HomeMy WebLinkAbout2344A by-law to stop up and close those parts of the orignial road allowances between Lots 12 and 13 and between Lots 14 and 15 in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Darlington lying southerly of the lands owned by the Canadian National Railway, and providing for the sale thereof to the abutting owners. - 2 - 2. That the said part of the original Road Allowance between Lots 14 and 15 in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Darlington, known as Martin Road and being more particularly described in Schedule "B" hereto, be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up. 3, That the said parts of original Road Allowances between Lots 12 and 13 and between lots 14 and 15 hereby stopped-up and closed shall be offerred for sale to St. Mary's Cement Company Limited, the abutting owner of both parts of original Road Allowance `at the price of $ 9645.00 particulars of which are as follows: Between Lots 12 and 13, 6.2?~ acres ~ 750.00 = b4,bh8.75 Between Lots 1~F and 15, x.635 acres @ 750.00 = ~~+,976.25 Total Price, X9,645.00 4. That upon payment of the said $ 9645.00 purchase price by the St. Mary's Cement Company Limited, the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a conveyance of the said stopped up parts of original Road Allowances in favour of St. Mary's Cement Company .Limited and impress the Corporate Seal thereon. -Law given its first, and second reading this ~ T day o£ ~q-~"`T`c~r'`J 1866, By-Law given its third reading and finally passed, this / r ~ day of ~~c~~u--~-''"~' 1966, Reeve Clerk -~ ~ i ./elm L ++rr~?, rb .•.' + (N ~ , ~ y 1 f~~ flclaeiluie "B" ;~ I ?~ i4 j ALL AND SFNGULAR tha! certain paxcel cr tract of land tituata, Syiny araf! heir .. ~~ ~ ~~the TgMasahip of Darlington, in tl:e Gounty of Durham, in tine Proeince; of Or~tac.., ~ia;~ bainy composed of ali that part o£ tha original Road Allowance Urtrraen Ln'_ ,: 1""aurtesn {14} anJ Lot Fifteen (15) in the Lroken Prone toneass3.en i,n tr,e ... ~,! !..'o+rr.s7.ip o: Gariingtor,, lying South Qf tha Scutt~erly'lic.3t Qf the ~~^~,di•.r. "-•~. ~ i fail++ay Ri~y.t-of~rray, containing by aJmeaa;:rameTrt b,63S acre., t,ra tY=P sane ~:.. ~E ~le ,;:;ore particularly described as follows{ S 4+~tJ.l~1GIt~G aS an iron baT pl,~ntad at the point of itktervection c " .c yr t° - h "art+~xly limttof tt.e 4anedian Natiofl~l Rai3w~a}~ Right-of~.wcy c it! r4~e t, r.l, ,~i ~~1+.•ait ~f Sat l5, said iron tar diatant,SoufJ~erly !za ths+ 1a~t-r,err+ ..:ec' 11~:iz trQr.Y-six hurls-~i..~~q-thra4 and'tlw one-}lundrs~it+hs feet l'.-'. :" f:v ~ ~ ~,,urtt,-gas»ariy angle c;# Lot 1~, F~°oS:en goat 4a~+cy~gitsn,, ~~ ~f~"?'C'~ Soutia 17 Ci8[7x@py '1 nim§t~s '_-'ast alony~ Clete Wastexl ;~ '_iu.:..: ".~ ~ ~.' ~.toa:~ Allowance k,etwe~~r. Lots 21 anc f 'a distance of r"orty-tk~re~. Yiun~irt~ -r. ~! fivn'feat {4?.~`r5') to the point:. di it e. section with ,ohm Hi,k, :latar .~1~fr'k i i'~. Cntaric~ ,{ ~; ~iF'S ~"~~,Lw tCrl~~ .+l Jag '~~ >d1Lr t",[, f, '~ilter k.rs t~ a 4~j1tix1.4=' .t 1 "`i '~ : ;i ~norE~ os 1_,.:., to tY.~; e?hint ei 3n*_r>:se~tior. xr?+~. t1:r Er;4tar1" ~rl'_r.is, t .JFC: f,:llv'...~ns~'~ ~~ -. ~I .,<"S>v~ t;oitl'. 17 'ecrera '1 minutet,'1~eMt alunir t1:a Sag$a.i,= °_-~~:<. ., •,;.; •i_l:,v~anc4 a d:at..~ee c;f fo~.ty-tli~ee hun~rad and ninaty :raur =`. ~+' +} ~I Mess tc+ an irnn k'ar piante~ at tt>!t pdint of I,FtCeriact.or. kith », ~ `': , i': fli~tit o(' the Canadian :as+tic?r~i ztail1'.ay Right-o'-,:'raj, sari iinr• k + !I leily in the Vtestexll~ liriit ,~f 'ot it »;,,~,nt,-six hunrlxed ar.d t;".rt - {, !