HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/26/2000MUNICIPALITY OF larington ONTARIO REPORT N1 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 26, 2000 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, JUNE 19, 2000 RECOMMENDATIONS: I• RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION a) Report TR -37 -00 - Supplier Information Night b) Report FD -09-00 L- c) Report WD -29-00 2. 3 - Monthly Fire Report - May, 2000 - Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for May, 2000 FORTHWITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR COUNCIL'S RATIFICATION (a) Report TR -40-00 - (b) Report ADMIN -17-00 - Quotation Q2000-2, Rink Board Signs Connect Ontario Grant Program (c) Other Business Correspondence from Ms. Dawn Vale re: Community Festival DEVELOPMENT CHARGES STUDY AND BY-LAW 2000 THAT Report TR -36-00 be tabled for two weeks to allow for staff to respond in writing to all the concerns raised at the Public Meeting, CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON i 40 TEMPERANCE STREET • BOWMANVILLE • ONTARIO • L1C 0A6 • (905) 620.7779 • FAX 6234169 WEBSITE. www.muniupality. clanngtpn.on.ca •chum.. Report #1 2 - June 19. 2000 4. AMENDMENT TO THE DURHAM REGION OFFICIAL PLAN APPLICANT: JOE DOMITROVIC THAT Report PD -059-00 be received: THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be advised that the Municipality of Clarington recommends approval of the application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan (ROPA 99-013) as submitted by Joe Domitrovic provided that he meets all of the municipal requirements; THAT the Rezoning and Clarington Official Plan amendment process be initiated; THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of Report PD -059-00: and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD -059-00 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 5. FENCING OPEN SPACE LANDS THAT Report PD -060-00 be received; THAT the Municipality's standard subdivision agreement include the requirement that 1.2 metre (4 ft.) high galvanized chain link fencing be installed on lots abutting open space areas; THAT the requirement for fencing of open space lands be applied to all future phases of plans of subdivision which have been draft approved; THAT the Municipality's standard site plan agreement include the requirement that 1.5 m (5 ft.) chain link fencing be installed along the boundaries of commercial or industrial development abutting open space areas, subject to variance by the Director of Public Works and Director of Planning and Development where appropriate; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD -060-00 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Report #1 - 3 - June 19. 2000 6. HALLOWAY HOLDINGS LIMITED REZONING APPLICATION AND AMENDMENTS TO DRAFT APPROVAL PART LOTS 11 AND 12, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE — LONGWORTH AVENUE AND HIGH STREET THAT Report PD -061-00 be received; THAT the draft approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-82037, as revised and dated October, 1999 as per Attachment #2 to Report PD -061-00 be approved subject to the conditions of Draft Approval as set out in Attachment #4 to Report PD -061-00; THAT the draft approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-87087, as revised and dated November, 1999 as per Attachment #3 to Report PD -061-00 be approved subject to the conditions of Draft Approval as set out in Attachment #5 to Report PD -061-00; THAT application DEV 98-068 submitted by G.M. Sernas and Associates on behalf of Halloway Holdings Limited to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, as amended, be approved and that the amending by-law be forwarded to Council for approval; k THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By-law, to execute the amending Subdivision Agreement between the Owner of the revised Draft Plans of Subdivision 18T-82037 and 18T-87087; THAT a copy of Report PD -061-00 be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and THAT a By-law to remove the (H) Holding symbol be forwarded to Council once the applicant has entered into the amending subdivision agreement (s) with the Municipality. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY LOTS 61,62 & 63, PLAN HAYDON — PART 4, IOR 1131 PT. LOT 14, CONCESSION 8, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON THAT Report PD -062-00 be received; and THAT Council declare the property identified as Lots 61, 62 and 63, Plan Haydon, Part 4, 10R 1131, as surplus and offered for sale. Report It 1 - 4 - June 19. 2000 8. AMENDMENT TO APPOINTMENT BY-LAW THAT Report CD -26-00 be received; and THAT Schedule "A" to By-law 99-152, being a By-law to Appoint a By-law Enforcement Officer, be amended to replace the list of Park Wardens with a new list of current officers. 9. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON'S COAT OF ARMS THAT Report CD -27-00 be received; THAT the current coat of arms of the Municipality of Clarington be modified by adding a collar to the white horses, such collar to include a trillium and an apple blossom; and THAT the Municipal Clerk proceed with the process of having the coat of arms granted by the Chief Herald of Canada. 10. PARKING ENFORCEMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2000 THAT Report CD -28-00 be received for information; and THAT a copy of Report CD -28-00 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. It. ANIMAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT FOR MONTH OF MAY 2000 THAT Report CD -29-00 be received for information; and THAT a copy of Report CD -29-00 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. 