 ~6 #~ '!f~ - '` 3 ~F y ~° ;..u, The Compa#ly aGnsen~,lr tb. th4 - ~{ ~ ~_ ': M ~~~ ~. « ? ~ 1 ate .~ A + ~~ ~tF elf. 1' a yi f - LJCa.uY>~cu ~iA ~, } d sf -- ~ ~ ~--- . ,c ,! +r *~. ~,~ -, ` ~ `~~ ! A ` 26. All saxa~ ia9lliti~es,~~31', Yes~ical t!lia~rr o! lDMlth its aq~t}t+da3~pe xltb r ~Chedt3la 8 0.! the. Fublio B~rlth.A4t,.. 2T . ?ht S shall o~~. ~ll~ , ~. , r 3.., ' y ~ .<.y ab..h~ ~.~~' ~ 'i~jpe~^' ~ 1. ~. ~ 3 ~ ~` ~,, ~ . ,. ~. .~ ~f gg-~ ~ "§~iS" 2 Ti ~#s. # '~. ~ , -` ,,. t f Tomsship ~rorsuxnt to this ~ti• x . n.~j, a]r1~~ . aontrol ~-laxri-pursuant lro 8~ j. trict~fg th! eels ax ooaveyaf~~ O! s '1~rt ~#~ a l8nd`on the said plea of su1l~Lti#Ads- 25. ttPon the 'said pla~;tr.tt~e~~~rilti+l~~tw Company shall tt5rthttloth 4se~'~ -, registration deeds ~' all l't~+ di~dp,~r-~1 ~r "' aet and the i'eguli~lbt~s 9as1-~'i~+AMM1fi l~t~l ~~ ., of fill or construction b1s WMM "~~:; ~~' plan of eubdiviaioiz. ~ w. .:' ,: .. z • , 28, The shell ,a .-~.' planning costs inagtrd~ p7 Gb- ~~ ~.?~M~- ~`* dnnnectioa xith thx ssid 4ullidi~ll;,gi~~~, the Offioial Flan, t~ d~~,si '~ a bi-J.~x. ~,~~ quarriar and, the applioatiiils; ~ tbf , ~74~p~jr-::.fib, ~,+1-~,? lands anA ths~ T `sb411 a~ rgi1* (~ t and aisb~MMrrltts ~o! sss~rart xlt~r at ., ~ .r Council and ~e ~0,'I~tit~#~Ill,,d ., r ., " ~~, soning es the '~Dxttehip M4'y t~seyl~r`j °a`~~` a to the !lpxnihip 3t1 sssY W1'Alt' ,x~~~~ ~ ` ~ Tj ~, are iaourred by tlla-'lbtsaah'ap' ~. '' ' £ .;~ yr , ~~ .: 29. '~tris ngrl~easgnZ andh ~~ ~~~, provisions of paragraph 28, ~°.!~ Flan ~f the '!`oxnship and thM ~ $~»'la effaatively enenosA tab: jlp~.t''t:~ytM,'#~`.,;~~ parts of the said leaps prime ~`'~i'~' ~1 ltd; a~ the appea 1 Eros any ordMr • qta, t~t~ ~~~ Itya~~+ 1~;. t., ''.'~18n ther4xith having a7Wi~,~ tlp 1t4+!I~'~„` ~~n4 30. The Campsite agreds i~` o~`~~~'~ ?~`' bona art out ].ts path ~,~~alfL~lli' ?V~~111~d.p~,~ the. final 8p~l~ssv#1 b!'~rtl~e _~i11d~~'~gl~.~~~#~3'F=i, ? sr '., a ._` 3 " " tit ~`~ f ~~ ~. ti~tf ~ ~~ 0. 9 ~F _ ~ ~~ S Ju f ~ ~_ ~~~ ~ T~j'~.""4' ~ ~~ ' x, St ~~w ~~ ~ ~ L k~ K. a9E` - ~ ~ w e &, #, ~;' F ~ ^ ,~~ 4.he iaaMe Wit` tet 8uettl~,It ~ft '~ F,~~ agree to advise tt~a 1tSalrt~z aC4 aDsMe ~~~. Ccapau~ thllt canditi+ods ~, ~ ~ 6 Q~ !!~-. approvitt Wit' Lila ~1[id Pia o! 81Lr~ . have Qe~2,ise tlit~. ;' , '' r 9i. 1~d T agair~at~F,t.i ;r Zit lil'!'fl~8$ ~:~ ~;.' . ~1 'M :".tt d.~~1Rry ~. 4.. .f a ~f irilpreelrs~4 their rai~e~tly! .; ~~ -~ +~„ -~e'. respective Qsll, aut~0lis110'~l~,:~ ~~ '~ +.~ ~'- z i, } yyt ~~ j R ~~ ~Y ~~+,{~~~~ .~ ~y h~~ {-~ . s y; ~' ~ mac`; { a$~ ~~` s a ~; .x.~.M f 7 .#, >.y ~€F ., ~ ~'c ~.~°.f ~~~ v~ T ~5 { ¢ ~ ~) ~.F^ h~ F f n 9. r~ S~r P Y a ~ .., '. . ~` ~ 4y , . ,n 'J:;£': n ~ ~ ~ ~.~.. ;- m-~.u s ~ t - - F' x .~ <. - " ,. ~~ ~ ~~: " t `' . ~+_ t,= , ~ ,.~ " ,~ ' ~ ~J "'~#t~' FX~` k ~ ~~ $ a i' ,. ,~.~~, S.` ' ~ .y', ~;~ ~~. ~~ - - - ~,~ , . ~~ ~ `_ r~, . , ~: ALL AND SIN(lULAR that certain parWrl or tract of laadr+d p~~ W!i ~, any. being in the Township of Darlington, in the COUr-t~ bf !~ sfaa in of Ontario, described as foliorw; hf~.