°>e'ean oi~s-hundradtb-s r ~ ~ ~ - ' ` ; .e,:. {..~~.67 } ,>cis tP.e-:;orE•tk~-fR~..teE1,. .,;1~ . , 4 ~ ..o.~en ~~ont Cc,ncess3onq ~!, °q"'f-~'i ~ Si"i att. ~'7. tl~s.,}X`P ¢c 1~ tUtP> ~~: 3t v lGS +~~>~t 21Qn+ th r. ~ ' ~t ' 1iI t +}1 se x i'fti+i dri~'r to ~ita~, ~d214~~~ }~>C~p{; t-'AF ,~~f ~ 4~iSt'u t'i~@ aF ~p"J 7 > ._ f~ p s~ 3 .lt~Y~7redt7_x i'aeE i~:~~J.x.i~ 1110x1x pr 1L"Btz t0 '~,8`~.,t~T E'~ :~ ._. j. ~p .. '+_a+f x§;v .x -.;mss. •~s~ ~~~-..~~'r.~-~~«~+~5;°~»-.._ ... ., r .- ~' /.. ~' ~i ~'~ (i C ?~ '~ r . 1~• s"^"rt," ,. 'i ~d i n+ •'r~ . (i ` ~; ~i ,i d ~~ ,; ,, ~, it /~ ~~ !~ !{~~ ~ .f t 1 "~` 9 ~~ ~~ 'j ~. fI i3' ~; ~~ ~ ~+ ~. _ ~ { °mew...:.~......,.~,_m.,.~~.,,,._-e~..-..:~_ ~; 1 __ .__ ^ • v ~ ~ ~ . u I}dSiCi South 17 degrees 33 minutes ib seconds East alone ;he K'este~''y kin~~ ; ' t; µ; said Road Allwrence a distance of forty-ane hundred and ts:~enty-nine ~.~~~' ^ir;Y:,.- ~' tontha:feet {A129.$'} to the poin# of intersection witY, the. ;lortf~rtt~,~ l~r.it ~~:` `:. ` r fdsmer Bertram'Realty Property; TH#l7CE HOSth 2~ degrees 5£3 minutes 3Q seconds East along t}:e last-~• ~nti::neci ,t,, a distance of Mix and nine-tenths feet (6.9') to an an~la ;n tt ;a:.l i °'tq ]7i~lCE North 35 degrse~ 4b winutas 34 asconda East corltin.~i:~y aloe: t~,~ r1"^: !•, limit of the forawr 8~i'trar~ [~eaityy Property a distance of ssver.ty-six so 4` i +,- eight one-hundredths feet.{76.3$') to the point of intersection with ,..e La..tc.!t 11mit of the 9~lid Road Ai'lowancey ~.. 17iENCE North 17 degrees 3II minutes l0 seconds West along the :arts>ly 1; ~. - t' said :3oad Allowance a di&tance of four thousand tnd ei~,l;ty-eSgi t ' m* t `'~''~~ ' or l;a.s tc they point of intersection with tk:e Scutt+erly lioiit',af t;.„ ~~ad` a- National Railwa~^ Right-cf-ways ~j ~ ,~. • ,.. ~-....,. y w., ' ~' F a. • a MF /l~ .. ~rr~~ a. ~k •, ?• ~~ pp 5 n '~` tp M 9 ~~.• n; u '. ~' 3 __ K ... • AtI. AWD BIMGtLAA tAat certain panel or tract of-nand situate, lying and being in YoweisAlp pt Darlingtoe-a.tn tAe County .et Durham, in the province of Dntario, ea~i t+eing taesppsed et ell tl+~t part- of the original Road Allowance. between Lot I1ct1vR (l2) af+d Lot Yhirtaen {13) it- tt-e Broken Front Concession in the said ii Yownahip of D~cs•iington, lying South of the Southerly limit of the Canadian 1'•aticna~ &ailway Eiight-o#-wey-and Horth of that portion of .the said E2aa Al loi=rance c.>nveyae.~ ky tAe Municipal Corporation of the Yownship of Darlington as Inatruu~ent ,:w^,~Fer 15214 for the 2osa-akip cf Aariington,.containin~ by admpasurement 6.? C ages, ~~ the sans anre os lesa~ more particularly described sa Pollowsl `+ CQN•Ait$JIGII~EG at tAe poi.-ef intersection of Q`,e Southerly limit n# thr C_r.a3ian Hgtional Railway,P."~ght*•o#-fi+ay with the. F~asterly limit of~l.ot 13, aafd }~~,;int d~ ta•~ _ S,ou~,har~y~ f,n tti!a1 11-tt-oentionod lirtdt' fifteen hundred and sixty-fS.ve Ana sir,-ten+i. ,ts t {2~,y 6'~ troe'the North-Easterl an le of Lot l3 Broken Frertit ~onc>s,ic,n• ,i ,~ _ T} ~.>1Mesterly -0~ ay'ouave tt+-tha~~P'C'a~fb uouther~y 1S~m,~t of t`a +c~: ~~_ !' ~x~~. "##~-of-way, said eurv~a Paving a radius of~30~ .~4 feat, p chord of'F.c`,,. :e,.~, ~~~ ~ awl a'chord bea'rir~~ of Se~eah ~+ ~-sgrees 44 minutes 2C :;eeonda .'e ,t, a+ xc 'i ~ ,,_f , of sixty-six a~;si six-tenter feat (56.6') r.~cre or less te, the PC':IUT CF .CtL1Rt:. ., ; ii t~ ; T:o~.~err~er lti, 19f+f,, ~~~ ~-w i Orta. '. ,c ~,3iN-. 6 ~, ~~ , ii~ !~ I f ,,; ~ $$ •b ~. f~ '..~~~. f•, LARGE FORMAT MAP ATTACHE D TO ORIGINAL