12. PROPOSED FENCE BY-LAW THAT Report CD -30-00 be received; and THAT the Fence By-law attached to Report CD -30-00 be forwarded to Council for approval. Report #1 -5 June 19. 2000 13. THREE HOUR FREE PARKING - DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE WHEREAS the parking lots in downtown Bowmanville have been designated as free parking on an experimental basis; AND WHEREAS the experiment has been successful by all accounts: AND WHEREAS the free designation was requested by the Bowmanville BIA to give them some level of equality with the east and west end developments: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the downtown parking lots at Division and Church Streets (north and south sides), the lot on Silver Street and a new lot at 20 King Street be designated as three hour free parking on a permanent basis and that the BIA be so notified. 14. TRANSFERS TO RESERVE AND RESERVE FUNDS - YEAR END 1999 THAT Report TR -29-00 be received; and THAT the transfers to the Reserves/Reserve Funds identified in Report TR -29-00 be approved. 15. ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT CHARGES RESERVE FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1999 THAT Report TR -38-00 be received for information: and THAT a copy of Report TR -38-00 be sent to Linda Gasser for her information. 16. CASH ACTIVITY REPORT -JANUARY, 2000 THAT Report TR -39-00 be received; THAT, in accordance with provision of Chapter M-45, Section 79 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the month ended January 31, 2000, is as shown on the schedule attached to Report TR -39-00; and THAT Part "A" of the expenditures for the month of January 2000, be confirmed. Report #1 - 6 - June 19. 2000 17. BY-LAW 90-178 — OPEN AIR BURNING THAT Report FD -10-00 be received: THAT open air burning in the Municipality of Clarington continue to be restricted, in accordance with the Municipality's By-law; THAT By-law 90-178 be amended in Paragraph 1 by adding the words "unless approved by the Fire Chief or his designate" after the words "open air"; and THAT By-law 90-178 be further amended by deleting Paragraph 2(a) and replacing it with "small confined fires. supervised at all times and used to cook food on a grill or barbecue." 18. CANADA DAY 2000 THAT Report CS -11-00 be received; THAT parking fees for Orono Park be waived on July I" (Canada Day); and THAT Mr. John Fletcher be advised of actions taken. 19. INTERSECTION SAFETY REVIEWS — DARLINGTON/COURTICE; NASH ROAD AT HOLT ROAD, NASH ROAD AT GREEN ROAD, NASH ROAD AT SOLINA ROAD, TRULLS ROAD AT PEBBLESTONE ROAD, AND NASH ROAD AT TRULLS ROAD THAT Report WD -20-00 be received: THAT an all -way stop be introduced at the intersection of Nash Road and Holt Road; THAT streetlights be installed for illumination at the intersection of Trulls Road and Pebblestone Road _ _ring 2000; THAT additional pavement marks igs be applied at the intersections of Nash Road and Holt Road, Nash Road and G; :en Road, and Nash Road and Soling Road; THAT the Public Works Department and the By-law Enforcement Division continue to review and enforce the Zoning By-law as it pertains to sight triangles and intersection safety; THAT the Public Works Department, Engineering Division, review future policies regarding utility pole placements; and Report til - 7 - June 19, 2000 THAT Durham Region Police be encouraged to provide enforcement of posted 60 km/hr speed limits on Holt Road south of Nash Road and rolling stop violations at the intersection of Trulls Road and Pebblestone Road, as often as manpower permits. 20. STAGE 1 REPORT FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS OFFICIALS "WHO DOES WHAT" COMMITTEE THAT Report WD -30-00 be received; THAT the "Who Does What" Service Review - Stage 1 Report from the Public Works Officials within Durham be endorsed; THAT the Public Works Officials' WDW Committee be the forum for on-going review of the roads network (rationalization) and depot locations (optimization) to provide a periodic evaluation mechanism for these business programs: THAT the Public Works Officials WDW Committee draft Terms of Reference and a Request for Proposal document to solicit proposals from external resources to conduct Stage 11 of this Review; THAT cost-sharing arrangements between the Region of Durham and Area Municipalities with respect to funding the proposed Stage 11 of the Review be explored; THAT a further report related to Stage 11 issues be brought forward: and THAT a copy of Report WD -30-00, along with a copy of Council's response, be forwarded to the Region of Durham. 21. PUBLIC WORKS 2000 BUDGET CAPITAL PROJECTS STATUS RF.PnAm THAT Report WD -31-00 be received; THAT a sidewalk be constructed on the north side of Nash Road between Trulls Road and Courtice Road and that the sidewalk on the south side of Nash Road be widened along with the placement of asphalt boulevards to accommodate the high volume of students and other pedestrians; THAT funds required to accommodate the projected Nash Road budget overrun be obtained by rescheduling the Townline Road Sidewalk Project to 2001, by deferring Green Road and Martin Road surface asphalt until 2001 and by directing other projected savings from the surface asphalt contract towards the Nash Road project; Report #1 - 8 - June 19. 2000 THAT Public Works Staff report back to Council at their June 26, 2000 meeting to recommend the award of the Nash Road reconstruction project and to provide an update on the project budget based on the tenders received June 14, 2000: and THAT Public Works Staff report back to the General Purpose and Administration Committee after the information centre for the Centre Street project and provide an update on the project status.