- ~. PREMISING that the bearinga herein era astroaoKlial passing through the centre line of eonstruetion o! the line between the Township of 8aat wnitby and Nhit longitude 78 degrees 53 einutes 45 seconds Most; FTASTLYs All that pert of Lots 1Malva (1Z) sad 11~rt~i Concession in the said. Township of Dar11n9ton lYify),fi~DUR! Railway Right-of-way end lying lkssLA of Lakldriw the Registry dffice,for tM Registry Division Of t~* Dunham as Numbers 318 and 659 for the-Township o.! Okrlin a parcel more partiCUlsrly described as fOllOwsi = ,_ COMMENCING at an iron-:bar tiarkitrg'~t~"'~i~'~i Number 198 for the Town of Boweanville; THENCE South 17 degrees 37 minutes Eaat along tbi-N Plan 198 (being the Easterly liatit of said Township hundred and seventy-one and thirty-three one-hyndtll less to an iron bar distant Northerly in the asid 1 three one-hundredths feet (69.83'.) free a cnt atone between Township Lots 12 and 13 in the Broken Font THENCE South 54 degrees 06 minutes Meat • distasu~ of tea hYnBsed: and twelve one-hundredths feet (2Ab•12') to sn lras bss pl~lntbd a# , intersection of the Northerly production Of tM Bastesly.~~LR,af hl registered Plan 318, with the Northerly licit Of Lkti Driw1' aa,a~r- registered Plan 318; THENCE in a general Masterly direction along #M NartMrly liA~t ~bf ~a- shown on Registered Plans 318 and 659 to an iron bar, plaid fh ~ of Mav:rly Aoad; w THENCE North 17 degrees 47 a~inutlls 4D s~COndh Kist ;~Y Ha~~rl wawrly Road a distanu of. twstityr.lhtw ~ eld one-hundredths feet (2381.78') t11r<.bb iron.WW - THEr1GE North 16 dplrNS 33~ einut#i~.+W arcah<b fit. ~ ~~ limit of Maverly Road a distance ~! thtw h4f~rlyd t ' feet (310.07'} to an iron bar; ,= ,. THENCE North 18 degras 11 einutM Meat along tlNr ly lisd.R~gi a distance of fourMlara hundred and seventy-tro and ' ~~472.47') to an is~q~ bar planted•#t the point of i Oe- limit of Maverly Road with the Saaribaly lisiit Of tM ae, Right-of-way; ~` THENCE North,47 degrees 48 einutaas30 seconds Eiat ileng.tbe,llal-t8ige said .Right-of-way a distance of t~tcN hundred end adgM-ty+l~ra ~hd eL~t .one-hundredths feet (382.88') to #ti iron bas; Y _: ~~ THENCE Easterly continuing along M» $outMsly,liflit 4f id At,~t a curve. to the right, Bald torus blwing a s of 3784. f~Ftf,a'.= 687.Sb feet and chord baarinq of Month 53 d~~~ as Q4, uin4iss fEasti ~1M1 distance of s1x hundred and eighty-eight and ei#~htit+o ~;~ to an iron bar; r . ~ ~: THENCE Easterly eontlrtuing slorq tM Southerly lit8t of',tM„ being a curve t0 the 1'ight• sai~..Cusvs hsvinq a fad~lur.', f l., o f 716.04 facts' a chord bearing o! Noses 65 dpreea,~03: as ; ~T N distance of seven hundred and aw~htian snd twMlwt' to an iron baT; ~ ~% ' '' .° Yn. £ .. •ryC... ~ _ / ; ~ ~ b~i a~ l _.b ~ . ° d .: ~Yr. ~~ ; ~ 5$ ~ ~ ~ ,y 4 ~ ~' x , ,'I ~4) y ~ tyY$ ~_ ...}Ay: _v ~Tn tv~s XS -. J1 ~r~ is S .~~~ l~ J. ~ s~. .