HomeMy WebLinkAbout2333A by-law to provide for the widening and improvement of Township Rd. No. 10 known as Preston's Road and for the expropriating of certain lands required therefor. Y Y 2 5. Notwithstanding the foregoing the Reeve and the Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to negotiate with the owners and mortgagees and any other persons concerned to settle the compensation to be given for the said lands provided that the amount and nature of such compensation shall be confirmed by resolution of Council unless it is settled in accordance with the procedures contained in the Expropriation Procedures Act, R2~+'ri1D A FIRSTS SECONll AtJD THIRD TIr1E i1TTD r'ITdtILLY PASSED THIS -~ DAY OF JT7LY , 1966. w ~. • . . ~~~ n, Reeve Clerk :p •• 7~ ,~,,~.a~ DULL 33 3 SCHEDULE THE PARTS ENUMERATED HEREUNDER REFER TO LANDS EXPROPRlA7ED BY THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLICONCESSION PART LOT 20 I 2 21 ~ANp PLAN (~F PART OF LOTS 20 and 21 CONCESSION I TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON COUNTY OF DURHAM 1N ACCORDANCE WITH THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT AND THE EXPROPRIATION PROCEDURES ACT, 1962 19 SCALE: I inch = 50 feet I hereby certify that: I. This survey and plan are correct and in occordance with the .Registry Act and the Surveys Act and the regulations made thereunder; 2.1 was Dresent and did personally supervise the survey represented by this plan; 3.This plan contains a true copy the field notes of survey; 4. This survey was completed on the ~ F_ 10 rh day of aL11UE,1966. r ~ ~~ .. M.D. BROWN Oratorio Land Surveyor 1106 This plan is prepared under instructions and we hereby request that it be registered in the proper Registry Office. Doted at Hampton this./.1....day of .._. ... .. , 1966 J ~U/1ft.l./1, :Reeve `~./~,c~~~~-..Clerk REGISTRY OFFICE CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that this Dlan has been real telredo~clock~e9Mtas NurtberaT Bowmanville this ......day of ..............................1966, Registrar Bearings are derived from. the governing bearing of Concession I according to Municipal Survey N° 248 by C.G. Honning f?L.S. and dated August 13, 1867. - Indicates Standard Iron Bar planted in accordance with the Surveys Act and regulations made thereunder. Indicates cut stone monume~ D °BROWN CIVIL ENGINEER & ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 121 QUEEN STREET, BOWMANVILLE _ ~, DRAWN BY ~• CHECKED BY ~n~~• rcl E: I inch =50faet JOB N4 66067 I PLAN N$ TDL-3 N LOT CON. L7 w U a OD r ~ W - ~K'O L~. OG II ~-a w o, w rr JZQ ~~N z o-~ o' Q 7 w - ----) 66~ ~ Fd.C.S.M. N.E. ANGLE LAT 20, CON. I - `T _ _ __ ~ SIB. LOT 21 ~ . S.LB. p, 66 IQ( . . N H Q D_ M N M M W W3 F- 3 W -~ m N e N 2 w U Z 3 r a .•,,- ~ s~ s~ ~0 3A '~ a .I N - ~0 N ~ 0_ Q 4.. N 0 Z Q N A' N _'~ ~ s 0 4~ ~ ~; ~ 3 IlN fZ 20 W 0' U Q J ~ Q U - !-- ~' O II Q -w ZZQ J Q ~- ~~ Z~ Z Q Q ~ 0 z ,! N$ ~ i~ - ' ~. ~ ,~ ;\Zg3 "`~ RP~~-~P~ 1. % '~ / ~~ ~ ~ .` ~! ~ g5 ~~' ' v ~~// 1''~ c ~ ~N! ~ N i 1 Z ~-II Pp~P / ~ ,__ZI ~ / ~ ~' ~ I ~ S.W. ANGLE S.E. ANGL i I LOT 21 I yI LOT 20 -- -__.-~~ 6fi 11 CON.I CON.I ~u -- --- - - Fd.C.S.M. Replaced C.S.M. "RGSE withS.I.B.iburied) LINE