~ ~~•~ tt*v? +P'+ ~~ !. ~ ~ ~ THENCE North 79 degrees 24 minutq 20 aetcxtfla ~t ca~tinuing e~an~.t~ limit of said Right-of-way a distance Of nine hundred end Hghtt ~#`~ an iron bar planted at the point of intersectleln of Lhe last-taetMtiot~l laM the Easterly limit of Township Lot 11'f THENCE South 17 degrees 46 nirnstes Bast al ong the Eetterly lido of Lot 12 a 5di7stalnce of twenty-sitx hthunds~! and~fiftaian and swertt~five T or~'g~r~,all't~•Zcs~riz°a8rf~°z~°rOati ~Tp~t LOte~i ~ ` ~. . SBCONDLY• All that put of Township Lt1t Fotl~rteen (14) ifi the Brakes F ceasian in the said Township of Derlipgton lyfalg 9otrtih of the Cenatdiep~ likti~ "~ Railway Right-of-fray and lying westerly frrom the Keetvgly liadt of M1~eriy . '` the boundaries of the said pueel being ottue perticularly deaOribtld fy ! ~ ~- COtMMENCING at an iron bar planted at .the point of in#ss*lstion Of the ~, limit of the Canadian Nationel Railway Rlgbt-of-wsy wrjth the McNteslF O~~ ~~; said Lot 14, said iron bar distant Sattherly in the leetrecrtioned 1~~ six hundred and thirty-two and stxtp-twen on~tAs feet {2632~'fr j the North-Meaterly angle thereol; ~ ~.-t~ ~ ~. THENCE South 17 degrees 31 minutes Haat along the westerly lietit of tad Ip$r a distance of forty-three hundred and sixty-eight end'"seWit-ty-dne ~~°M~ feat {4366.71') to a cut atone mOrpasentf ~ ~ ~ '`` ~; - THENCE South 17 degrees 31 minutes East t:attitwing along the wegterly 3iwd. said Lot 14 a distance of twenty-Elul feet (2S) wpte pr lees to tAe' intersection xith the High Mater Park of Lake OntariaF; THENCE Easterly along the High Water Wrk of Lake Ontario to t1N paint o~! saciion with the Southerly production of the Masterly licit of Waverly THENCE North 17 degrees 17 ednutes 20 eeWnds~ west a lift-Mice o#" ~ T ~~ (22') more or less to an iron Dart ~ ~.~ =~ #~ ~ , ~, THENCE continuing North 17 degrees l7 sinutes 2b st~s wrtlt alegq limit of Waverly Road a distance of eight hundred end tMentytwo:etld f `` one-hundredths feet (822.52') to afi iron barl ~~ 'IH$~E North 17 degrees 22 minutes 40 seconds Mtet gOtttif~, e' ~ ~ ~ ~Y limit of Waverly Road s distance of fourteen hunted end s~xngty-oe~yen one one-hundredths feet (1467.61') to an iron barj ~ =a .~=~ THENCE North 17 d egress 30 minutes 30 seconds Mast contiewitq aleng ~t ~iN4prly limit of Waverly Road a distance of seven hundred and i~ne a~ one-hundredths feet (749.22•) to an iron bard Ar , TKBICE North 17 degrees a4 minuta~s 20 eeeondl Mat continuing elon~ tl~ ws~telt~,y limit of Waverly Road a distanu of four htakired and t~-ty-'nine ~ ,~s, eight one-hundredths feet (a29.78•) to an iron per{ *:;~ ~ ' . .~ THENCE North 17 de ,~ °~ greea I7 minutes 50 seconds west continuing alellly ~°4` limit of Waverly Road a distance of =91{r hwdred end f~trtsen anti drlttt~ie „`" one-hundredths feet (414.97') to ~f i2'on bill , W~ ... TIiENCE North 18 degrees 16 minutes !AO eeceads west, gge~tqtr;tlq e limit of Waverly Road a dietsnce of~~t~ AtrWred and et~ty`s~! .feet (1080.03') to an iron bar planted at iAe poir-t od intere+lc Southerly limit of tM Canadian National Railway Rightgf-wayl THENCE South 47 degrees 48 ad.nutes 30 eeCOncb Mest elgitp 1 said Right-of-way a dlstanu of f0uttesN~ lwhdred and tllitl feet (1433.5') more or less to the PO1Ni OF CO1MBiC9dii.` 71tIRDLYs All that part of Lots Fifteen (15)• Sixt~ittn (lk), end the ori9inai Road Allowanc: betwNn ypte 16 and 17 in,the Hrek~ in the Township of Dulington lying $ottth of the Cenadeft ltati~ of-way, mora particularly described ee follpq~ ~'~Y: tt ~, ~_ r ~ ~ r "r ~~~ 3. - ,, f COhWF1rCING at an iron bar plantsd at.th!_peiat of intorssottsn limit of the Canadian National Railaay Ri~-t-af-ray ~iith !M Et11 said Lot 15, said iron bar distant Soathsrly in tM #.qt-w-tioi siz hundred and sixty-three ani ~ sne-iri+wlrsdths flit (Zfi6~3. North-Easterly angle thereof; ~~~. THENCE South 17 degrees 31 minutes East alaq.tl-e Bastarl~i list of ~id a distance of forty-three hundred slid sixty-find fdlit ~e3bi) ogle ~ lid i point of intersection with the High llstdr Itsrk of Ls~e Oatatio# THENCE in a general westerly direction along the High Matsst Mask of 1ue (being the Southerly 1loits of Nid :lots 15, 36r sad 17} t0 ~! 1+oit~C e!' section with the Westerly licit of acid Lat 17{> THENCE North 17 degrees 38 nirwtes Hest elOng life tf~tesly lid# 4f'.~isi+l FAT, a distance of seventy-five feet (75')lto sn iron bss;~aose~„yr lassie.. THENCE continuing Nozth 17 degrees 38 s~inutes Nlft alo~-! the lasteri ~, said Lot 17 a distance of thirty-three hundred aid fpm Aad nine- (3304.9') to an iron bar planted at the point of iM~srseCtion a-ith 1~ limit of the Canadian National RsilMay Night-bf-~wiy{ ~~ s THBJCE North 48 degrees 48 minutes Pest along tM SoYtAioRly llasit si'tlls Railway Right-of-way a distance Of leurtean hundred 1~~rLY•taq a~ t{-171 one-hundredths feet (1442.32') t0 the point of int+Nrpe ,, wie'~+ of said Lot 17, said point distsnt Southerly tMrelt~ t~-ii~l and one-tenth feet (3930.1') free the North-Eaatsa~lr e~1e thtSeebf{,~ THENCE North 47 degrees 48 minYtts 30 seCdnds H!t ~ontilMgiag a~:~pit Std limit of said Right-of-way a dists~e of sfwsnty-twb end six-bntbr'~ t to the point of intersection with tht Ngterly limit of said Lot 18 distant Southerly therein thirty-light Aundrsd aeM eltla~t-Wing and one-hundredths feet (3899.73') from the North-MMta~jr ~1t,tMrlOl, THEME North 47 degrees 48 minutes 30 seoa+ds Spat C4n¢1ny1Ag alsag 81 limit of acid Right-of-way a distsac~ of fpirtgia lws4h,'id `arid file twelve one-hundredths feet (1459.12') to an iroa bsT pist~ld in t~e;~it of said Lot 16; ~. , THENCE North 17 degrees 50 sdt~+as iMst sl+aq tho ~stor~y 111fit 01!+ a distance of twenty-sevenand !oily-four OrN-hA~n~dt~s.ffet (2'f bar; THENCE North 47 degrees 48 minutes 3D seconds:F,sst ~"~ lloA{{: limit of said Right-of-way a distM-ss of fourtMn slid xifty, eight one-Rundredths feet (1450.28') sgrs os lase tt- the lgIIfI.OE FOUR1NLYs All that pert of .Lot Sixbsn (16) 1n the.!#ale~a F said Township of Darlington lying South of the Ns~rtA oae bn~d a o Lot 16 and lying North of the Canadian Nstionsl Ref,;eviy ~iyhtjof- stkan particularly described as follows{ CONJdENCING at an iron bar planted at the point pf latersect/oa of a Easterly with the 1-estarly listit of said Lot 16, said irWf bsr diet in the lest-mentioned limit thirty-three hultdred sad aeventa~sa sird +~ cne-hundredths teat (3317.82') frog the North-MestM3'~y !1#pls th~Of,~ THENCE South 17 degrees 34 adttute!^.Hast along tisl~s;de1~~lQsid~sif ss' a distance of four hundred end.slxteen end nlnetY%one redt~s.t.#+ to an iron bar planted at the point of intersection ttl h Lftie Moe the Canadisn National Railway Right-of~ay; ,. THENCE North 47 degrees 48 minutes 30 sewrds Estt s14a~= ~i1~ NOr„ti1~3 the said Right-af-way a dUtanu of Lan hundred end gh$r:aME'~ feet {1438.1') to an iron bar plaiRad at ttir point Of~~Iyn~~o tRi~ running Westerly, said fence eisrki~ the Southerly liolZ of'~tMt acres of said Lot 16; ~ ~ ,~ `TS ig ¥ ,x i35c,~.... ~}~ ,~. ~,; y ~ TF a iii nSlj _ YN ~V w y THENCE South 71 degrees 29 minutes Hest in and aidnq the said fMCe #"i~it~wioe of nine hundred end forty-three and eighty-five one-hundredUtt felt (4#~~!'j,.~pre `` or less to the POINT OF COIY4?ICEMENT. ' FIFT}iLY: All that part of Lot Seventeen (17} in tM Sroken Front Ces~eesieN in thy, y said Township of Darlington lying South of th• North one hundred act`11# of laid ._:. Lot 17 and lying North of the Canadian National Railway Right-pf-~~ ~ iculariy_dsscribed as followsy, _ ~.". J;,~ COMIaFWCING at an iron bar planted at the point of intereection of Westerly with the Easterly limit of said Lot 1?, said iron bas,_dist~ ly in the last-mentioned licit thirty-three hundzrd end,twenty-six and wi411t hundredths feet (3326.08') from the Nosth-Easterly_Mgle thereof; w*..; .". ~, THENCE South 72 degrees 03 ednutes Meet along the said fence a diet~nce eix ,: hundred and sixty feet (660') to an iron bar; ~, TH12~ICCE South 71 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds Meat continwing •1 msrking the Southerly limit of the North one-Hundred acres of a~ production Westerly a distance of six hundred and sixty-two fNt iron bar planted in the 1lesteriy limit of said Lot ITT. THBdCE South 17 degrees 35 minutes 20 ascords East along tM Mesteri~ 1 said Lot 17 a distance of ten hundred and fifty-five and thirty-eight feet (1055.38') to an iron bar planted at the point of intersection +RitA Northerly limit of the Canadian National Railway Right-of-Maya THENCE North 46 degrees ag minutes 50 seconds East #loag the Na~rr2lr the said Right-of-way a distance of fourteen hundred ahd #ixty-fflw six one-hundredths feat (1465.36') ewe or less to an Train bar platttlid~ point of intersection with the leeterly lilt o£ said` Let 17~ #lidsa~-'hip distant Southerly thereon four hundred and tHirty~igie #lYd two ~ew.Ay4 feet (439.02') from the point of coaaaenceaent; nk r: .: THENCE North 17 degrees 34 minutes Me,;t along tM Ealbr3y list#;t of i1~~d LAI a distance of four hundred and thirtyynine and two-one-hundred}h= feert (+1,~! to the POINT OF 006iiQ7CH4ENT. October 27, 1965. ~~i. ~:.'+1~ 11. 0. &'liwnt ' , Qptario Lmt! St~royM an s "~'~~, ~' r.: t ,> w, r ~"" r :'~~ mo'd` ., £ ~, f ~, _ '~a _ Fx ; Y ixp ~' YP ' p.b yf- ... ,r V Y ~ d ZE x 6 ~{ ~' r. ~ . ~ $ r .3?: ~ 3,. s. ~. ,. " -y -:a "~ ,. r..: